femoral neck fracture Flashcards
- increasingly common due to aging population
- women > men
- whites > blacks
- United states has highest incidence of hip fx rates worldwide
- most expensive fracture to treat on per-person basis
- high energy in young patients
- low energy falls in older patients
Associated injuries
- ~25-30% at one year (higher than vertebral compression fractures)
predictors of mortality
Blood supply to femoral head
- major contributor is medial femoral circumflex (lateral epiphyseal artery)
- some contribution to anterior and inferior head from lateral femoral circumflex
- some contribution from inferior gluteal artery
- small and insignificant supply from artery of ligamentum teres
- displacement of femoral neck fracture will disrupt the blood supply and cause an intracapsular hematoma (effect is controversial)

- Radiographs
- CT
- helpful in determining displacement and degree of comminution in some patients
- Bone scan
- helpful to rule out occult fracture
- not helpful in reliably assessing viability of femoral head after fracture
- Duplex Scanning
How would you correlate the proximal femur bone qulity with osteoprosis and risk of fracture?
Trabecular types in proximal femur
Five trabecular types can be present in the proximal part of the femur:
- principal compression group
- secondary compression group
- primary tensile group
- secondary tensile group
- Greater trochanteric group

The Five Major Groups of Trabeculae in details?
- Principal Compressive Group
- Extend from medial cortex of femoral neck to superior part of femoral head
- Major weight-bearing trabeculae
- In normal femur are the thickest and most densely packed
- Appear accentuated in osteoporosis
- Last to be obliterated
- Secondary Compressive Group
- Originate at the cortex, near the lesser trochanter
- Curve upward and laterally toward the greater trochanter and upper femoral neck
- Characteristically thin and widely separated
- Principal Tensile Group
- Originate from the lateral cortex, inferior to the greater trochanter
- Extend in an arch-like configuration medially, terminating in the inferior portion of the femoral head
- Secondary Tensile Group
- Arise from the lateral cortex below the principal tensile group
- Extend superiorly and medially to terminate after crossing the middle of the femoral neck
- Greater Trochanter Group
- Composed of slender and poorly defined tensile trabeculae
- Arise laterally below the greater trochanter
- Extend upward to terminate near the greater trochanter’s superior surface

Singh index—radiologic grades.
Singh has shown that trabecular loss occurs in a predictable sequence that can be used to grade the severity of osteopenia. He recognized that the compressive trabeculae were more essential than the tensile trabeculae and that the peripherally located trabeculae were more vital than central ones.

