Tumour_Scenario Flashcards
- Age/Sex
- O nset
- P osition
- Q uality/Quantity
- R adiation
- S ymptoms associated
- Neurologic
- Mechanical
- Constitutional
- Local
- T iming
- AA
- PSHX, PMHX, Meds, Allergies
- Family Hx, Social Hx (EtOH, tobacco)
- Handedness, Occupation, Sports
- ADLs
Physical Exam
- Look
- Gait
- S welling
- E rythema
- A trophy
- D eformity
- S kin changes
- Feel
- Move
- NV Exam
- Special Tests
- Look
- Xrays
- 7 x-ray signs for hole in bone
- size
- site
- epiphyseal, metaphyseal, diaphyseal
- eccentric, central
- medullary, cortical
- pattern/zone of transition
- geographic
- permeative
- moth eaten
- matrix
- osteoid
- cartilagninous (popcorn, stippled, arc and rings)
- effect on bone
- endosteal scalloping or erosion
- expansion
- cortical thinning or breakthough
- fracture
- reaction of bone to lesion
- periosteal reaction
- sunburst
- hair on end
- onion skin (lamellated)
- codman triangle
- periosteal reaction
- soft tissue mass
- 7 x-ray signs for hole in bone
- Other modalities
- Possible Biopsy
- Xrays
Diagnosis or DDx
- Implications (AVN risk, infection, etc.)
Acute Rx and work-up
- Reduce/splint/traction, ER tests/consults, admit, further imaging, plan OR for trauma
Treatment plan
- Goals
- Non-operative Rx (options, follow-up)
- Operative Rx
- Options
- Consent
- Outcome
- Risks
- immediate
- late
- Pre-op
- labs (x-match), tests (ECK, CXR), old OR reports, consults
- Post the case
- patient, surgery, implants, adjuncts (teams, consultants, special equipment), table, flouro, monitoring
- Position, ABX
- Incision, approach, fixation
- NV exam, compartment check
- Xrays
- Immobilization
- Weight Bearing Status, Physio
Disposition and Follow-up
- F/U plan
- List potential complications
- Prevention
- Treatment