ST - Channel Flashcards
Where are the Branches of Primary Channel?
Branch 1 - ST 5 – THROAT – GV14 –supraclav fossa–diaphragm– ST&SP
Branch 2 - supraclav fossa - BREAST – Abdom – ST 30
Branche 3 - pyloric orifice of ST – ST30 – ant/lat aspect of leg ST 45
Branch 4 - ST 30 - lateral 3rd toe, Branch 5 - ST 42 - Big toe
Where is the ST Luo Connecting Channel?
Superficial (Yin/Yang Paired organ)
Starts ST 40
Nape of Neck (GV14)
Where is ST Divergent Channel?
Diverges - middle thigh (from primary)
Enters - abdomen connect with ST&SP penetrates HT (esoph)
Emerges at mouth along the nose, and connects with eye
Converges with Primary channel of ST
What is Yangming channel in abundance of?
Qi and Blood
What is Front Mu of LI?
ST 25
What is Lower He-Sea of ST channel?
ST 36
What is Lower He Sea of LI?
ST 37
What is Lower He Seat of SI?
ST 39
What are the actions of Points on the Head?
Clear Heat,
Eliminate Wind
Activating Channel
Eliminate Pain
What are indications of Points of Head
St 1 - 2 - Eye (Wind/Heat)
ST 3 - External nose/sinus/cheek (
ST 4 - Mouth (towards ST 6, LI 20, SI 18 - depends on effect)
ST 5, 6, 7 - Jaw (esp low -TOOTH, wind-heat, ST fire) 7-TMJ, Ear
ST 8 - HA (frontal/temporal/vertex) Damp, Phlegm, Fire, Nausea/vomit
Which ST point should not be treated?
ST 17 (no moxa or needling)
What are actions of ST 9
Regulates Qi and Blo and Lowers REbellion Benefits throat & neck Alleviates Pain (Window of Heaven) POINT OF SEA OF QI (CV 17, GV14, GV 15)
What structure is found beneath ST 9?
Carotid Sheath
Carotid Artery (blood supply head)
Vagus nn - Autonomic NS (regulates physiol fxn - cardiov/digestiv/respiratory sys)
Jugular vv
What are indictions of ST 9?
Disharmony btw Qi of body and head, with Qi/Blood rebelling up (HYPER/HYPO Tension, Scrofula/Goiter, ST-Qi rebellion-vomit, Qi rebellion-wheezing, asthma, fullness of chest)
Sudden onset of Pain (ST9 + LU 9 = Pulseless Synd)
Pulse Dx - “3 regions and 9 divisions” (ST 42, ST 9, LU 9)
What are actions of ST 12?
DESCENDS LU-Qi and Clears heat from Chest
Activates the Channel and Alleviates pain
What are indications of ST 12?
LOCAL PAIN - Supraclavic Fossa
What are Actions of ST 18?
Benefits BREASTS and reduce swelling
What are indications of ST 18
BREAST DISORDERS - pain, Distention, swelling, abscess
Local disorders of Lung or Chest - pain, SOB, Cough, Asthma
What are actions of sT 20?
Harmonize Middle Burner
DESCENDS rebellion of LU&ST
Level with CV 13 (descending ST Qi)
Supporting fullness
What are indications of ST 20?
ST Issues - difficult digestion, abdominal dist, etc.
What are actions of ST 21
Regulates Qi, Alleviates pain
Harmonizes Middle Burner & Transforms stagnation
Raises Qi and Stops diarrhea
Level with CV 12 (RAISE QI or Descend)
What are indications of ST 21q
Epigastric distention and pain (Lateral abdomen)
Food Stagnation
What are actions of ST 23
Transforms PHLEGM and Calms SPIRIT
Harmonizes middle burner
What are indicaitons of ST 23
PHLEGM - MENTAL DISORDERS!! (psycho-emotional)
Epigastric Pain, Abdominal pain
What are actions of ST 25
Regulastes Qi & Blood, Eliminates STAGNATION
Front Mu of LI - “Heaven’s Pivot”
What are indications of ST 25?
ALL KINDS OF INTESTINAL disorders - Acute/Chronic (ST 37, LI 11)
Stagnation in the Lower Abdomen
ST - retching, vomiting, esp. Diarrhea (also constipation,etc.)
What are actions of ST 27?
Benefits KD and FIRMS the ESSENCE
Regulates Qi and Promotes Urination
Level with CV 5
What are indications of ST 27
GENITO=URINARY Diseases (KD def. – Essence)
premature ejaculation, seminal emission (not as good as GV/CV 4)
Male Sexual Dysf & urinary issues
Lower Abdominal issues-Pain
What are actions of ST 28?
