- Definition of positive single intradermal tuberculin test
72h after injection:
- Swelling 4 mm or more at injection site = “positive reaction”
- OR clinical signs
- Definition of negative single intradermal tuberculin test
72h after injection:
- Swelling 2mm or less at injection site = “negative reaction”
- AND no clinical signs
- Definition of positive comparative intradermal tuberculin test
72h after injection:
- Positive bovine reaction (> 4mm) > 4mm greater than avian reaction
- OR clinical signs
- Definition of negative comparative intradermal tuberculin test
72h after injection:
- Negative bovine reaction (<2 mm)
- OR Positive OR Inconclusive bovine reaction (>2, <4mm)
which is = or less than positive (>4mm) OR inconclusive avian reaction (>2, <4mm)
- AND no clinical signs
- Definition of tuberculosis free bovine herd
No clinical signs in min 1 year
- X2 negative ID tests of animals > 6 wo
1st test: 6m after removal of infected animals
2nd test: 6-12m after 1st test
- Introduced animals:
From officially free herds
OR tested within 30 days
- Investigation of meat, lesions
- (two) Biyearly testing of all animals > 12 mo
- General measures
PQ - Public health measures in case of tuberculosis – additional question
Notify State medical service
- Inform keeper, owner
- Personal disinfection
- Protective clothing, gloves and footwear
- Control of products
Inconclusive single intradermal tuberculin test – additional question ?
Swelling more than 2mm, and less than 4mm at inj. site = “inconclusive reaction”
- AND No clinical signs
Retest at + 42 days, if inconclusive or positive at 2nd test → positive animal
Inconclusive comparative intradermal tuberculin test – additional question ?
Positive bovine reaction being 1-4 mm greater than avian reaction
- OR inconclusive bovine reaction being 1-4 mm greater than avian reaction
- AND no clinical signs