Tut 6 Flashcards
What was Edward thorndike findings regarding operant conditioning ?
- Cat taks in box
1. First Response = fighting to become free
2. By luck lead to the correct combination
3. After a few tries cat learned -> gain food if combiantion was correct - Figured out law of effect
What is the law of effect according thorndike ?
- Postive feedback increase the response
- Which lead to a strong s+r association
What is a discriminative stimulus ?
A stimulus that signals whether a particular response will lead to a particular outcome.
- SD
What is operant conditioning ?
SD-> R->O
- Stimuli-> Respond->outcome
- Also called instrumentall conditioning
What did tolman say about S+R framework ?
- it is more goal directed behavior
- it is not only a mechanism
Who exposed the differnt between classical and operant conditioning ?
- Skinner
What is the difference in operant and classical conditioning ?
- in classcial conditioning: organisms experience an outcome wheter or not they perform a Response
- Ex: Airpuff happens no matter if eyeblink took place
- operant conditioning : The outcome O depends on whether the organism performs the response R. (cat example)
What do operant and classical condition have in common ? -> Regarding learning curve
- First tries their learning increases dramaticlly in both then it goes slower
- Association or pairing can get lost if not paired for a long time
What did skinner accomplished what thorndike has not done ?
- Free operant paradigm
- Thorndike -> choose how many trials went on (discrete trials)
What does Free operant paradigm mean ?
- organism can decide how many trials they want
What did the skinner box contain of ? (regarding operant conditioning)
- S was the light in box
- R pressing (lever or button )
- O gaining food
What is the habbit slip ?
- When SD+R association so strong is that no other respond options are realized to come to the concluison even easier
- Ex: rat only once food at the end of the maze and ignors foodon ground
How do we determine the correct repsond ?
- via shaping
- via changing
How does shaping work ?
- Gradually steps learned by influence of constructor
- food is dropped when it does something correct
- next time lvl will be more difficult so outcome changed to a more closer related task comparing to major goal
How does changing work ?
- Breaks major response into smaller responses
- so each response is trained individually and laiter on gets connected to the goal respond
What is a reinforcer ?
- a consequence of behavior that leads to increased likelihood of that behavior in the future
What are the primary reinforcers ?
- biological value to the organism
- Food, sex, water
What is the Hull drive reduction theory ?
- the drive for motivation is mainly because u do want a reduction of primmary reinforcer
- u need to lower ur reinforcer
What are secondary reinforcer ?
- no biological value, but paired with (or predict the arrival of) primary reinforcers !
- Money -> u can buy with money sex
What is the negative contrast effect ?
- Giving the less preferred reinforcer the entire time -> high repsond
- giving first the prefeered reinforcer and laiter the less preffered lead to less strong respond
What is a punihser ?
- A consequence of behavior that leads to decreased likelihood of that behavior occurring again in the future.
- pian/ jail
- opposite of reinforcer
What does punishment lead to ?
- more variable behavior- > stop one behavior so search for another
- cheating -> driving faster then allowed
When is punishment more affective ?
- Strong intensitiy punishment right away
- temporal (not all the time)
- When there is no initial intensity ! (so no tollerance)
When is punishment less affective ?
- when there is a reinforcemnt at the same time as the punishemnt
What is the Differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors ?
A method to decrease unwanted behaviors by instead reinforcing preferred alternate behaviors.
- Also treatment for addiction
What are the time affectsregarding operant conditioning/classical conditioning ?
- Immediate outcomes produce the fastest learning
- long delay can be inlfuenced by other behvaiors in itnterval
What does self control regarding society mean ?
- willingless to not gain a small immediate reward in favor of a larger future reward
What is postive reinforcment ?
- sommething got added
- Praise = well done after outcome
What is postive punishment ?
- something got added
- dissaproval/screaming after outcome
What is negative reinforcemnt ? ?
- something got subtracted
- SD (headache) + R (Aspirin) = O (no headache)
What is negative punishment ?
- sometging to subbtract
Ex: SD (playtime break) + R (aggressive behavior) = O (loss of playtime)
What do we usually use for a reinforcemnt system and what do we not use that often ?
