SI - Channel Flashcards
What are disorders of fluids?
Diabetes - sugar (food essence)
Night Sweats
What areas does SI Channel affect?
Post Arm - Shoulder = scapula –
GV 14 - supraclav fossa
HT – ST & SI (ST 39)
Branch 1 – supraclav. - neck - cheek - outer canthus of eye - ear (SI 19)
Branch 2 – cheek - infraorbit region - nose - inner canthus (BL1)
What are connection
Eyes (inner and outer canthus)
Where does LUO connectiong channel
SI 7 – connects with HT - Ascends along arm - shoulder (LI 15)
XS - slackness of joints and inability to move the elbow
Xu - Warts
SI Divergent Channel
Diverges from the primary channel at the shoulder
Enters the axilla to connect with HT & SI
How is SI connected to Breast Disorders
Fluid connection – scanty
CV 17 - crossing point (not as convincing)
Which SI point is good for psychoemotional issues?
SI 7 (LUO - HT)
Which SI Point?
Clears heat and benefits the sensory orifices
Revives Consciousness
Promotes Lactation and benefits the breasts (Insufficient)
Excess heat in head/face
Febrile Disease
SI 1 ***
Jing Well
Breast milk and Blood are similar in origin
Acute Mastitis
What SI Point:
Regulates the GV; Clears Heat and benefits sensory orifices
Pain, stiffness and contraction along SI, BL and GV: occipital HA, stiff neck, acute lumbar sprain
Heaviness of body and pain in joints
Febrile Disease - Malaria, Chills and Fever
SI 3
Confluent pt. of GV (SI 3 + BL 62) - inner canthus, ear, nape of neck, scapula
+LI 3 treats Hand
+HT 6 - Nightsweats
What Points treats Nightsweats?
SI 3 + HT 6
What points treat Mania and Depression?
SI 3 + BL 62
What SI Point:
Activates the channel and alleviate pain; Clears heat and reduces swelling; Clears damp-heat and treat jaundice
Jaundice, wasting and
SI 4
Yuan Source Point
Jaundice - Fluids - Dampness
Prevent Constipation
What SI Point:
Activates the channel and alleviates pain such as frozen shoulder, stiff neck and acute lumbar sprain; Moderates acute conditions;
Benefits the eyes such as blurred vision, dimness, and disease (Xu); ‘Support the Aged’
SI 6 *** Xi-Cleft 'Support the Aged' -- eyes (CHRONIC, Xs or Xu) Aqueous Fluid SI 3 and SI 6 (for PAIN)
What SI Point?
Clears heat and releases the exterior; Calms the spirit
Activates the channel and alleviates pain; benefits the finger joints; Warts
SI 7 **
Luo Connecting
+HT 7 psychoemotional disorders, febrile disorders
What points good for psychoemotional disorders (febrile disease)?
SI 7 + HT 7
What 7 points can be used for Shoulder?
SI 9, 10, 11, 13, 12, 14, 15
Chain and Lock – SI 3/4 + 8 + 9/10
Which 2 points can be used to treat Infraspinatus Tendonitis?
SI 11 + SI 10
Which 2 points can be used for Supraspinatus Tendonitis?
SI 12 + SI 13
Which points can be used for Dyspnea?
SI 14 + SI 15
What SI point?
Activates the channel and alleviates pain especially in scapula, shoulder and arm; Pain, swelling and abscess of breast, insufficient lactation?
SI 11 ***
Referred pain from Gall Bladder (Infl’m) will shrink
What SI point?
Eliminates Wind and alleviates pain - facial disorders due to exterior or interior wind (facial paralysis, trigeminal neuralgia)
SI 18
Local Wind Point
What SI Point?
Benefits the ears, Calms the spirit
Ear disorders of any kind
TMJ pain and Inflammation
SI 19 ***
Which 1 star points can be used to resolve heat?
SI 2 and SI 5
Which SI point can be used to treat Damp - scrofula?
SI 8
Earth Point and HS
What are Phys. Fxns of SI
Receives… Rots & Ripens
Transforms, then transmits to SP
Separates Clear from Turbid (Clear = essence of food/water, Turbid = waste; Also, Clear = urine from Turbid = stool)
Disorders of FLUIDS (Qi, Blo, Jing, Fluid = CSF, Amniotic, Pleural, ..)
Clear should RISE, Turbid should SINK…
Improve SI Fxn, get more nutrition from food
If isn’t Fxn, Stool will be Diarrhea (Pathology)
FRONT MU - CV 4 (Tonify Qi/Blo)