TSE Flashcards
- Definition of specified risk material in bovine animals
✓Skulls, brain, eyes, spinal cord of bovine > 12 mo
excluding mandibula
✓ Vertebral column, spinal cord, including dorsal root ganglia of bovine > 30 mo
excluding tail vertebrae, transverse processes of lumbar, thoracic vertebrae and wings of sacrum
✓ Tonsils and last 4 meters of small intestines, cecum, mesentery of bovine of all ages
- Definition of specified risk material in ovine and caprine animals
✓ Skull, brain, eyes, tonsils and spinal cord
of over 12 mo or that have 1 permanent incisor erupted
✓ Spleen and ileum of animals of all ages
- Definition of “cohort” in case of confirmation of BSE
A group of bovine animals which were either
- Born in the same herd within 12m preceding or following the birth of an affected cattle
- OR reared together with the affected animal and may have consumed the same feed as of the affected animal consumed
during the first year of its life