Regulates lower burner & Dispels STAGNATION (Xs Cond)
Benefits the BL & UTERUS
Level with CV 4 (Tonifies Qi, Blo, Yin, Yang - Xu Cond)
Water Passage - Gate of Uterus(L), Childs Door(R) DAMPNESS
What are indications of ST 28?
Urinary disorders
Reprod disorders
Lower abd distension, lumbar pain
What are Actions of ST 29?
Regulates menstruation & benefits the genital region
RETURN - menstrual blood to normal;
Level with CV 3 (4 cun below umbil) - dispel Damp-Heat (BL/Uterus)
Xs/Xu COLD conditions (better with MOXA)
What are indications of ST 29
COLD in the Lower Burner (EXCESS OR DEF)
Amenorrhea of any Xs/Xu pattern (‘return’)
What are actions of ST 30?
Regulates QI in LOWER BURNER
Reg PENETRATING VESSEL (Chong Mai) - Meeting point ST-Chong
Subdues running piglet Qi (rebellious Qi upwards)
Point of SEA OF WATER & GRAIN (+ST 36)
What are ST 31-35 used for most?
Channel disorders of lower limb
ST 35 - Xiyuan
What are actions of ST 34
What are actions of ST 35?
What are actions of ST 36?
Lower He Sea (Earth Command Abd, Point of Sea of water/grain, Heavenly Star)
Harmonizes ST, Fortifies SP (resolves Damp), Supports correct Qi
Tonifies Qi, Nourish Blo/Yin
Clears Fire & calm spirit; Revives Yang and restores Consciousness
What are Indications of ST 36?
All disorders of ST (Xs/Xu, Hot/Cold
ST-Qi fails to descend; ST-Qi rebels upwards
Dampness resulting from SP-Qi Xu
All disorders of INTEST
What are other indications of ST 36?
Xu of Qi, Blood & Yin
Overall health preservation/longevity (ST QI IMPORTANT- PROGNOS)
Mental Disturb
Disorders of ST channel; YANG Collapse
What are actions of ST 37
Lower He Sea of LI
Regulates INT & transforms stagnation
Clears Damp-Heat & Alleviates Diarrhe
Regulates SP/ST
Activates Channel & alleviates Pain
What are indications of ST 37?
All of the INTESTINAL disorders
diarrhea/dysenteric disorders, constipation, abd distension
Disorders of Lower Limb
weakness, numbness, hemiplegia, atrophy, pain, swelling
What are actions of ST 38?
Expels wind-damp and alleviates pain BENEFITS SHOULDER (empirical - same side as Injury)
What are INdications of ST 38
What are Actions of ST 39?
Moves SMall INT Qi and Transforms stag
What are indications of ST 39?
SI Qi Pain
SI Xu & Cold
Diarrhea/Dysenteric disor due to damp-heat
Pain/atrophy/Hemiplagia of lower limb
What are Actions of ST 40?
LUO Connecting Point of St Transforms PHLEGM and Dampness Clears phl from LU and alleviates cough/wheezing Clears phl from HT and calms spirit Activates Channel & alleviates pain
What are indications of ST 40
All PHLEGM diseases Chest Lung Heat Head, Throat; ALSO CHANNEL DISORDERS
What are actions of Points on Foot?
CLEAR HEAT ST Channel and ST Organ - esp from upper part of body
Also from HEART (calm spirit-mania, depression, insomnia)
Local issues of Foot
What are actions of ST 41
Jing River (mother point) Tonify Acute Ankle sprain or Foot drop, tendonitis Mirror point for Wrist
What are actions of ST 42
Yuan Source point
What are actions of ST 43
Where the water gathers” - sunken valley
EDEMA (esp. in face)
What are actions of ST 44
Ying Spring point - HEAT (ST) toothache, pain of eye/face/throat, nosebleed (LI4), Trig n (ST4,6,7) Intest disorders Mental disorders Pain/swelling of dorsum of the foot
What are actions of ST 45
Jing Well (Child Point)
Strongest in clearing ST fire (esp from upper area of head)
MOXA - INSOMNIA with nightmares
Where is ST Primary Pathway?
Nose (LI20) - BL1-Eye (ST1)–UP GUM–around lips – LOW Jaw – front ear – FOREHEAD – THROAT – GV 14 – supraclavicular fossa – diaphragm – ST & SP
What points are used for Pulseless Disorder?
LU 9 + ST 9