Tut 9 Done + timeline (Ask elena on last topic) Flashcards
Name the 3 stages of piaget regarding moral judgment:
- Morality of constraint 0-7 years
- Transitional period 7-10
- Autonomous Morality 11 to 12
Define morality of constraint and name the 2 factor which it gets influenced by:
- Social factor: Justice is what authorities say (rules are unchangable)
- Good or bad determination is only based on action not intention
- Cognitive factor: Immaturity causes them to belive that rules are actaul real thinks
Define Transitional period :
- moral judgment gets influenced by interactions whit peers
- Learn taht rules can be changed or made up by groups
- activ stage
- Valuing fairness and equality
Define autonomous morality:
- fairness and equality are used to construct rules
- undertsand fully that rules are are product of social agreement and can be changed if majority of group agrees
- own morality is devloped
Name the critics on piaget regarding moral judgment:
- > He did not consider that:
- Quality of peer interactions is more important than quantity
- Intentions are more judged by children rather then actons
- Complete authorization is questioned
Name the 6 stages of Kohlberg regarding moral judgment and tell what the theory is based on:
- Punishment and Obedience Orientation
- Instrumental and Exchange Orientation
- Mutual Interpersonal Expectations
- Social system and conscience orientation
5.Social Contract or Individual Rights Orientation - Universal Ethical Principles
Theory is based on: quality of moral reasoning !
Define Punishment and Obedience Orientation:
- Action is based of fear and punishment and it is very self centered
Define Instrumental and Exchange Orientation:
- involves exchange between people but is still very self centered
Define Mutual Interpersonal Expectations:
- Good girl bad girl
- Action is based on what is expected by society or close by people
Define social system and conscience orientation:
- fulfilling duties
- High society obligations
- Kinda seen as a police man.
Define Social Contract or Individual Rights Orientation
- Action are only based on group best interest
- and indvidual rights
Define Universal Ethical Principles:
- You do not care about ur own good even if u get killed
- It is a commitment to self-chosen ethical principles that reflect universal principles
Name some crticisim on Kohlber theory:
- The method did not differentiated between cultural values
- does not recognize differences in moral reasoning between males and females
- it is not discontinious
- Not good enough differentiation between moral issues and issues of social convention
Define prosocial behavior:
- Voluntary behavior intended to benefit another.
- Usual dilemma: personal advantage versus fairness to/welfare of others.
- with age our behavior is based on personal advantages
- If prosocial behavior is more active in early stages, it will play a bigger role later on (visa versa if not)
Define alturistic motivation:
- motives which do not benefit them self