TW CHANNEL Flashcards
What is the primary pathway of TW
Tip of 4th finger – wrist – lateral side arm – GV14 – supraclav - chest - PC – 3 Jiao - NECK - TEMPLE - CHEEK - Infra orbital
Branch 2 - behind ear – ear – front of ear – OUTER canthus of eye
TW 3 – EAR point
Where is TW Luo
What is primary focus?
TW 5 – post side arm – over shoulder – chest – converges PC
Xu - FLACCIDITY of Elbow
—MAIN FOCUS IS EXTERIOR (most exterior acting)
What do all TW points do?
Belongs to FIRE — TREAT HEAT
Why does TW connect with Tongue?
Sinew channel connects with Tongue
TW 1
Similar to PC 9
What are the main Actions of TW points? (4)
Clearing heat - febrile (Wei Qi Level) - Upper burner (LU)
Soothing HT and calming spirit
Harmonizing the three jiao - vomiting, constipation
— Controls Fluids in body (Pathway of Qi transformation, Drainage of Water) — EDEMA — DAMPNESS
Disorders of FU organs – use Lower HS and Front Mu points
Which TW point
Disperses upper jiao heat and benefits the ears (eyes, throat, gums)
Calms Spirit
Activates channel and alleviates pain (local disorders of wrist, hand, fingers)
TW 2 **
YS, Water
Which TW point Benefits ears (main distal point for Xs conditions) Heaviness of body, and pain of joints Clears heat (especially in upper reaches of channel) Clears head and eyes Activates the channels and alleviates pain
TW 3
SS, Wood, Mother point
#1 Distal Ear point (Xs - Wind heat, poison heat)
Heaviness, pain of joints along channel
Acute Lumbar Sprain on Lateral side of body (GB)
What are 2 other Hand points that correspond with TW points? PC points?
Yaotongxue Luozhen LI 3 (toothache) LI 4 (head) SI 3 (Du Mai - acute lumbar pain, HA-occiput, ..)
Which TW point Relaxes sinews and alleviates pain (local or along channel - wrist, arm, shoulder, neck) Clears heat (upper channel: deafness, throat; febrile dz, malaria) Wasting and thirsting disorder
TW4 **
Channel Disorders - Yuan Source on Yang channel — CHANNEL
Mirror Point - ST 41
SI 4 is also a Yuan Source – Wasting and thirsting disorders
What TW Point
Confluent point of Yang Wei Mai
- expels wind and releases exterior (esp. Wind heat)
- clears heat
- benefits the head and ears
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
TW 5 (Luo-Connecting) **
+ GB 41 - Outer Canthus, Ear, Cheek, Neck, Shoulder, Altern chills and fevers
DU 14 (All stages-Tai, Yang, Shao), LI 4 (TaiYang-Yuan S), LI 11 (YangMing-HS), TW 5 (ShaoYang)
TW 5 + GB 41 HA Temporal
TW 5 + GB 43 HA - due to LV Fire (or LV Yang)
What does Shaoyang refer to in seasons?
Spring - Yang Qi begins to grow (11pm)
Bed before 9pm
What TW point
Regulates Qi and clears heat in three jiao
- upper jiao: ear, eye, cheek, throat, neck
- middle jiao: pain of ribs and lateral costal region
- lower jiao: constipation, Gyn
Activates channel and alleviates pain
Sudden loss of voice due to wind-heat
TW 6 (JR, Fire) ***
“FLying Tiger” - hypochondriac
# 1 point for moving QI and clearing HEAT in 3 jiao
Float the Boat - TW 6, SP 6, KD 6
TW 6 + GB 39 - channel dis. upp. limb and shoulder (wandering painful obstruction (Marrow)
Which TW point
Transforms phelgm and dissipates nodules (scrofula)
Regulates Qi and descends rebellion
Calms spirit, clears heat from channel
Activates channel and alleviates pain (elbow, arm, shoulder, neck)
Counterflow Qi, pain in elbow
TW 10 (HS, Earth, Child) **
Counterflow Qi, Pain
Which TW point
Dispels wind-damp
Alleviates pain and benefits the shoulder
TW 14
+SI 9, LI 15 (+Jianqian)
Which TW point
Dispels wind-damp, activates the channel and alleviates pain
Unbinds the chest and regulates Qi
Local stiffness, pain and spasm in shoulder, neck, scapula
TW 15**
Which TW point
Benefits the head and sense organs (eyes and ears)
Regulates and descends Qi
Window of Heaven
Sudden onset of hearing loss due to excess Qi
TW 16 **
Descends rebellious qi
Which TW point
Benefits ears
Eliminates wind (Int//Ext - facial paralysis, lockjaw)
Clears heat
Alleviates the channel and alleviates pain
TW 17 ***
Wind point (exterior or interior)
+HT 5 - Sudden loss of voice
What TW point
Benefits the ears
Benefits the teeth (swelling and pain of gums) and eyes (redness, swelling, pain)
Mumps, HA
TW 20 **
Flash burning rush - moxa (common rush)
Which TW point
Ear problems
TMJ, and upper jaw toothache
TW 21***
Which TW point
Eliminates wind (deviation of face and eye, HA, dizziness, epilepsy)
Alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes (twitching, reddness, swelling, pain, blurred vision)
TW 23 **