Conception Vessel Flashcards
Where does Primary Channel travel?
Starts inside lower abdomen (CV 3 - BAO) and emerges at CV 1 in perineum. Ascends midline of abd, chest, throat and jaw.
Interior portion winds around MOUTH terminates at ST 1
Another branch from BAO, inside spine
What is Room of Sperm?
Seminal Vesicles
Vas Deferens
In Women - UTERUS (Fallopian, ovary and Uterus)
Where is LUO pathway of CV/Ren Mai
CV 15 - descends and spreads over ABDOMEN
What are Actions of CV points
Treats disorders of local area (Lower, Middle, Upper Burner)
Regulates respective Zang-Fu organs
Strengthen body or rescue YANG
Descending rebellion of ST-Qi
What are Front Mu points of CV
CV 3 - BL
CV 4 - SI
What is Front mu of BL?
CV 3
What is Front Mu of SI
CV 4
What is Sea of Qi?
CV 6
What is Fxn of Bladder?
Regulates Qi transformation, drains Dampness/Damp Heat
What is Action of CV 3
Benefits Bladder - Dampness and Damp Heat
Benefits Uterus - Regulates Mens
Dispels Stagnation - Lower Burner
(Fortifies KD)
- COOLING quality, EXCESS patterns (Meeting point)
What are Indications of CV 3
Urinary Sys - Enuresis, retention, pain, freq, urgency
Edema, Diarrhea, Jaundice
Reproductive system - abd masses, irreg menses, dysmenorrhea, lochia
Local Stag or Accum of Cold/Heat - masses, abd pain, Shan disord, lumbar pain
What are Actions of CV4 Guan Yuan (Gate or Origin)
Tonifies & Nourishes the KD (Original Qi - Essence, KD Yang) & restores Yang Collapse
Regulates Lower Warmer - BL, Uterus, SI Qi (Front MU of SI)
Warms and Fortifies the SP (by KD Yin + Yang)
CV 4 through CV 8 - Lower Dan Tian (Upper Dan Tian CV 17)
What are Indications of CV 4
Strong Tonification Xu of Zang-Fu, Qi, Blo, Yin or Yang (Chronic/Immune) - HIV/Aids Pts
KD Xu (Yin, Yang, Qi, Essence)
Urinary Sys
Reproductive Sys (PLUS, Upper/Middle Burner, Attack of Cold+KD Yang Xu
What are Differences btw CV 3 and CV 4
CV3 - cooling + Xs patterns (Damp Heat - UTIs)
CV 4 - Tonifies Qi, Blo, Yin and Yang + Xu and Cold patterns
What does Conception Vessel
Ren Mai - Take Control (Take Charge)
Sea of all Yin Channels
What are Actions of CV 6 Qi Hai (Sea of Qi)
Tonifies Qi (Original), Moves Qi and Regulates Qi Tonifies KD & Fortifies KD Yang, Rescues collapse of Yang Harmonizes Blood (Tonify + MOVE) --> Qi / Blo Rel'p BUILDS and MOVES QI; Strong Qi & Yang restoring; Yuan Source 'Huang' (12 Yuan Source + Gao and Huang = Remember 12)
Where are Gao and Huang located?
Gao is a space below tip of heart
Huang is a space above the Diaphragm
What are Indications of CV 6
Qi Disorders - Xu (Original, Qi of Five Zang Organs) - Sinking, collapse Yuan-Source - Stagnation and Rebellion Urinary, Reproductive, Digestive
Compare CV 4 vs. CV 6
CV 4 - Builds KD (Qi, Yang, Yin, essence)
Tonifies Qi and Yang, Nourish Yin & Blo, Original Qi, Astringent
CV 6 - Builds KD (Qi & Yang)
Tonifies Qi and Yang, activates Original Qi, Moving Qi
What are Actions of CV 8
Warms Yang & Rescues collapse
Warms & Harmonizes Intestines
Area of high absorption -herbal plaster
What are Indications of CV 8
Collapse of Yang (Xu windstroke or shock)
Xu Cold Abdomen
Extreme Weakness or Xu
Abdominal Herbal Plaster (motion sickness, digestive disorders)
What are Actions of CV 1
Location - difficult Regulates Anterior & Posterior Yin Orifices Drains Damp-Heat Calms Spirit Revives from Drowning
What are Indications of CV 1
Urogenital/anal regions (Prostatitis, genital pain and swelling..)
What are Actions of CV 2
Benefits urination
Regulates the Lower Warmer
Warms & invigorates KD
What are Indications of CV 2
Genito-urinary (Cystitis, incontinence, retention of urine…
Lower Abd pain
What are Actions of CV 9
Shuipen (Water Separation)
Regulates Water passages & treats edema
Harmonizes the Int and dispels accumulation
SI - separates clear from turbid (strongly influenced by SP + KD)
—>Dampness will accumulate
Promotes circulation of fluids in Abd
What are CV 9 Indicaitons?
