Tuberculosis Flashcards
HIV and TB interact to result in a:
Four qualities of Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
1) Obligate aerobe
2) Grows slowly (13 hr generation time)
3) Resistant to chemicals and drying
4) Acid-fast (like nocardia!)
Would a gram stain work with Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
No - use an acid fast stain.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis sticks together and attach to one another - this is called:
cording - this is the reason why we have granulomas in TB!
What is the specific agent that is responsible for the granuloma of TB?
Mycolic acid (specifically 66-dimycolate)
Discuss some general characteristics of “TUBErculosis”.
- Have strong cell wall with lipids and waxes (need acid-fast stain)
- Obligate aerobes (tubes have openings at ends for “air”)
- They grow slowly
- Undergo cording
The waxy coats on the surface of TB are made of:
beta-hydroxy acids
*resistant to phagocytosis, drying, and germicides. Heating works best!
What are the two components of the cell envelope in TB that block phagocytosis?
PIM and Lipoarabinomannan (LAM)
Of 50 normal students that are infected with TB, what percent will have a latent infection, and what perfect will have primary infection (bad one with coughing blood, etc.)?
95% = latent 5% = infected immediately
Of the 95% latently affected individuals, 10% are at ___ risk for getting secondary TB.
Of the 95% latently affected HIV individuals, 10% are at ___ risk for getting secondary TB.
What are the drugs in the strict, 4-drug treatment of TB?
When the Mtb gets eaten by macrophage, what does it do to avoid being killed? (3)
- inhibits lysosome fusion
- inhibits pH drop
- stimulates chemokine
The granuloma that forms in TB functions in:
limiting the spread of TB; keeps the organism trapped in there.
The granuloma center = caseous and necrotic; eventually become calcified
The granuloma that forms in TB has a central mass composed of what cell types?
Epithelial cells
Giant cells (Langhan cells)
What is the Gohn complex?
Characteristic; In most TB-infected people, the granuloma eventually stops growing and decreases in size/calcifies.
The central mass in granuloma is encapsulated by:
What are the three defensive body strategies against TB?
1) Activated macrophages
2) Walling off via calcification and fibrin
3) Coughing up the caseous material (self-debridement)
Primary “virgin” TB usually occurs in:
base of lungs
Secondary TB usually occurs in:
apex of lungs
Reactivation TB usually occurs in:
immunocompromised patients
M. avium (MAC) is present in environment and animals. It mostly occurs in what people?
Immunosuppressed patients
*exposure leads to respiratory or GI tract problems; not transmitted man-to-man
How is the diagnoses of TB confirmed?
Chest X-ray
*need also acid-fast smear, culture, NA hybridization, PPD too