A&E Exam 2 Flashcards
LU 3 + LI 4
Nose Bleed, Spitting Blood (Head Bleeding)
LU 5 + ST 40 + LU 1
Phlegm, Clear Heat (Excess)
LU 5 + LU 9 + BL 43 + KD 3
Nourish YIN - Moisten LU
LU 7 + LI 4
Expel Wind
LU 7 + TW 5
Expel Wind
LU 7 + GB 20
Expel Wind
LU 7 + GV 16
Expel Wind
LU 7 + GV 14
Expel Wind
LU 7 + BL 12
Expel Wind
LU 10 + LU 1
Phlegm Heat (Inflammation) LU Heat
LU 10 + LU 5
Phlegm Heat
Inflammation (LU Heat)
LU 10 + KD 6
YIN Xu Heat
LI 3 + SI 3
Finger Stiffness and Pain
LI 4 + LU 7
Exterior Attack (Wind Cold or Wind Heat)
LI 4 + KD 7
Sweating Dis.
LI 4 + LV 3
Four Gates (Pain - especially in Head and Face)
LI 4 + LI 11 + LI 15
Chain and Lock for arm pain (Pain dt Blockage)
LI 4 + SP 6
Regulates Qi and BLood
LI 4 + ST 36
Immune System Boost
Frequent Colds
LI 4 + LI 11
Fever / Febrile
LI 6 + LU 9
Facial Edema
Absence of Sweat
Difficulty Urinating
LI 10 + ST 36
Abdominal Pain
LI 11 + BL 40
Wind Rash, Shingles
LI 11 + ST 36
LI 11 + LI 14 or LI 15
Paralysis of Upper Limb
LI 14 + LI 15
Scrofula / Goiter
LI 15 + TW 14
Shoulder Pain, Immobility (Frozen Shoulder)
LI 15 + LI 5
Urticaria/Hives (Exterior Wind-Heat)
LI 20 + LI 4
Facial Swelling/Pain, Itching, Paralysis
ST 18 + CV 17
Scanty Lactation
ST 18 + SI 1
Scanty Lactation
ST 21 + CV 12
Epigastric Distention/Pain, Lateral Costal Pain
ST 21 + GV 20
Diarrhea or ST Prolapse
ST 25 + ST 37
Acute Appendicitis
ST 25 + LI 11
Acute Appendicitis
ST 36 + CV 4
Overall Health and Longevity
ST 38 + BL 57
Shoulder Pain + Stiffness
ST 44 + ST 4, 6, or 7
Toothache, Pain (Eye, Face, Throat)
ST 44 + LI 4
Nose Bleeds
ST 44 + LI 20
SP 1 + LV 1
Menses, Ammenhoreia
SP 1 + ST 45
Dreams with Nightmares
SP 6 + HT 7
SP 6 + SP 10
Skin Disorders
SP 6 + BL 17
Skin Disorders
SP 9 + KD 10
SP 9 + LV 8
Genital Disorders, Leukorrhea (white vaginal dis.)
SP 21 + GB 34
Pain Whole Body, Weariness of 4 limbs
SP 21 + BL 10
Pain Whole Body
Weariness of 4 Limbs
SP 21 + LI 11
Pain whole Body
Weariness 4 Limbs
What 8 LU points are you going to be tested?
LU 5, 7, 9
LU 1, 6, 10, 11
LU 3
1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11
What LU Point: Disseminates & Descends LU-Qi, Transforms phlegm, Clears heat, Alleviates cough & wheezing; Regulates the water passages; Descends ST-Qi; Coughing/wheezing/dyspnea/fullness of the chest, heavy yellow/green phlegm, fever; Yang edema, acute swelling of the face d/t attack of exterior wind
LU 1
What LU Point: Clears LU-Heat & Descends LU-Qi; Cools blood & Stops bleeding; Calms the corporeal soul(‘Po’); Pain in Medial Upper Arm
LU 3 **
What LU Point: Clears LU-Heat(excess/def.) & Descends rebellious Qi (LU/ST); Regulates the water passages; Activates the LU channel; Relaxes the sinews & Alleviates pain; ‘Counterflow Qi & Diarrhea’ —ST-Qi rebellion; Bleeding from Heat; Disorders of Water Metabolism; ‘Cranes Knee Wind’
LU 5 **
What LU Point: Disseminates & Descends LU-Qi; Clears heat & Moistens the LU; Clears heat & Stops bleeding; Moderates acute conditions; difficulty flexing/extending fingers; Inability to raise arm
6 ***
What LU Point: Releases the exterior & Expels wind; Pacifies wind & descends phlegm; Benefits the head & nape of neck (HA); Promotes descending function of LU; Regulates the water passages; Opens & Regulates Ren Mai; Most exterior acting point; Interior Wind-Phlegm; Urito-genitary (CV)
LU 7 **
What LU Point: Tonifies the Lung(Qi&Yin) & Transforms phlegm(d/t LU def.); Promotes the descending function of the Lung; Regulates & Harmonizes the vessels; LU-Qi def.: shortness of breath, frequent yawning, copious watery phlegm, fatigue; LU-Yin def.: dry cough with scanty dry phlegm or streaks of blood, malar flush, 5-palm heat
LU 9 **
What LU Point: Benefits the throat; Clears LU-Heat; Descends rebellious Qi; Harmonizes the ST & HT; Throat disorders characterized by heat/dryness; LU-HEAT Any inflammation of the lungs or throat; Excess Heat, Phlegm-Heat (LU1/5), Yin-deficient Heat (KD6); Bleeding d/t heat: coughing blood, vomiting blood, blood in urine
LU 10 ***
What LU Point: •Clears LU-Heat & Benefits the throat; Main point for extreme sore throat due to excess; Revives consciousness
LU 11 ***
What LI Points are you tested on?
