CSF Flashcards
- Official measures in case of confirmation of CSF on a holding
- Stamping out/ killing of all pigs
- Destruction/ incineration of all carcasses
- Destruction or processing of likely contaminated meat, semen, ova, waste *
- Cleaning and disinfection of all premises, vehicles, equipment *
- Tracing and processing of all pig products (meat) prod since potential introduction*
*under official surveillance - Epi inquiry
- Official measures in case of confirmation of CSF in feral pigs
- Define infected area (collaboration with hunters)
- Official surveillance on the pig holdings in the area
- Official census
- Isolation of domestic pigs from wild boars (feral pigs) → (simple) fencing !
- No movement without authorization of pigs (no entry or leaving holding)
- Written plan to eradicate the disease in the infected area
Distribution of the disease
Inform hunters about the measures
Census of feral pigs in and around the infected area
Method removal of feral pigs found dead or shot
- Use of vaccination in case of confirmation of CSF
- Preventive CSF vaccination is prohibited !
- Possible emergency vaccination of both farm and feral pigs in accordance with DIVA strategy, with approval of the Commission
PQ – Repopulation in case of CSF outbreak – additional question
- Minimum 30 days waiting period after last cleaning and disinfection
- Open-air holdings: when no sentinel pigs have antibodies against CSFV
- Monitoring for 60 days
PQ – Measures in protection zone for CSF – additional question
> 3km radius protection zone (restricted zone I)
General measures** for minimum 15 days
Serological survey to lift restriction
** General measures:
Census of all holdings
No movement of pigs
Movement restriction of products, persons, vehicles
No market, fair, etc
Strict cleaning, disinfection (no disinsectisation)
Measures in surveillance zone for CSF – additional question ?
- > 10km radius surveillance zone
General measures** for minimum 30 days
Serological survey to lift measures
Measures in contact holdings in case of CSF – additional question ?
Official surveillance
AND Movement restrictions
until the CSF suspicion ruled out
- Sampling from killed pig for laboratory investigation
to confirmed or rule out presence of CSF