Calcaneus Fractures Flashcards
Epidemiology and prognosis
most frequent tarsal fracture
17% open fractures
poor with 40% complication rate
- increased due to mechanism (fall from height), smoking, and early surgery
- lateral soft tissue trauma increases the rate of complication
Extra-articular (25%)
Intra-articular (75%)
Essex-Lopresti classification
- the primary fracture line runs obliquely through the posterior facet forming two fragments
- superomedial fragment (constant fragment)
- includes the sustentaculum tali and is stabilized by strong ligamentous and capsular attachments
- superolateral fragment
- includes an intra-articular aspect through the posterior facet
- superomedial fragment (constant fragment)
- the secondary fracture line runs in one of two planes
- the primary fracture line runs obliquely through the posterior facet forming two fragments
Sanders classification
- based on the number of articular fragments seen on the coronal CT image at the widest point of the posterior facet
Essex-Lopresti classification
Sanders classification

Xray views
- AP foot
- lateral
- oblique
- Broden View
- Harris
- AP ankle
what are the xray findings
- double-density sign
- represents subtalar incongruity
- indicates partial separation of facet from sustentaculum
- calcaneal shortening
- varus tuberosity deformity
- decreased Bohler angle
- angle between line from highest point of anterior process to highest point of posterior facet + line tangential to superior edge of tuberosity
- measured on lateral view
- normal 20-40°
- represents collapse of the posterior facet
- increased angle of Gissane
- angle between line along lateral margin of posterior facet + line anterior to beak of calcaneus
- measured on lateral view
- normal 120-145°
- represents collapse of the posterior facet
- indications
- gold standard
- views
- 30-degree semicoronal
- demonstrates posterior and middle facet displacement
- axial
- demonstrates calcaneocuboid joint involvement
- sagittal
- demonstrates tuberosity displacement
- 30-degree semicoronal
- used only to diagnose calcaneal stress fractures in the presence of normal radiographs and/or uncertain diagnosis
- cast immobilization with nonweightbearing for 6 weeks
- cast immobilization with nonweightbearing for 10 to 12 weeks
- closed reduction with percutaneous pinning
- ORIF with extensile lateral or medial approach
- ORIF with sinus tarsi approach and Essex-Lopresti maneuver
- primary subtalar arthrodesis
- Wound complications (10-25%)
- Subtalar arthritis
- Lateral impingement with peroneal irritation
- Damaged FHL
- Compartment syndrome 10%
- Malunion
finding in malunion?
- Varus deformity
- loss of height, widening, and lateral impingement
physical exam finding in malunion
- limited ankle dorsiflexion
- due to dorsiflexed talus with talar declination angle <20
classification of malunion
Malunion CT Classification & Treatment
Type I • Lateral exostosis with no subtalar arthritis
• Treat with lateral wall resection
Type II • Lateral exostosis with subtalar arthritis
• Treat with lateral wall resection and subtalar fusion
Type III • Lateral exostosis, subtalar arthritis, and varus malunion
• Treat with lateral wall resection, subtalar fusion, and +/- valgus osteotomy (controversial)

treatment of loss of hight
goal is to correct what in malunion
- hindfoot height
- ankle impingement
- subfibular impingement
- subtalar arthritis
why calcaneal 3 is a bad fracture
- loss of hight
- articular incongruity
what is the extensile lateral approach?
- wide exposure
- reduce everything
- post facet
- anterior process
- tuberosity
- lateral wall
- meticulous closure
does surgery lead to improved outcomes for pateint with calcaneal #?
Biggest study done by
Buckley et al, JBJS (2002)
- 309 PT , 2-8 YRS followup
- SF-36, VAS
- Overall, no benefit to surgery for DIACF’S
- Some subgroupshad benefit
- women
- non work compensator
- young pt
- good reduction
what are the problems with buckley study
- 73% of pt were done by single surgeon (not multicentre)
- 85% fixed with 1/3 tubular plate
- no report of postop Bohler angle
- 1/3 had Bohler <0 (not reduced)
- 40% had >2mm step off onpostop CT
What can we understand from the recent letrature
Prospective, randomized controlled trials have shown surgical treatment has no significant advantages compared with conservative care.
Agren : surgical treatment was associated with a higher risk of complications
- At 1-year follow-up, the results were not superior to those of nonoperative management.
- At 12-year follow-up, however, surgical treatment was associated with a reduced radiographic prevalence of posttraumatic arthritis
- Ibrahim: equivalent results at 15-year follow-up.
problems with non-op treatment
- loss of hight
- achilles weak
- skin contracts
- ankle impingement
- ankle and subtalar arthritis
how to retore height?
- distraction bone - block
- push screw technique