EXAM 1 - CV, GV, Intro Flashcards
What are the fxns of: JW YS SS JR HS
- Jing-Well points for fullness below the Heart (clear heat, restore consciousness, uppermost channel)
- Ying-Spring points for heat in the body
- Shu-Stream points for heaviness of the body and pain of the joints (Yin=Yuan Source point treat organs, Yang-channel)
- Jing-River points for cough and dyspnea, chills and fever (dis. of sinews/bones; dis. of voice)
- He-Sea points for counterflow of Qi and diarrhea
How many Yuan Source points?
On channel
How many Luo connecting points?
12 + 3
CV 15, GV 1, SP 21
What is Host-Guest method?
Host: Yuan Source of affected channel
Guest: Luo of connecting Yin-Yang pair
How many Xi Cleft points?
12 + 4
4 EVs - Yin/Yang Motility, Yin/Yang Linking
What do Xi Cleft treat?
Acute pain
Yin channel Xi Cleft also treat blood disorders
What are the 8 HUI meeting points?
Zang - LV 13 Fu - CV 12 Blood - BL 17 Qi - CV 17 Vessels - LU 9 Sinews - GB 25 Marrow - BL 11 Bone - GB 39
What do the paired confluent points treat?
KD 6 + LU 7
Ren Mai
Throat, Chest, Lung
What do paired confluent points treat?
SP 4 + PC 6
Chong Mai
Stomach, Heart Chest (Malaria)
What do paired confluent points treat?
SI 3 + BL 62
Du Mai
inner canthus, ear, nape of neck, scapula, chills & fever
What do paired confluent points treat?
TW 5 + GB 41
outer canthus, ear, cheek, neck, shoulder, alternate attacks of chills & fever
How many Command points are there?
4 or 6 LI 4 (face and mouth LU 7 (head and nape of neck) ST 36 (abdomen) BL 40 (back)
PC 6 - (chest and lateral costal)
GV 26 - rescusutation
What CV points are you tested on?
- ***: CV3, CV4, CV6, CV12, CV17
- ** : CV8, CV14, CV22, CV23
- : CV1, CV2, CV9, CV10, CV13, CV15, CV24
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 22, 23, 24
Benefits the Bladder, regulates Qi transformation, drains Dampness/Damp-Heat
Benefits the Uterus and regulates menstruation
Dispels stagnation and benefits the Lower Warmer
Fortifies the Kidneys
Tonifies and nourishes the KD; fortifies original Qi and benefits the Essence; fortifies KD-Yang(Fire of Gate of Life) and restores collapse of Yang
Regulates the Lower Warmer: benefits the Bladder, Uterus, regulates Small Intestine Qi
Warms and fortifies the SP
CV 3
Front Mu BL
Tonifies and nourishes the KD; fortifies original Qi and benefits the Essence; fortifies KD-Yang(Fire of Gate of Life) and restores collapse of Yang
Regulates the Lower WarmTonifies and nourishes the KD; fortifies original Qi and benefits the Essence; fortifies KD-Yang(Fire of Gate of Life) and restores collapse of Yang
Regulates the Lower Warmer: benefits the Bladder, Uterus, regulates Small Intestine Qi
Warms & fortifies the SP
CV?er: benefits the Bladder, Uterus, regulates Small Intestine Qi
Warms & fortifies the SP
CV 4 **
Tonifies Qi (Original Qi) and Yang, moves Qi and regulates Qi
Tonifies the Kidneys and fortifies Yang, rescues collapse of Yang
Harmonizes blood
Builds and moves Qi
CV 6 **
Warms Yang and Rescues collapse
Warms and Harmonizes the intestines
Extreme weakness or deficiency
CV 8 ***
Regulates the anterior & posterior Yin Orifices
Drains Damp-Heat
Calms the spirit (Ghost pt.)
Revives from drowning
CV 1 **
Benefits urination
Regulates the Lower Warmer
Warms and invigorates KD
Lower abdomen pain
CV 2 **
Regulates the water passages and treats edema
Harmonizes the intestines and dispels accumulation
CV 9 **
Harmonizes the Middle Warmer and Descends Rebellion
Tonifies the ST & SP
Regulates Qi and Alleviates Pain
All diseases of ST (Xu/Xs, Cold/Hot, Int/Ext)
CV 12 **
Front Mu ST
Regulates the Heart and Alleviates Pain Transforms Phlegm and Calms the Spirit Descends Lung-Qi and Unbinds the Chest Harmonizes Stomach and Descends Rebellion Front-Mu of the Heart
CV 14 ***
Regulates the Heart and Calms the Spirit (descending HT Qi)
Descends Lung-Qi and Unbinds the Chest (rebellious LU Qi)
Luo-Connecting point of CV, Skin problems
CV 15 **
Regulates and Benefits Gathering Qi
Descends Rebellious Qi of the LU and ST
Benefits the Breasts and Promotes Lactation
Front-Mu pt of the PC
CV 17 **
Hui-Meeting pt of QI
Point of the SEA of QI
Descends Rebellious Qi and Alleviates Cough/Wheezing
Benefits the Throat and Voice
Point of the Window of Heaven
CV 22 ***
Benefits the Tongue and Regulates Salivation
Descends Qi and Alleviates Cough
CV 23***
Not commonly used
Extinguishes wind and benefits the face Regulates the CV Meeting point of CV, GV, LI & ST Facial disorders such as paralysis, edema, toothache Excessive salivation
CV 24 **
How many Meridian points are there?
12 channels + Du/Ren mai