Tut 1 Flashcards
How does the Aktinson shriffin model work ?
Step 1: Incoming information into sensory memory
Step 1.2 (via attention)
Step 2: Sensory memory translated into short term memory. (via attention)
2.2 rehersal
Step 3: Throughout control process Short term memory will lead to LTM
What is meant by Transient memory ?
- Non permanent memory
- Part of sensory and short term memory
What are the control processes in the Aktinson shriffin model ?
- Rehersal
- Coding
- Decision
- Retrieval strategies
Define Sensory memory:
- Information gained via sensation
- Works automatically and decays rapidly (less than a second)
- is limited on focus so no exact copy
Define short term memory:
- unconsciously/effotless available
- limited capacity 7 +/- 2
- limited to only what u pay attention to
- easy phase in which we forget thinks
Define encoding:
- information translated in a way that we can mentally process
Define retrieval:
- To activated stored information which influence mental events and behaviors
Why do we forget thinks ?
- Because of either Decaying or interfering or combination of both
What is the primacy effect ?
- U remember thinks better at the beginning of a list
- Due to the fact that u immediately start rehearsal and so u have a longer training phase
What is the recency effect ?
- Last words of the list are easier to remember
- Due to reflection -> so the last word are more present
What is working memory ?
- It is a form of short term memory which maintained information from short term and manipulated it !
- Use of working memory is very goal directed
- uses either information which are just experienced or retrieved form LTM
- working memory is correlated to intelligence
How is working memory build of according to the Baddeleys working model ?
- Central executive -> manipulation
- Phonoligical loop and Visual sketchpad-> for maintenance
- Model was done because of dissociation
What is Phonological loop used for ?
- Holds auditory memories through internal (subvocal) speech rehearsal
- easy to disrupted besides by motor movements, so rehersal and motor mvemnt is fine
- limit in capacity
What is the “ word length effect” ?
Person remembers rather short words instead of long words
What is Visuospatial sketchpad used for ?
- Holds visual & spatial images
- Limited capacity
- For objects and location
What is central executive used for ?
- Cognitve control (bewachen) over the buffers
- Manipulation