Water diseases - edema, ascites (Yin Edema SP/KD Xu - abdominal)
Severe Stagnation & Rebellion of Qi (due to dysfxn of Int)
What are Actions of CV12
Front Mu ST (Hui Meeting point of Fu Organs)
Harmonizes Middle Warmer, and Descends Rebellion
Tonifies the ST & SP
Regulates Qi & Alleviates Pain
What are Indications of CV12
ALL ST - Xu or Xs, Cold or Hot, Ext or Int
SP Xu - undigested food, diarrhea..
PHLEGM - Phlegm-Fluid
Mental/neurological related problems
What are Actions of CV 14
Regulates HT & alleviates Pain Transforms Phlegm & Calms Spirit Descends LU-Qi & unbinds Chest Harmonizes ST & Descends Rebellion Front MU of HT; Descending Property (Rebellion ST or LU Qi)
What are Indications of CV14
Diseases of HT Zang - organ
Mental Disorders (Phlegm misting HT)
Rebellious Qi of the LU or ST
Compare CV12 and CV 14
CV 12 Front Mu of ST, Acts on any ST issue
CV 14 Front Mu of HT, Acts on any HT issue
ALSO, deals with ST issues, but more geared to combined ST AND emotional issues (Psycho-emotional disorders with ST issues combined)
Where do CV 10, CV 12 and CV 13 act?
CV 10 - Lower cavity of ST (Pylorus) - scatter the stagnation
CV 12 - Middle Cavity of ST (Body)
CV 13 - Upper Cavity of ST (Fundus)
What are Actions of CV 10
Harmonize ST & Regulates Qi
Food Stagnation
What are Actions of CV 10
Food stagnation - pyloric stagnation
What are Actions of CV 13
Harmonizes the ST & Regulates Qi
•Descends Rebellion & Alleviates Vomiting
•Regulates the HT
What are Indications of CV 13
•ST issues - Rebellion of ST-Qi: nausea, vomiting, hiccups, ST reflux
–Stagnation of ST-Qi: epigastric or abdominal distention, fullness, pain and masses
•HT or mental disorders (secondary to CV14)
–HT pain, agitation, fright palpitations, insomnia, epilepsy
What are Actions of CV 15
REgulates HT and Calms Spirit
Descends LU Qi, Undbinds Chest
What are Indications of CV 15
Mental or neurological disorders
−Epilepsy, mania, mad walking/singing, aversion to sound of people talking, fright palpitations
•Heart problems
−Oppression/pain in chest or radiating to back
•Rebellion of LU-Qi
−Cough, wheezing, dyspnea, diminished Qi
•Skin conditions(related to Luo pathway)
−Pain of the skin of the abdomen(excess)
−Itching of the skin of the abdomen(deficiency)
What are Actions of CV 17
Regulates & Benefits Gathering Qi
Descends Rebellious Qi of the LU & ST
Benefits Breasts & Promotes Lactation
Front MU of PC
Hui Meeting of Qi, Point of Sea of Qi
what are Indications of CV 17
Xu of Zong Qi (LU and HT)
Rebellion of Qi (LU and ST)
Breast Disorders
Compare CV 10 vs CV 13
- Affects primarily the pyloric sphincter
- Dispels food stagnation
- Affects primarily the fundus of stomach
- Descends rebellion
- Rebellion of ST-Qi
What are Indications of CV 13
•ST issues
–Rebellion of ST-Qi: nausea, vomiting, hiccups, ST reflux
–Stagnation of ST-Qi: epigastric or abdominal distention, fullness, pain and masses
•HT or mental disorders (secondary to CV14)
–HT pain, agitation, fright palpitations, insomnia, epilepsy
What are Actions of CV 22
Descends Rebellious Qi & Alleviates Cough/Wheezing
Benefits THROAT and Voice (LU)
Point of Window of Heaven
What are Indications of CV 22
Rebellious LU Qi
Throat Disorders
What are Actions of CV 23
Benefits the Tongue & Regulates Salivation
Descends Qi & Alleviates Cough (seldom use)
What are Indications of CV 23
Tongue and Salivation
Local Point for Tongue and Salivation (Taste, chewing, swallowing, speech)
What are Actions of CV 24
Extinguishes wind & benefits Face
Regulates CV
Meeting point of CV, GV, LI, ST
What are Indications of CV 24
Facial Disorders (paralysis, edema) Excessive salivation with drooling
Stiffness in nape of neck
Compare CV 17 and CV 6