Foot and Ankle List Flashcards
Phases of the gait cycle
- Initial contact (heel strike)
- Limb-loading response
- Midstance
- Terminal stance (toe-off)
- Preswing
- Initial swing
- Midswing
- Terminal swing
Pathologic changes of the foot in rheumatoid arthritis (9)
- Hallux valgus
- Hallux valgus interphalangeus
- Dorsal subluxation of MTP joints
- Varus 5th toe
- Distal migration plantar fat pad
- Extensor subluxation with lesser toe clawing
- 1st metatarsal elevation
- Forefoot supination
- Midfoot abduction
- Valgus hindfoot
Rheumatoid foot non-operative management (6)
- Medical management of RA
- Injections
- PT for heel cord stretching/modalities/balancing training/strengthening
- Bracing (UCBL midfoot/hindfoot, Arizona brace ankle)
- Casting for unresponsive synovitis
Classification of achilles tendon disorders (5)
- Acute paratenonitis
- Paratenonitis and tendinosis
- Tendinosis
- Retrocalcaneal bursitis
- Insertional tendinosis
Risk factors for achilles tendinopathy (11)
- Previous achilles tendon injury
- Runners
- Diabetes mellitus
- Obesity
- Hypothyroidism
- Renal insufficiency
- Gout
- Fluoroquinolone antibiotics
- Steroid exposure
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Oral contraceptives
Nonoperative treatment of achilles tendinosis (6)
- Rest/immobilization
- Ice
- Physiotherapy (stretching/eccentric strengthening)
- Heel lift
- Iontophoresis
Poor prognostic factors for nonoperative treatment of achilles tendinopathy (3)
- Older patient
- Longer duration
- More severe degenerative changes
Options for surgical treatment of chronic achilles tendon rupture (4)
- V-Y advancement
- Gastrocnemius turndown
- Allograft reconstruction
- FHL transfer
Advantages of FHL transfer for chronic achilles tendon disorders (6)
- Line of pull similar to that of the achilles tendon
- Long tendon
- Strong repair
- In-phase firing
- Close to the achilles tendon for transfer
- Use does not compromise muscle balance of the foot
Classification of peroneal tendon tears (4)
- Type I: both tendons grossly intact
- Type II: one tendon torn, the other “usable”
- Type IIIa: both tendons torn/“unusable” with stiff/fibrotic muscle bellies
- Type IIIb: both tendons torn/ “unusable” with proximal muscle excursion
Factors associated with pathology of the peroneal tendons
- Subluxation/dislocation of the tendons
- Acute change in direction around the fibula
- Diminished blood supply
- Ankle instability
- Compression of peroneus brevis between PL and the posterior fibula
- Low-lying peroneus brevis muscle belly
- Peroneus quartius
Surgical treatment options for peroneal tendon disorders (7)
- core repair and tubularization of the tendon
- Debridement and tenodesis of the brevis tendon to the peroneus longus
- acute repair of superior peroneal retinaculum and Fibular groove deepening (if dislocating)
- Lateral closing wedge calcaneal osteotomy (if hindfoot varus)
- Autograft reconstruction
- Allograft reconstruction
Classification of peroneal tendon dislocation (5)
Acute (Odgen-Eckert-Davis)
- Fibular periosteal elevation with anterior displacement
- Tearing of superior peroneal retinaculum with anterior displacement
- Posterolateral fibular avulsion fracture with anterior displacement
- Calcaneal avulsion fracture with anterior displacement over the peroneal retinaculum
Surgical treatment options for chronic peroneal tendon dislocation
- Direct repair of retinaculum
- Superior peroneal retinaculum reconstruction
- Bone block procedures
- Groove deepening procedures
- Tendon rerouting under the calcaneofibular ligament
Variants of os peroneum syndrome (5)
- Acute os peroneum fracture
- Chronic os peroneum fracture
- Attrition/partial rupture of peroneus longus tendon
- Frank peroneus longus rupture
- Hypertrophied peroneal tubercle that entraps the tendon or os peroneum
Surgical options for chronic tibialis anterior tendon rupture (3)