1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 14, 18
10, 15, 20
4, 11
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 18, 20
What LI Point: Clears heat, reduces swelling, alleviates pain; Revives consciousness; Febrile Disease, Swelling (Wind-Heat, Fire-Poison: Toothache, Lower jaw, painful throat obstruction)
LI 1
What LI Point: Expels Wind & clears Heat from the upper reaches of the channel in the teeth, nose, face, throat & eyes, reduces swelling & alleviates pain; Toothache, painful throat, eye diseases d/t accumulated heat in Yangming channel
LI 2 **
What LI Point: Expels Wind & clears Heat; Benefits throat & teeth; Dispels fullness and treats diarrhea; Toothache, throat painful obstruction; Stiffness/swelling/pain of the hand, difficulty in flexing & extending the fingers; Acute stiff neck
LI 3 **
LI 4 + LU 7
Guest Host — Febrile Dz / Cold + Flu
What LI Point: Expels Wind & Releases the exterior; Regulates defensive Qi & Adjusts sweating; Regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth&ears; Restores Yang; Cold & Flu; Headaches
LI 4 **
LI 4 + LU 7
Cold & Flu (Guest Host)
What LI Point: Clears heat and alleviates pain; Clears Yangming Fire; Calms spirit; Benefits the wrist joint; Rhinitis, nosebleed; ear pain, tinnitus, deafness; redness, swelling & pain of eyes, lacrimation; h/a; throat painful obstruction; toothache
LI 5 **
What LI Point: Expels wind & Clears heat; Opens & Regulates the water passages; Wind-Heat in the upper reach of Yangming channel, esp. the ears; Acute edema in face & upper portion, accompanied by absence of sweating and difficult urination
LI 6 **
What LI Point: •Clears heat & Detoxifies poison; Moderates acute conditions; Regulates & Harmonizes the intestines & stomach; Clears Yangming Fire & Calms the Spirit; Acute Oral Inflammation
LI 7
Xi Cleft
What LI Point: Regulates Qi & blood; Harmonizes the intestines & stomach; Pain, immobility, numbness, atrophy of arm
LI 10 ***
Mirror point of ST 36
What LI Point: Clears heat, Cools blood, Dispels wind, Drains damp & Alleviates itching; Regulates Qi & blood; High fever due to excess heat;
Skin disorders due to Wind, Heat & Damp (EXCESS)
LI 11 **
HS, Earth, Mother, Heavenly Star, Ghost point
What LI Point: Activates the channel & Alleviates pain; Regulates Qi & Dissipates Phlegm nodules; Benefits the eyes; Local pain in the arm and shoulder; Scrofula, goiter
LI 14 **
What LI Point: Dispels wind-damp, Alleviates pain & Benefits the shoulder joint; Eliminates wind and Regulates Qi & blood; Regulates Qi & Dissipates phlegm nodules
LI 15 ***
What LI Point: Benefits throat & voice; Alleviates cough & wheezing
LI 18
What LI Point: Opens the nasal passages; Expels wind & Clears heat
LI 20
What SP Points are you tested on?
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 15, 21
What SP point: Stops bleeding; Regulates the Spleen; Calms the HT & Spirit, Restores consciousness; Unbinds the chest; Hemorrhage and Mental Disorders; Fullness below heart
SP 1 ***
What SP Point: Regulates the Spleen; Resolves dampness & damp-heat; Harmonizes the middle burner & Clears heat; Sudden swelling of limbs, heaviness of the body with pain of bones, oppression of the chest; Abdominal distention, epigastric pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation; Gout
SP 2 **
What SP Point: •Tonifies the SP, Resolves dampness/damp-heat; Harmonizes the SP & ST; Regulates Qi; SP deficiency with consequent dampness or obstruction of Qi; Heaviness of the body & pain of the joints (SP Xu)
SP 3 ***
What SP Point: Fortifies the SP & Harmonizes the middle burner; Regulates Qi & Resolves dampness; Benefits the HT & Spirit; Regulates Penetrating Vessel
SP 4 **
What SP Point: Fortifies the SP & Resolves damp; Benefits the sinews & bones; Calms the spirit; Dampness (exterior/interior); Damp painful obstruction involving ankle joint
SP 5 **
Jing River
What SP Point: Tonifies the SP/ST, Resolves dampness; Harmonizes the lower burner (SP, LV, KD); Regulates urination; Benefits the genitals; Regulates menses & Induces labor; Benefits the HT & Calms the spirit; Harmonizes, invigorates & cools blood
SP 6 **
What SP Point: Regulates menstruation & Invigorates blood; Harmonizes SP & Resolves damp; Moderates acute conditions; GYN disorders due to blood stasis or damp obstruction
SP 8 ***
Xi Cleft
What SP Point: Regulates SP & Resolves damp; Opens & Moves the waterways; Benefits the lower burner; Dampness (damp-heat, cold-damp); Knee swelling, painful obstruction
SP 9 **
What SP Point: Invigorates blood & Dispels stasis; Cools blood; Harmonizes menstruation; Benefits the skin; Gyn and Skin disorders
SP 10 **
What SP Point: Moves Qi & Regulates the intestines; Constipation (Qi stagnation); Diarrhea esp. of cold or damp type; Lower abdominal pain
SP 15 **
What SP Point: Regulates Qi & blood, Firms the sinews & joints; Unbinds the chest & Benefits the lateral costal region
SP 21 **
What ST Points are you tested on?
