Tut 9 Flashcards
What is so special about the delay task according to the overview lecture ?
- Electrode recording in prerfontal coretx !
- During delay period highly active
- Saccade task is eye gaze task
- Anti saccade showed that there is spatial memory active not motor movements !
- Graph should be very active during delay -> if it is spatial memory
- Graph should break down in the middle if it is motor activity
What is so special about the place cells according to the overview lecture ?
- > place cells are connected to place fields
- > place cells are connected to landmarks
- > place cells can be active for more than one enviornment
What does the classical conditining say about semmantic and epsiodic memory ?
- Only episodic memory needs the hippocampus afterwards -> it become not necessray
What does the multiple trace theory say about semmantic and epsiodic memory ?
- Hippocampus is need for episodic memory
- Episodic memory form semmantic memory so it is also dependend on hippocmapus
Is LTP a true paradigm ?
- if u block gene or protein expression u can not learn
- if u block NMDA REC then u can not learn ?
What is the problem with the rescolar wagner model ?
- > Can not explain latent inhibition
- > Overshadowing an not occur because he does not take any context into account so each compound cue hast equal weight !
What is the function of the VTA ?
- How much we want dopamine
What is the function opidis edrogeneous ?
- How much we like dopamine
What is the function of the OFC ?
- It is about expecting or making prediction of rewards !
What does asymptopic stage mean ? And what are some key components of it ?
- it means slow learning stage regarding visual fields
- it does not transfer to other visaul fields !
Why does it take 10- 15 days till a skill is learned ?
- Because it takes time till the cortex find the area which best represents the information !
What does the digit training task show ?
-> Cortical expansion for relevant body movements
-> Cortical decrease of other body parts which are not relevant
Conclusion -> counts for all motor trainings
What are the conclusion of the finger tipping task ?
- > you can improve regarding one sequence but
- > can not transfer it to another sequence
- > neither to the untrained hand
How does optogenetics work ?
- Allow specific neurons to be switched off or on via light
1. (ON) Blue light activates channelrhodopsin - positive ions (NA) sodium enter the neuron leads to Depolarization release of neurotransmitter !
2. (OFF) Yellow light activates halorhodopsin - Negative (CL) Chloride enter leading -> Hyperpolrization ! -> inhibiton
What is optogentics good for ?
- It allows to investigate the structure and the function of neural network
- Healing neurlogical dissorder and restoring vision loss
- > gene controling via virus injection ! Allowing -> modulate/ control brain activity
What are the 3 phases of OFC activity regarding rewards ?
- Unexpected -> High activity after respond
- Expected/occuring-> High after cue, high after respond
- Expected/not occuring-> High after cue and high after not given respond
What are the 3 phases of VTA activity regarding rewards ?
- Unexpected -> High activity after respond
- Expected/occuring-> High after cue,
- Expected/not occuring-> High after cue and decrease after not given respond
What kind of information does the VTA receive ?
-> Expected outcome from OFC + actual outcome
+ Dopmaine sgnaling from dorsal striaum (regarding updating)
What is the function of the basel ganglia regarding skill learning ?
- > linking sensory and respond together
- > creating a motor plan
How does parkinson diesease work ?
- neurons are damged at the basel ganglia
- can learn cognitive or perceptual skill but realy slow
- to little dopamine-> less movement
- > Can do mirror reading
How does huntigton syndrom work ?
- neuron damaged in basel ganglia / cortex
- body parts shaking
- can learn cognitive or perceptual skill but realy slow
- increase in dopamine
What are mirror neurons good for ?
- give emathity
What is the broken mirrior hypothesis ?
- Autism can not feel empathy if mirror neurons are broken which means we can not imitate
- explains why autistic people can not copy behavior