SP - Channel Flashcards
How is Shen affected by SP?
Connection with BRANCH from DIAPHRAGM to HT
SP - Phlegm (T&T)
Attacks HT through branch
Where does SP Luo Pathway travel?
SP 4 – links with ST channel
A branch enters the abdomen and connects with INT & ST
‘Inversion of Qi, sudden turmoil disorder; in Xs-severe abd pain, Xu - abdominal distention
Where is SP Great Luo Connecting channel?
SP 21 – spread on lateral aspect of chest, spreads through the chest & lateral costal region
XS - pain in WHOLE BODY
Xu - hundred joints are FLACCID
What is SP Divergent Channel?
Diverge - primary in middle of ANT THIGHT
Converge - ST divergen channel
Enters - abd to connect with ST, SP & HT
Emerges at the THROAT and penetrates the TONGUE
What is Physiological Functions of the SP
T&T (Production of Qi/Blo, Digestion, Discharge fluids-dampness)
Ascend Qi (Rise of clear Qi)
Opens to Mouth - Controls MUSCLES
What can SP be used to treat?
Retention of Damp
Qi/Blo disorders
Mental disorders
What are actions of SP 1
STOPS BLEEDING Reg. SP CALMS HT & SP (Sun Simiao) Unbinds chest (JING WELL, WOOD point)
What are indications of SP 1
HEMORRHAGE - CHRONIC SP QI Xu (Flooding&Trickling, mennorhagia-LV1)
MENTAL DISORDERS - Insomnia w excess dreams (ST 45)
-Dampness, swelling & fullness pertain to sP (Acute Abd Distention)
- Fullness below the HT
What are actions of SP 2
Reg. SP
Resolves Damp & DAMP-HEAT
Harmonizes the middle burner & CLEARS HT
What are indications of SP 2?
EXCESS DAMPNESS/DAMP-HEAT with underlying SP Qi Xu Heat in the ST & INT (YS point) agitation when hungry, dizzy when full Febrile Disease (absence of sweating - and with sweating!!) Local disorders (Big toe - gout)
What are actions of SP 3 ***
TONIFIES SP, resolves dampness/damp-heat Harmonizes SP & St Regulates Qi SS = Yuan Source Earth point on EARTH channel ---- SP Qi Xu
What are indications of SP 3
SP DEFICIENCY with consequent dampness or obstruction of Qi
Digestive disorders
Heaviness of body & pain of JOINTS
SP3 + ST 40 — PHLEGM Disorders (Yuan + Luo)
Berryberri, polynephritis
What are actions of SP 4 **
Fortifies SP & harmonizes middle burner; regulates Qi & resolves dampness
Benefits the HT & Spirit
REGULATES PENETRATING VESSEL (Chong Mai - Confluent point)
LUO Point, bias towards EXCESS conditions
What point on SP and ST channels control Chong Mai?
ST 30 - Chong Mai SP 4 - Counterflow Qi (running piglet qi) - Abd & Chest Pain - Dyspnea
What are indications of SP 4?
Disorders of SP, ST & INT (epigas pain, abd disten. + PC 6)
Disorders of HT & Spirit (+ PC 6)
Disorders of Chong Mai (+ PC 6)
What point can SP 4 be paired with to treat Stomach, HT and Chong Mai?
SP 4 + PC 6
What are actions of SP 5 **
Fortifies SP & resolves damp
Benefits sinews & bones
Calms Spirit
JING-RIVER - sinews & bones
What are Indications of SP 5
DAMPNESS (Ext/Int) - Excess
DAMP PAINFUL OBST involving ankle joint
Tongue - stiffness & pain root of tongue
Mental disorders
What are actions of SP 6 **
Tonifies SP/ST, resolves Dampness
-Reg. urination, benefits genitals, reg. menses & induces labor
Benefits HT & Calms Spirit
Harmonizes, invig. & cools BLOOD, activates channel
What are indications of SP 6?
SP disorders of any kind T&T Blo Xu Qi Sink Qi not holding Blo, Dampness, GYN/OB, Sexual/genital, Urinary
What other point can be used to HARMONIZE Blood?
SP 6 and CV 6
What can SP 6 be paired?
Insomnia (+ HT 7) Skin dis (+SP 10, BL 17)
What is difference between SP1 SP3 SP4 SP6
SP 1 - wrapping blood
SP 3 - Tonifying
SP 4 - Moving (Chong/Xs)
SP 6 - Tonify&Move (Harmonize) - Xs or Xu
What are actions of SP 8? ***
Xi Cleft
Acute Conditions
What are indications of SP 8?
GYN Disorders
Acute (Dysmenn)
What are Actions of SP 9?
HS and Water Point TRANSFORMS dampness (Middle/Lower Burner)
What are indications of SP 9
Local Knee pain
What are Differences btw
CV 3
CV 9
SP 9 - TRANSFORMS DAMPNESS (middle/lower)
CV 3 - DRAINS DAMP (middle/lower)
CV 9 - Separates CLEAR FROM TURBID (SI) - abdomen
What are actions of SP 10 **
INVIGORATES BLOOD and dispels stasis COOLS BLOOD Harmonizes mnses Benefits skin "Sea of BLood) (More COOLING & MOVING nature)
What are indications of SP 10
GYN disorders
SKIN disorders - urticaria, eczema, psoriasis
Local Knee/Leg
What are actions of SP 15
MOVES Qi & regulates intestines
What are indications of SP 15?
Intestinal Disorders (level with Umilicus with CV 8, KD 16, ST 25)
- DIARRHEA (esp. Cold or Damp_
- Lower abdominal pain
What are Actions of SP 21?
Great Luo
Reg. Qi & Blo, firms sinews & joints
Unbinds Chest & benefits lateral costal region
—Pain in whole body, Chest-Cough/Wheezing
What is “Floating the Boat” combination?
SP 6 + KD 6 + TW 6
Build blood/yin, then Move
Where is SP Primary Pathway?
Begins medial side of BIG TOE – medial side of foot – in FRONT of medial mall – post border of tibia – antero-med side of knee/thigh – abdomen (CV 3, 4, 10) – SP, ST (GB 24, LV14) – Diaphragm – LU1 – along ESOPHAGUS & THROAT – root and underneath of TONGUE
Branch – Diaphragm – HT