Tut 4 Flashcards
Pavlov original classical condotion process:
Before: CS =Bell (no reaction) and US = Food (reaction of excitment)
During learning: CS +US -> Reaction of excitment
After: Only CS is needed for reaction of excitment
What is US ?
- Cue lead to a respond without training
What is UR ?
- Respond to US
What is CS ?
- Is a cues without the absence of training ( CS + US ) does not lead to respond
What is CR ?
- Respond to CS
What is Appetitive conditioning and name some example ?
- Conditioning in which the US is postive
- U want to satisfy a desire
- Ex: Pavlov (food/dog) and Dojman Sex study
What is Aversive conditioning and name some example ?
- Conditioning in which the US is negative
- U want to avoid minimise consequences
- Ex: Skinner + eyblink conditioning
What are the two Compensatory Response in prediction of us ?
- Tolerance (decrease in hesrt beat if u expect a shock
2. Homeostasis -> Tendency to reach a state of balance
What is Extinction ?
- it is a process of reducing a learned response to a stimulus by pairing the same CS with a new US
- Ex: Ice cream and brocoli
What are the findings regarding unlearning ?
- Association between CS and US are not lost they are just unexpressed
What is the Definition of compound conditioning ?
Presenting of two CS of same strgenth and at the same time to lead to a single US
What are the benefits of Compound conditioning ?
- Works more effcient then a single cue
When does compund conditioning not work ?
- One is more salient then the other
- When one cue was getting there sonner (more attention catchin)
- Overshadowing effect - Or if one of the cues was trained earlier (blocking)
What is the Overshadowing effect ?
- When one cue is more attention grabbing then the other then the second cue is useless!
What is blocking ?
- Ex: Prior training of one cue blocks laiter training of second cue when laiter paired when reaches 100% so no learning
- cue is only useful when it brings in new prediction values
Name the three asumption of the Wagner Model of conditioning and the genral conclusion) :
- A cue has a weight (associative) -> strength between CS and US
- In compound cue the weight is shared ( 50% and 50%)
- Learning respons of an increase in cue weight - > reduction of prediction error
GC: without prediction error, no learning
What is the US modulation theory ?
- depending on the US which is true -> used by rescolar wagner model
What is the CS modulation Theory ?
- depending on CS which is trure -> used by MAckintosh theory
What are the equation of the wagner model ? Also name the specialties for compounded cue ?
- Prediction error = Actual US - expected US
- IPVL (weight change) = Prediction error x learning rate
- APVL = IPV first run
- Ongoing APV is allways calculated by new IPV + expected us
- The old APVL will be ur expected US for the next trail
- > by compound cues the expeted Value will be calculated by adding both APV together
What is the prediction error ?
- determines how much
learning (change in association) occurs - how supprised we are
- Actual US minus expected US
What is Latent inhibition and what is the connection between LI and Wagner model ?
- Learning is inhibited by prior cue exposure
- Ex: When pre exposed to CS without US then laiter the association between
CS and US will be less powerful - Wagner model could not explain the phenomna
Name the structure of the Cerebellum:
- > attached to pons and medula
- > draw
- > purkinje cell are located in Folia
Explain the CS input pathway:
- CS Information from brain converge on pontine nuclei
- CS travel up the mossy fibers to deep nuclei of cerebellum
- 1 one branch goes to interpositus nucleus
- 2 one branch goes to cerebellar cortex over Granule cells and via parallel fibers to purkije cells -> DRAW
- Evrthing is Exitotory
Explain the mollecular LvL of how purkinje cell get less actiavte (first step)
- Glutamate goes into synapse via Ampa and metabotropic receptor
- Due to that protein from meta is sepperted from meta receptor and activates PKC
- PKC labels the just activated AMPA recepetor
- > GOAL: was the labeling !
Explain the cellular perspective of how purkinje cell get less actiavte (second step or second activation ):
- US comes from climbing fibers
- Asperate rleased from fibers (open calcium channel)
- Calcium flows trough calcium channel and interacts with PKC
- PKC now internalized labeld AMPA rec (pulls them inside synaptic cleft not useable)
- > GOAL Leads to more activation on metabotropic rec
What do metabotropic rec lead to regarding purkinje cell ?
- Hyperpolrization
What do AMPA rec lead to regarding purkinje cell ?
- Depolarization
What is the effect on the purkinje cell and the interpositus after learning ?
- changes in purkinje (decrease inactivity ) cell lead to less inhibition on interpositus !
- which means that muscle can be moved before airpuff
What is the correltaion regarding the interpositus and the inferior olive ? (after learning)
- > interpositus does inhibit the inferiro olive -> no exitatory effect from US
- > Means that we only need the CS imput light and tone and not anymore the Airpuf !
What are some findings regarding drugs and tollerance ?
- Environmental cues play an important role in tolerance
- tolerance can be explained by classical conditioning
- Environmental cues (CS), craving= compensatory response (CR)
How can drug addiction being healed ?
- cue-exposure therapy has to be in different contexts
(especially in the original drug context) - multiple times
- a bit of drug can be good
What is the celluar perspective before learning ! ?
- Purkinje cell allways active -> inhibits interpositus
- Interpositus wants to inhibit inferior olive but can not because of PC
- infrior olive is basically for the prediction error !
What is the Input pathway from the Air puff ?
- Goes from the inferior olive
- via climbing fibers either into the interpositus (exitatory)
- or in to the purkinje cell
Are purkinje cells exitatory or inhibitor ?
- inhibitory
WHat was skinner’s experiment ?
- In prediction of a tone a shock would occur
- > has to push the button in a certain time to avoid the shock