Self Report Flashcards
What is the self-report technique?
Any method in which a person is asked to states or explain their own feelings, opinions, behaviors, and/or experiences related to a given topic.
What is a questionnaire?
A set of written questions used to assess a person‘s thoughts and/or experiences.
What is a fixed option question?
A question with the predetermined number of answers.
What is a closed question?
A question that offers a small number of explicitly stated, alternative responses and no opportunity to expand on answers. They generate quantitative data.
What is an open question?
A question that allows participants to give full and detailed answers in their own words. They generate qualitative data.
What is a rating scale?
It means of assessing attitudes or experiences by asking a respondent to write statements on a scale. Eg 1-10.
What is a likert scale?
Respondents can indicate the extent to which they agree or disagree with a statement. Usually five levels; strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and strongly disagree.
Define social desirability bias.
The tendency for respondents to answer questions in such a way that presents themselves in a better light.
Define response bias (acquiescence bias).
The tendency for interviewees to respond in the same way to all questions, regardless of context.
What is a leading question?
A question which, because of the way, it is phrased, suggests a certain answer.
What is an unstructured interview?
The interview starts out with some general aims and possibly some questions, unless the interviewee’s answers guide subsequent questions.
What is a structured interview?
Any interview where the questions are decided in advance, basically a questionnaire delivered by a person.
What is a semi-structured interview?
An interview that combines some predetermined questions (as in a structured interview) and some questions developed in response to answers given (as in an unstructured interview).
What makes a good question?
• concise and unambiguous.
• avoid double questions.
• ask for precise answers.
• avoid questions with double negatives.
• avoid leading questions.
• avoid social desirability bias.
• consider years of analysis.
What are the strengths of questionnaires?
• easy to administer. Can be sent or emailed to many participants, making them time and cost-effective.
• they are easily repeated.
What are the weaknesses/limitations of questionnaires?
• social desirability bias may be a problem.
• response bias/acquiescence bias may be a problem.
• no flexibility to allow for collection of unexpected data.
What are the strengths of structured interviews?
• they are easily repeated.
• interviews are standardized, so require less skill to administer.
What are the weaknesses/limitations of structured interviews?
• data is restricted.
• social desirability bias may be a problem.
What are the strengths of unstructured interviews?
• they enable the researcher to deal with any ambiguous questions by giving further explanation.
• more detailed information can be obtained that may not be accessible to predetermined questions.
What are the weaknesses/limitations of unstructured interviews?
• interviewer/researcher bias is an issue.
• responses are more difficult to analyze, especially because they may be unpredictable.