Displaced intracapsular neck of femur fractures:
dislocation rate after total hip arthroplasty
observation alone
- indications
- may be considered in some patients who are non-ambulators, have minimal pain, and who are at high risk for surgical intervention
- cannulated screw fixation
- sliding hip screw
- hemiarthroplasty
- total hip arthoplasty
what is the indications for ORIF
- displaced fractures in young or physiologically young patients
- ORIF indicated for most pts <65 years of age
cannulated screw fixation indecations
- nondisplaced transcervical fx
- Garden I or II in the physiologically ACTIVE elderly and no osteoarthretic changes
- displaced transcervical fx in young patient
- considered a surgical emergency
- achieve reduction to limit vascular insult
- reduction must be anatomic, so open if necessary
sliding hip screw indecations
- basicervical fracture
- vertical fracture pattern in a young patient
- biomechanically superior to cannulated screws (may not be clinically superior)
- consider placement of additional cannulated screw above sliding hip screw to prevent rotation
hemiarthroplasty ind
- controversial
- debilitated elderly patients
- metabolic bone disease
total hip arthoplasty indications
- controversial
- older active patients
- patients with preexisting hip osteoarthritis
- more predictable pain relief and better functional outcome than hemiarthroplasty
- Garden III or IV in patient < 85 years
General Surgical Consideration
- time to surgery
- treatment approach based
- fixation with implants that allow sliding
- open versus closed reduction
time to surgery
treatment approach based on
fixation with implants that allow sliding
- permit dynamic compression at fx site during axial loading
- can cause shortening of femoral neck
- prominent implants
- affects biomechanics of hip joint
- lower physical function on SF-36
- decreased quality of life
- anatomic reduction with intraop compression and placement of length stable devices decrease shortening
open versus closed reduction
- worse outcomes with displacement > 5 mm (higher rate of osteonecrosis and nonunions)
- no consensus on which reduction approach is superior
- multiple closed reduction attempts are associated with higher risk of osteonecrosis of the femoral head
what are the OPERATIVE approach in FN#
- limited anterior Smith-Peterson
- Watson-Jones
limited anterior Smith-Peterson
- 10cm skin incision made beginning just distal to AIIS
- incise deep fascia
- develop interval between sartorious and TFL
- external rotation of thigh accentuates dissection plane
- LFCN is identified and retracted medially with sartorius
- identify tendinous portion of rectus femoris, elevate off hip capsule
- open capsule to identify femoral neck
- used to gain improved exposure of lower femoral neck fractures
- skin incision approx 2cm posterior and distal to ASIS, down toward tip of greater trochanter
- incision curved distally and extended 10cm along anterior portion of femur
- incise deep fascia
- develop interval between TFL and gluteus medius
- anterior aspect of gluteus medius and minimus is retracted posteriorly to visualize anterior hip capsule
- capsule sharply incised with Z-shape incision
- capsulotomy must remain anterior to lesser trochanter at all times to avoid injury to medial femoral circumflex artery
reduction (method may vary)
- evacuate hematoma
- place A to P k-wires into femoral neck/head proximal to fracture to use as joysticks for reduction
- insert starting k-wire (for either cannulated screw or sliding hip screw) into appropriate position laterally, up to but not across the fracture
- once reduction obtained, drive starting k-wire across fracture
- insert second threaded tipped k-wire if adding additional fixation
- Leadbetter meatouver
Cannulated Screw Fixation technique
- three screws if noncomminuted (3 screw inverted triangle shown to be superior to two screws)
- order of screw placement (this varies)
- 1-inferior screw along calcar
- 2-posterior/superior screw
- 3-anterior/superior screw
- obtain as much screw spread as possible in femoral neck
- inverted triangle along the calcar (not central in the neck) has stronger fixation and higher load to failure
- four screws considered for posterior comminution
- clear advantage of additional screws not proven in literature
- starting point at or above level of lesser trochanter to avoid fracture
- avoid multiple cortical perforations during guide pin or screw placement to avoid development of lateral stress riser
Total Hip Replacement
- technique
- should consider using the anterolateral approach and selective use of larger heads in the setting of a femoral neck fracture
- advantages
- complications
- higher rate of dislocation with THA (~ 10%)
- about five times higher than hemiarthroplasty
- higher rate of dislocation with THA (~ 10%)
- Osteonecrosis
- Nonunion
- Dislocation
- incidence of 10-45%
- recent studies fail to demonstrate association between time to fracture reduction and subsequent AVN
- increased risk with
- increase initial displacement
- AVN can still develop in nondisplaced injuries
- nonanatomical reduction
- increase initial displacement
- treatment
- major symptoms not always present when AVN develops
- young patient
- > 50% involvement then treat with FVFG vs THA
- older patient
- prosthetic replacement (hemiarthroplasty vs THA)
incidence of 5 to 30%
- increased incidence in displaced fractures
- no correlation between age, gender, and rate of nonunion
- varus malreduction most closely correlates with failure of fixation after reduction and cannulated screw fixation.
valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy
free vascularized fibula graft (FVFG)
- indicated in young patients with a nonviable femoral head
- indicated in older patients or when the femoral head is not viable
- also an option in younger patient with a nonviable femoral head as opposed to FVFG
- revision ORIF
valgus intertrochanteric osteotomy
Failure rates
- high early failure rates in fixation group, which stabilizes after 2 years
- 2-year follow-up (elderly population >70 years) with displaced femoral neck fractures
- 46% with fixation techniques
- 8% with arthroplasty techniques
- 2-to-10 year follow-up
- failure rate approx. 2-4%, respectively
- 2-year follow-up (elderly population >70 years) with displaced femoral neck fractures
- overall failure rates still higher in fixation vs. arthoplasty at 10-year follow-up
- sliding hip screw with lower reopeation rates compared to cannulated screws:
- displaced femoral neck fractures
- basicervical femoral neck fractures
- current smokers
THA postop dislocation rate in letrature
Dislocation is one of the most common orthopaedic complications after primary total hip arthroplasty (THA).
The reported dislocation rate in elective THR is 5–8%. This number increases up to 22% for THA done for neck of femur (NOF)
fractures. Larger femoral head sizes increase the head–neck ratio and range of motion before impingement, therefore reducing
the dislocation rate
However a recent study from Cape town SA SHOWS
outcomes of THA in patients with NOF fractures can be favourable and provide good long-term prosthesis
survival. We report on low dislocation rate post total hip replacement for intra-capsular NOF fractures.
Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing hemiarthroplasty to total hip arthroplasty in the treatment of displaced femoral neck fractures
At 24 months, THA patients had significantly less pain on the SF-36 subscale than hemiarthroplasty patients
scored significantly better on the SF-36 mental health subscale
Total hip arthroplasty patients also had superior WOMAC function scores
Significant differences in outcomes, without a significantly greater incidence of complications, suggest THA is a valuable treatment option for the active elderly hip fracture population.
Outcomes of total hip arthroplasty are similar for patients with displaced femoral neck fractures and osteoarthritis
by Abboud
- This is a retrospective study of 60 patients who had total hip arthroplasties between 1997 and 2001.
- 30 patients had total hip arthroplasties for displaced femoral neck fractures
- 30 patients were treated with total hip arthroplasties for osteoarthritis.
- This study suggests that the outcomes for total hip arthroplasties in this consecutive series of patients treated for displaced femoral neck fractures and osteoarthritis are comparable
more in recent letrature
Primary total hip replacement (THR) is suggested for treatment
of displaced neck of femur (NOF) fractures in patients with preexisting
arthrosis of the hip or if they expect a high level of
activity. Dislocation is one of the most common orthopaedic
complications after primary total hip arthroplasty (THA).1
Dislocation is associated with high morbidity and increased cost
for the patient. Dislocated THRs have worse outcomes
compared to THRs that do not dislocate. The two-year survival
rate for the dislocated THR is slightly over 50%.2
Improved surgical techniques and the evolution of implant
design have lowered the dislocation rate after hip arthroplasty
surgery for treatment of fractured NOF to approximately 1–5%.