- Continuous reinforcement schedules (each respond follows a reinforcemnt) is used a lot
- partial reinforcement schedule is not used a lot
What is the Fixed ratio partial schedule ?
- particular set of numbers/ trials that lead to a reinforcment (every ten trials)
- there is a post pause after reinforcment
What is the Fixed interval partial schedule ?
- particular set of time where trials are running that lead to a reinforcment (every ten minuets)
- there is a post pause reinforcment ( no respondd cause animal does not know exactly when it comes )
What is the Variable ratio partial schedule ?
- Average number of trials there is a repsond ( average on 10 means maybe 8 or 12 trials)
- no post reinforcment pause cause it is not clear when the reinforcemnt occurs
- fatsers learning
What is the varaiable interval partial schedule ?
- Average number of minuets there is a repsond ( average on 10 min means maybe 8 or 12 mins)
- no post reinforcment pause cause it is not clear when the reinforcemnt occurs
What is behavioral economics ?
- is the study of how organisms manage their time and resources among possible options
- General -> You try to orgnise ur time/ money to maximizes your “subjective value
What ist the premarck principel / Theory?
- opportunity to perform a highly frequent behavior can reinforce a less frequent behavior
- Watching tv as a reinforcer to study
What is the bliss point regarding the behavioral economics ?
- the most optimal way to gain the maximum of ur subjective value
What are the key component of operant conditioning ?
- Dorsal striatum
- orbifrontal cortex
What is the function of the Dorsal stratium ?
- good for SD +R association
- it is based on feedback about reinforcemnt and punishment
What is the function of the orbifrontal cortex ?
- learning about possible outcomes
- Each neuron codes a diff outcome
- they are specialised
What is the extinction mimicry ?
- It is a drug which supress the dopamine system then u do not press the lever
What is the incentive hypothesis of dopamine function ?
- having higehst lvl of dopamine before reinforcment
- weakest right after
- Good hypothesis to solve the extinction mimicry
- about wanting
What is the Anhedonia hypthesis ?
- highest dopamine lvl after reinforcment
- bad hypothesis to solve the extinction mimicry
- about liking
What ist the reward prediction hypothesis ?
- based on prediction error
- if the outcome is Predict then no change in dopamine lvl
- if expected and it happens then there is an increase
- if expected and not happening then decrease
- Good hypothesis to solve the extinction mimicry
What is the hedonic value ?
- How much we like a reinfocer
What is the motivational value ?
- meaning how much we want
What is key for SD+R Association regariding the values ?
- Both signals have to work !
- hedonic value + motivational value
Where is dopamine produced and by what is triggered ?
- Produced in VTA and triggered by
- primary reinforcemnt and secondary reinforment
What is the dopamine system and what happens when it is damaged ? VTA Dpoamine system
- Produced in VTA -> nucleus accumcus -> dorsal stratium
- if damaged then it is still able to like but not to want
- Activity of dopamine at the beginning of learning is high in stimuli and respond
- druing learning only lvl of dopaimne is high in stimuli
- if respond is missing decrease of dopamine
What is the liking system ? (opiod system)
- Primary reinforcers activate the release of edogeneous opioids which actiavtes receptors which are also reposnible for heroin
How does drug addcition work ?
- ur seeking for a high or to avoid the withdrawl
- the wanting system it disconnects to the liking system after a while
- greater concentrations of dopamine in dorsal stratium
What is the problem with dopamine regarding cocaine ?
- the reuptake is not happening in synapse regarding dopamine
What is the problem with Amphetamine reagrding dopmaine ?
- more release of dopamine
What is pathological addiction ?
- as a strong habit which lead to harmful consequences-> drinking
Name an example of behavioral addiction and compare it with drug addcition ?
- Contain the same symptons then drug addcition
- Gambling
What are the treatment of addiction ?
- Extinction (see medical treatment)
-> blocking opiate rec - Distancing ( avoiding triggering stimuli)
- Reinforcement of alternate behaviors (eg
giving money for staying abstinent) - Delaying reinforcement (weakening R-C
What are the two personality factory which influence internet addcition ?
- Defective ego autonomy
- Being sensation seeking