Tut 5 Flashcards
What does strong emotion lead to ?
- Faster learning
- stronger memory retrieval and storing
- To many emotion lead to interfernce with our memory
What is an emotion ?
Three distinct but connected phenomena:
- Psychology response
- Overt (offen) behavior
- Conscious feelings
- > Lead to response to impactfaul situation
What is Psychological response to emotion ?
- Changes in heart rate
- Persperiation (schweiß)
- > Body reactions which are inside
What is overt behavior to emotion ?
- facial expression
- vocal tone
- posture (haltung)
- > Outside body reaction
What is conscious feelings regarding emotion ?
- subjective experiences of a situation
- Happines or sadness
You can have learned emotion and innate emotions ! Name the innate emotions !
- happiness, sadness, anger, fear, disgust, and surprise
What is the fight or flight response and how does it work ?
- Controlled by Autonomic nervous system -> which sends out adrelanine
- Increase of some body systems and decrease of other (Take some energ from immun system for increase in blod pressure-> better reflex)
What is the James / Lange theory of emotion ?
- Emotional stimulaus
- Physiological/biological responses (arousal)
- Then determine or induce emotions
- > Emptions are based ob body response
- Ex: put on a happy face and then u feel better
- Aslo known as somatic theories of emotion
What is the Schachter and Singer Two factor emotion theory ? (Modern emotional theory ?
- First emotion
- combination of cognitive appraisal (bewertung) and arousal (bodily response) cause emotions (both influence each other)
- Conscious emotion
- Also sates that same bodily response can oocur in diff emotions
- support high bridge study
Do non human have emotion ?
- General similiar reaction
- Can not conclude because we can not study ther econsciousness
What is learned helplessness ?
- exposure to an not influencial stimuli (response are ineffectful) leads to reducing motivation of avoidance
- also explains depression
What is the mood congruency of memory theory and explain it ?
- We retrieve (abrufen) memories that match our current mood
- Because strong mood works just like a mmeory cue
- Story example: Emotional story in middel part leaded to better memory
What is a flashbulb memory ?
- A memory formed under conditions of extreme emotions that seems especially vivid and long lasting.
- Very detailed but not perfect
Why are flashbulb memory not perfect ?
- memories of particularly important events are continuously pondered (überlegt), rehearsed, and discussed. (which lead us to fill in gaps)
- Based on Trade off system -
What did James papez figured out ?
- hippocampus and cingulate cortex thalamus and hypothalamus form a loop and process emotion
- > sensory imput arise to thalamus and the hypothalamus , helps to regulate the body response
- Got rejected because he did not put focus on amygdala -> libic system
What is the structure of the amygalda ?
- 2 amygaldas
- exist out of
1. Lateral nucleus
2. Central nucleus
3. Basolateral nucleus
What is the function of the Lateral nucleus ?
- Entry point of sensory info for amygdala
- Has a direct pathway over the thalamus (faster, less detailed)
- > React quickly in danger
- Has an indirect pathway over the thalamus and cortex (slower, accurate)
- Evaluates the fear
Name an example of the connection of the two pathways in Lateral nucleus !
If u see someone in the dark running towards u , u run! Only laiter on you relaize that the person is a friend
What is the function of the central nucleus ?
- receives inputs from other amygdala nuclei (both)
- sends them to autonomic nervous system
- releases stress hormone which can ot directly enter the hippocampus
- and activates motor areas
What is the function of the Basolateral nucleus ?
receives input from both nuclei and sends it to basel ganglia and hippocampus
- also allows amygdala to modulate memory (whend to store and when to retreive)
On what does our emotion depend on ?
- biological responses but also on how we interpret the situation
- A bear in the zoo is not dangerous
What is the function of the Frontal lobe regarding memory ?
- Frontal cortex modulate the degree of how strong amygdala gets activated in different places (bear in the zoo is not dangerous
Name the defintion of a phobia:
Over the top and irrational fear of an object or situation which lead to anxiety or panic attacks
- 2 types of phobias
What is a specific phobia ?
- Fears of particular objects or social situations
What is Agoraphobia ?
- generalized fear of leaving home or familiar “safe” areas -> because the fear to have a panic attack in public
What are the main causes of phobia ?
- They arise through classical conditioning!
- caused by strong fear evoking experiences
- via -> Social transmission -> seeing or listening to others about there fear
How do we treat phobia ?
- Via constant exposure to CS without US happening
- Systematic desenziation: using small steps to get there
- Or drugs that interfere with epinephrine
What is the defintion of Posttraumatic stress disorder ?
- develop after exposure to a horrific event
- Different then phobias is that it can be triggered by more cues
What are the Symptons of PTSD
- re/experiecing the event
- Trough nightmares, flashbacks, avoidance of trauma emotional numbing (betäubung)
What is the cognitive expectancy theory ?
- different response predict diff outcomes
- Is it worth it to behave like that if we know the outcome
How do u meassure damage in the amygdala ?
- If damged u do not have a physiological response during CS and US
Name some facts about Virtual reality treatment:
- Alternative to exposure therapy
- Flooding : Highest stress stimuli showed first
- Graded exposure: least scared one showed first
- Benefits less expensive and higer mobility / more ethicl
What are the treatments of PTSD
- Extinction therapy: expose patient to cues that trigger anxiety in absence of danger gradual reduction
- or pre identify vulnearable PTSD people
What are the signs for Vulnerable people regarding PTSD ?
- Genetics
- Social enviornment
- Hippocampal volume is smaller
- Increased activity in amygdala
What is the trader of system regarding flashub memory ?
-> strong memory are focused and weaker memories for surroundings are lost
How can the Central nucleus reach the hippocmapus ?
- indirectly because of
blood brain barrier
1. Stress hormones go from ANS to adrenal gland to brainstem nuclei where epinephrine gets translated into Norepinepherine-> send to Basolateral nucleus to hippocampus
What is the amygdala good for ?
- Emotional response
What is the hippocamous good for ?
- Contecxtual learning
- > place cells
What is important regaring stress hormones and learning ?
- Medium intensity
- Short delay most efficent learning
How do we meassure phobia ?
- Phobia is present when there is an hyperactivity in amygdala or cortex