Types of Experiments Flashcards
What is a lab experiment?
an experiment. that is conducted in a controlled environment, eg a laboratory, and allows researchers to manipulate the IV to measure the effect on the DV.
Strengths of lab experiments?
- can establish a clear cause and effect.
- high internal validity.
- easy to replicate.
Limitations of lab experiments?
- lacks external/ecological validity.
- lacks mundane realism.
- could experience demand characteristics.
What is a field experiment?
a research method that uses some controlled elements of traditional lab experiments, but takes place in natural, real-world settings.
Strengths of field experiments?
- increased external/ecological validity.
- increased mundane realism.
- no demand characteristics.
Limitations of field experiments?
- lack of control eg over extraneous variables.
- reduced internal validity.
- participant variables could affect results.
- no consent given from ‘participants’.
What is a natural experiment?
carried out in natural conditions, where the researcher is unable to manipulate the IV, and so examines the effect of a naturally occurring variable on the DV.
Strengths of natural experiments?
- allows research into IVs that would be unethical to manipulate.
- high external/ecological validity.
- no risk of demand characteristics.
Limitations of natural experiments?
- can’t be replicated.
- difficult to establish cause and effect.
- extraneous variables can’t be controlled.
What is a quasi experiment?
when the IV can’t be randomly assigned because it is an innate difference of the participants themselves.
Strengths of quasi experiments?
- only way to study pre-existing characteristics.
- realistic/high ecological validity as naturally occurring.
Limitations of quasi experiments?
- confounding variables - other differences between participants that can’t be changed/controlled.
- can’t control extraneous variables.