- Primary repair
- Allograft reconstruction (healthy muscle)
- Tendon transfer (EHL)
Differential diagnosis of ankle pain (8)
- Osteochondritis dessicans of the talus
- Peroneal tendonitis
- Occult fracture
- Peroneal tendon subluxation/dislocation
- Ankle instability
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Tarsal coalition
- Bone/soft tissue impingement
Causes of ankle arthritis (9)
- Post-traumatic (#1)
- Instability
- Post-infections
- Inflammatory
- Crystalline
- Neuropathic
- Haemophilic
- Idiopathic/primary degenerative
- Osteonecrosis
Non-operative treatment options for ankle arthritis (8)
- activity modification
- weight loss
- gait aids
- shoe modifications (rocker bottom sole)
- Lace-up gauntlet ankle brace (Arizona)
- Corticosteroid injections
Surgical treatment options for ankle arthritis (7)
- Debridement (open vs. arthroscopic)
- Osteotomy
- Distraction arthroplasty
- Allograft “resurfacing”
- Arthroplasty
- Arthrodesis (#1 – gold standard)
Indications for ankle arthroscopy (10)
- Hypertrophic synovium/synovitis
- Osteochondral lesions of the talus
- Loose bodies
- Osteophytes with well-preserved joint space
- Bone Impingement
- Arthrofibrosis
- Ankle Fractures
- Arthrodesis
- Ankle Stabilization Procedures
- I&D for Septic Arthritis
Contraindications to ankle arthroscopy (4)
- Poor vascular status
- Minimal remaining joint space
- Soft tissue infection
Contraindications to ankle allograft “resurfacing” (5)
- Age > 55 years
- Obesity
- Active infection
- Severe bone loss
- Angular deformity
Principles of ankle arthrodesis (4)
- Large bed of cancellous bone for healing
- Stable internal fixation
- Interfragmentary compression
- Bone grafting of defects
Position of ankle fusion (4)
- Neutral dorsiflexion
- 5° valgus
- 10° external rotation (symmetric to other side)
- Slightly posteriorize talus
Complications of ankle arthrodesis (8)
- Neurovascular injury
- Infection
- Wound healing complications
- Non-union (< 10%)
- Malunion
- Tibial stress fracture
- Medial malleolus fracture
- Adjacent joint degeneration
(Early → late)
Risk factors for nonunion of ankle arthrodesis (10)
- Smoking
- Non-compliance with weight bearing status
- Impaired vascularity
- Diabetes
- Neuropathic joint
- Previous open fracture
- Severe ankle fracture
- Previous plafond/talus fracture
- AVN of the talus
- Prior/current infection
(Patient, local)
Contraindications to ankle arthroplasty (10)
- Age < 60
- High activity level
- Osteoporosis
- Obesity
- Poor soft tissue envelope
- Past or present infection
- Severe deformity (varus/valgus > 15°)
- Neuropathic joint/peripheral neuropathy
- Talar AVN
- Medial malleolus absence/deltoid incompetence – have to position in a bit of valgus – won’t be stable
(Patient, disease)
Complications of ankle arthroplasty (7)
- Wound complications
- Infection
- Aseptic loosening
- Subsidence
- Osteolysis
- Bearing dislocation
- Medial malleolus fracture
Grading of anterior ankle impingement (4)
Grade I: synovial impingement, tibial spur ≤ 3 mm
Grade II: tibial spur > 3 mm
Grade III: significant tibial exostosis ± fragmentation and talar spur
Grade Iv: pantalocrural arthritis
Injuries associated with ankle sprains (3)
- Osteochondral lesions (15-25%)
- Peroneal tendon pathology (25%)
- Intraarticular loose bodies (20%)
Grading of acute lateral ankle instability (3)
Grade I: no ligamentous disruption, minimal swelling/ecchymosis/tenderness, no pain on WB
Grade II: ligament stretch, moderate swelling/ecchymosis/tenderness, mild pain with WB
Grade II: complete rupture, severe swelling/ecchymosis/tenderness, severe pain on WB
Components of functional treatment of ankle sprains (7)
- Rest
- Ice
- Compression/bracing
- Elevation
- NSAIDs/analgesics
- Early rehabilitation:
- Modalities
- Strengthening
- Gait training
- Proprioception
Possible indications for acute repair of ruptured lateral ankle ligaments (3)
