KD - Channel Flashcards
Where does KD Luo travel?
Where does KD Divergent?
Diverges Popliteal fossa Enters - KD, then separates at L2 to link with DAI MAI Ascends to TONGUE Emerges at nape of neck Converges with BL channel
What are Phys. Fxns of KD
Original Yin and YAng, conserve and control MM FIRE
Store Essence
Dominates bones
Controls reception of Qi
Ears, and 2 lower yin orifices (anus, urethra)
Descends excess from the head Calms the spirit Revives consciousness and rescues Yang "Returning unrooted back to its source" Excess above and deficiency below
KD 1 ***
Jing Well, Wood, CHILD point (in case of Excess, Reduce child – NEVER NEED TO REDUCE KD Xs)
When YIN Xu, Yang Xs rises – ROOTS PATHOLOGICAL Yang to its Source “Returning the Unrooted to its Source)
Clears deficiency heat - throat painful obstruction, dry throat, night sweating, dyspnea and coughing
Regulates the KDs
Regulates the lower jiao - KD Yang deficiency, cold diarrhea, edema, impotence
KD 2 ***
YS and Fire
Nourishes KD Yin (throat, ears, teeth, brain, low back/knees - lower jiao INT, BL, uterus, genitals) and Clears deficiency heat
Tonifies KD Yang (impotence, seminal emmisions)
Anchors Qi & Benefits the LU
Strengthens lumbar spine
Local pain in heel
KD 3 **
SS, Yuan, Earth
STRONGEST point to TONIFY KD Yin and KD Yang
Reinforces the KD
Anchors Qi and Benefits the LU (Xs above, Xu below - LU/KD)
Strengthens the will and Dispels fear
Psychoemotional disorders
KD 4
LUO (PC + Lumbar Pain)
Regulates the Yin Motility Vessel
Nourishes the KDs (mostly Yin) and Clears deficiency heat
Benefits the throat (swelling/pain/dryness)
Calms the spirit (insomnia, somnolence; night time epilepsy)
Regulates the lower jiao (uterus, genitals, urethra/anus - constipation)
KD 6 **
with LU 7 - Confluent of Yin Qiao Mai; throat, chest, lung
When use LU7 + KD 6
Throat dis. due to Yin Xu heat
Swelling, pain, dryness, plumestone qi
When use KD 6 + BL 62
Spirit disorders
- insomnia, somnolence (too much sleep), night-time epilepsy
SP6, KD6, TW6 - moisten
Benefits the KDs Regulates the water passages and Treats edema Regulates sweating Drains damp / damp-heat Strengthens the lumbar region "Returning Current"
KD 7 ***
JR, Metal and Mother point
Strength of point is REGULATING WATER
What 3 Zang and 3 Fu organs in charge of WATER?
Which KD points:
- Regulates Ren Mai and Chong Mai, Benefits Menstruation
- Regulates Ren Mai and Chong Mai, Adjusts menses, stops uterine bleeding, Clears heat and Drains dampness from lower jiao
- Clears HT and transforms phlegm, Regulates and alleviates pain
- KD5 (Xi Cleft of KD channel)
- KD 8 (Xi Cleft of Yin Qiao Mai)
- KD 9 (Xi Cleft of Yin Wei Mai)
Clears damp-heat from the lower burner, especially in genito-urinary system
Benefits the KDs
Activates the channel and Alleviates pain in the knee
KD 10 **
HS, WATER point (cooling in nature)
vs. SP 9 - middle burner - urinary sys (KD, lower burner - genital sys)
Which KD point:
Regulates Chong & Ren Mai
Regulates the lower jiao
“Qi Cave”
KD 13 **
Which KD point:
Benefits the lower jiao and Alleviates pain
Regulates Qi and Moves blood stasis
Regulates water passages and Promotes urination
“Four Fullness”
KD 14 **
level with CV 5
Qi, Blood, Food and Water
Which KD point? Regulates Qi and Alleviates pain Regulates and Warms intestines "Vitals Huang Shu" Tonify KD Yang
KD 16 **
Constipation due to Xu
Level with CV 8
What points on Abdomen are level with CV 8 (umbilicus)?
What are each strengths
Unbinds the chest
Transforms phlegm and Alleviates cough and wheezing
Harmonizes the Stomach and Lowers rebellious Qi
Neck tension and pain
KD 27 **
What are 4 channels that connect interior?
HT PC KD - most organs...BL, KD, LU, HT, LV, PC SP (others do not connect inside)
What KD points will you be tested on?
- *** : KD3, KD6
- ** : KD1, KD2, KD7
- : KD4, KD8, KD9, KD10, KD13, KD14, KD16, KD 27
1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16, 27