General Ortho Disease Reference Flashcards


General Ortho Disease Reference

  1. History
    1. Age/Sex/Occupation
    2. CC: Chief Complaint
    3. Onset of pain/mass/other
    4. Position
    5. Q uality/Quantity
      1. Pain: sharp, dull, ache, pounding, throbbing
      2. Mass: hard, soft
    6. R adiation
    7. Severity
      1. Scale out of 10
      2. Better, worse, same
    8. T iming
      1. Activity, night, rest, wax/wane, certain actions
    9. AA
    10. Assoc Symptoms
      1. Neurologic
        1. Shooting, electric shock, numbness, tingling, bowel, bladder, loss sensation, loss power, weakness
      2. Mechanical
        1. Locking, clicking, instability
      3. Constitutional
        1. Weight loss, appetite change, night pain, night sweating
        2. Fever, chills
      4. Local
        1. colour change, drainage, other
    11. PSHX, PMHX, Meds, Allergies
      1. Start with this as a screening question
    12. FHx
      1. Cancer, Related Diseases
    13. Perinatal Hx, Birth Hx, OB/Gyn Hx for Peds
    14. Devp Hx and Milestones
    15. Social Hx (EtOH, tobacco), Work Exposures (asbestos, TB)
    16. Handedness, Sports
    17. Function and ADLs
      1. Harris Hip Score, Performance Loss, Etc
    18. ROS
      1. Head to Toe
      2. Related areas to look for as a general physician
  2. Physical Exam
    1. General Observation
      1. Appropriately disrobe patient
      2. Fresh vitals
      3. General health observation
    2. Look
      1. Gait
      2. S welling
      3. E rythema
      4. A trophy
      5. D efortmity
      6. S kin changes
      7. LLD
    3. Feel
      1. Palpate all anatomy and bony prominences
    4. Move
      1. ROM N values
    5. Special Test
      1. By Joint and for what
    6. NV Exam
    7. JAB
    8. Opposite limb
    9. General Medical Exam
  3. Imaging
    1. Xrays
    2. other modalities
  4. Diagnosis or DDx
    1. Implications (AVN risk, infection, etc.)
  5. Acute Rx and work-up
    1. Reduce/splint/traction, ER tests/consults, admit, further imaging, plan OR for trauma
  6. Treatment plan
    1. Goals
    2. Non-operative Rx (options, follow-up)
    3. Operative Rx
      1. Options
    4. Consent
      1. Outcome
      2. Risks
        1. immediate
        2. late
    5. Pre-op
      1. labs (x-match), tests (ECK, CXR), old OR reports, consults
    6. Post the case
      1. patient, surgery, implants, adjuncts (teams, consultants, special equipment), table, flouro, monitoring
  7. Technique
    1. Position, ABX
    2. Incision, approach, fixation
  8. Post-op
    1. NV exam, compartment check
    2. Xrays
    3. Immobilization
    4. Weight Bearing Status, Physio
  9. Disposition and Follow-up
    1. F/U plan
  10. Complications
    1. List potential complications
    2. Prevention
    3. Treatment
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