- Acute rupture in a patient with recurrent injuries
- Associated ankle pathology requiring surgical intervention
- Complete rupture in a high performance athlete
Indications for nonanatomic graft reconstruction of ankle ligaments (7)
- Insufficient tissue to perform anatomic repair
- Failure of prior anatomic repair
- Generalized ligamentous laxity
- Obesity
- Neuromuscular disease
- Connective tissue disorder
Advantages of anatomic lateral ankle ligament reconstruction (modified Brostrom procedure) (5)
- No donor site morbidity
- Lower risk of wound problems/nerve injury
- No risk of disease transmission
- Decreased operative time
- Decreased risk of iatrogenic subtalar stiffness
Complications of ankle sprains (4)
- Chronic instability (40%)
- Anteroinferior tibiofibular ligament thickening/impingement
- Post-traumatic arthritis
- Chronic swelling
Classification of syndesmosis injury (4)
Type I: straight lateral talar subluxation
Type II: type I with plastic deformation of the fibula
Type III: posterior rotary displacement of the fibula and talus
Type IV: complete diastasis with proximal migration of the talus
MRI findings of sinus tarsi syndrome (6)
- Non-specific inflammation
- Sinus tarsi fat alteration
- Chronic synovitis/synovial thickening
- Interosseous talocalcaneal ligament tears
- Cervical ligament tears
- Ganglion cysts
Classification of osteochondral lesions of the talus (Berndt & Harty) (4)
Stage I: small region of subchondral compression
Stage II: partial fragment detachment
Stage III: complete fragment detachment without displacement
Stage IV: complete fragment detachment with displacement (loose body)
Radiographic criteria for chronic subtalar instability (stress Broden’s view) (4)
- Loss of subtalar joint parallelism
- More than 5°of talocalcaneal tilt
- > 7 mm lateral talocalcaneal gap
- > 5 mm medial calcaneal displacement
Differential diagnosis of midfoot pain (8)
- Lisfranc joint sprain
- Tarsal coalition
- Stress fracture (navicular)
- Accessory navicular
- Flexor tendinopathy
- Tarsal tunnel syndrome
- Plantar fasciitis
- Plantar nerve impingement
Risk factors for hallux valgus (9)
- Family history
- Female sex
- Metatarsus primus varus
- Pes planus
- Inflammatory disorders/rheumatoid arthritis
- Connective tissue disorders/GLL
- Cerebral palsy/NM disorders
- 1st TMT instability
- Trauma
Components of hallux valgus pathoanatomy (9)
- Valgus MTP joint
- Medial capsule attenuation
- Lateral capsule contracture
- unopposed adductor/becomes deforming force (contracture develops)
- Attenuation of the extensor hood
- Varus 1st metatarsal
- 1st metatarsal pronation
- Lateral subluxation of the sesamoids
- Lateral deviation of EHL/FHL
- Plantar-lateral migration of abductor hallucis
Hallux valgus classification:
- Mild: IM < 15° HVA < 30°
- Moderate: IM > 15°, HVA < 40°
- Severe: IM > 15°, HVA > 40°
Clues to the presence of first ray hypermobility (5)
- Callus under the 2nd metatarsal head
- 2nd metatarsal stress fracture
- 2nd metatarsal shaft hypertrophy
- Rounding/OA of the 1st metatarsocuneiform joint
- Plantar gapping of the 1st metatarsocuneiform joint
Options for nonoperative treatment of hallux valgus (6)
- Shoe wear modifications
- Toe spacer
- Activity modification
- Orthosis with medial arch support
Surgical options for treatment of hallux valgus (8)
- Simple bunionectomy
- Distal 1st metatarsal osteotomy
- Proximal 1st metatarsal osteotomy
- double proximal and distal 1st MT osteotomy
- Aiken osteotomy
- 1st MTP arthrodesis
- 1st TMT arthrodesis
- 1st MTP resection arthroplasty
Contraindications to surgical treatment of hallux valgus (5)
- Infection
- Vascular compromise
- asymptomatic
- Non-compliant patient
- Unrealistic expectations
Complications of a distal 1st metatarsal osteotomy (5)
- Incomplete correction
- Loss of position
- Avascular necrosis of the metatarsal head
- Non-union
- Recurrence