tx Flashcards
o Broad spectrum antibiotics.
o GCSF administration to stimulate production of granulocytes from marrow precursors.
Hemophagocytic Lymphohistocytosis (HLH)
- Immunosuppressive drugs and ‘mild’ chemotherapy.
- Germline mutations or persistent/resistant disease: HSC transplantation
C/SLL (chronics,small lymphocytic leukemia)
- Gentle chemotherapy.
- Immunotherapy with Abs to surface proteins (CD20).
- HSC transplant is offered to young pts.
- BTK inhibitors.
multiple myeloma (plasma cell myeloma)
Proteasome inhibitors: Degrade unwanted proteins (cells are prone to accumulation of misfolded, unpaired Ig chains). Induce cell death and retard bone resorption (thru stromal cells).
Bisphosphonates: Inhibit bone resorption, can exacerbate renal complications of disease, ensure pt is adequately hydrated! Follow Cr.
HSC transplant prolongs life but is not curative.
-lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma:
Low dose chemo and immunotherapy (antiCD20) may control tumor growth for a bit
mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)
HSC and proteasome inhibitors are now being used with potential.
chemo not helpful
hairy cell leukemia
Exceptionally sensitive to gentle chemo = long lasting remission.
Relapse in 5 yrs but respond well to reTx with same agents.
BRAF inhibitors = excellent tumor response in pts who fail chemo
Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma
chemo cure: 75-80%
recombinant antiCD30 abs
Extranodal NK/T-cell Lymphoma
Respond well to radiation.
Resistant to chemo
Hodgkin Lymphoma
o . Low stage 1st cured with involved field radiotherapy: increased risk of radiotherapy induced malignancies (lung cancer, melanoma, breast cancer).
o 2° tumors reduced by using minimal radiation and less genotoxic chemo w/o loss of therapeutic efficacy.
o AntiCD30 Abs produce excellent response in pts failing conventional methods
- 80% of t(15:17) are cured with ATRA + arsenic salts.
- T(8:21), inv(16) w/o KIT mutation = good prognosis with chemo.
- Follow MDS or genotoxic therapy, in older adults, or returned AML = dismal prognosis for these high risk.
- HSC transplant is performed with ‘high-risk’ disease
Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)
- HSC transplant in young pts.
- Older pts receive abx and transfusions.
- Thalidomide-like drugs and DNA methylation inhibitors.
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
- 90% of pts achieve remission with BCR-ABL inhibitors
- HSC may be offered to young pts (75% cured)..
Polycythemia Vera (PCV or PV)
Essential Thrombocytosis (ET)
gentle chemo to suppress thrombopoiesis
Primary Myelofibrosis (PM)
- Difficult :/
- JAK2 inhibitors for splenomegaly and s/s and HSC in young pts.
Multifocal Multisystem Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (letterer-siwe Disease)
intensive chemo