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
12, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30,
34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40,
41, 42, 43, 44, 45
What ST Point: Regulates Qi & blood and Lowers rebellion; Benefits throat & neck; Alleviates pain; Hypertension, hypotension, pulseless syndrome
ST 9 **
What ST Point: Descends LU-Qi and Clears heat from the chest; Rebellion of LU-Qi: cough, dyspnea, fullness of chest
ST 12
What ST Point: Benefits the breasts and Reduces swelling; Unbinds the chest and Alleviates cough & wheezing
ST 18 ***
What ST Point: Harmonizes the Middle Burner; Descends rebellion of LU & ST; Supporting Fullness; Hardness & pain of the lateral costal region
ST 20 **
What ST Point: Regulates Qi, Alleviates pain; Harmonizes Middle Burner & Transforms stagnation; Raises Qi & Stops diarrhea; Slippery diarrhea, prolapse of stomach; Level with CV 12
ST 21 **
What ST Point: Transforms Phlegm & Calms the Spirit; Harmonizes middle burner; Psycho-emotional disorders: mania-depression; Epigastric and Abdominal pain
ST 23 **
What ST Point: Regulates the Intestines, SP & ST; Resolves Dampness/Damp-Heat; Regulates Qi & blood, Eliminates Stagnation; Dampness: edema, facial swelling, turbid painful urinary dysfunction
ST 25 **
Front Mu LI
Heaven’s Pivot
What ST Point: Benefits the Kidneys & Firms the Essence; Regulates Qi & Promotes urination; Level with CV 5
ST 27 **
Front Mu TW
What ST Point: Regulates the Lower Burner & Dispels stagnation; Benefits the Bladder & Uterus; Stagnation of Qi/blood, Dampness Damp-Heat in the Lower Burner; Water Passage; Urinary, Reproductive, Lower abdominal distention, Lumbar pain
ST 28 **
What ST Point: Warms the Lower Burner; Regulates menstruation & Benefits the genital region; Cold in the Lower Burner (excess/deficient); Amenorrhea of any excess/deficient pattern (‘return’), dysmenorrhea, irregular menstruation
ST 29 **
What ST Point: Regulates Qi in Lower Burner; Regulates Penetrating Vessel; Subdues running piglet Qi
ST 30
Chong Mai connection
What ST Point: Activates the channel & Alleviates pain; Harmonizes the Stomach & Alleviates pain; Moderates acute conditions; Local swelling/pain of the knee; Acute swelling/pain/abscess of the breast; Acute epigastric pain
ST 34 ***
Xi Cleft
What ST Point: Harmonizes the ST; Fortifies the SP & Resolves dampness; Supports the correct Qi & Fosters the original Qi; Tonifies Qi, Nourishes blood & Yin; Clears fire & Calms the spirit; Revives Yang & Restores consciousness
ST 36 **
What ST Point: Regulates the intestines & Transforms stagnation; Clears damp-heat & Alleviates diarrhea/dysentery; Regulates the SP/ST; Diarrhea/dysenteric disorders; Constipation, abdominal distention/pain, intestinal abscess; Lower Limb Disorders
ST 37 **
Lower HS of LI
What ST Point: Expels wind-damp & Alleviates pain; Benefits the shoulder; Lower Limb - Atrophy, pain, numbness, swelling
ST 38 ***
What ST Point: Moves Small Intestine Qi & Transforms stagnation; Regulates & Harmonizes the intestines, Clears damp-heat
ST 39 ***
Lower HS of SI
What ST Point: •Transforms phlegm & dampness; Clears phlegm from the Lung & Alleviates cough/wheezing; Clears phlegm from the Heart & Calms the spirit
ST 40 **
Luo Connecting
What ST Point: Clears heat from ST channel & Alleviates pain; Harmonizes the intestines & Clears damp-heat; Calms the spirit; •Heat/Fire in the upper reaches of the ST channel; Trigeminal Neuralgia, toothache, nosebleed
ST 44 **
Ying Spring, Water Point