TS 3.9.2 Nuclear Instrumentation Flashcards
LCO 3.9.2 ___ Startup Range Monitors (SRMs) shall be OPERABLE.
Two SRMs shall be OPERABLE
LCO 3.9.2
NOTE ___
Enter applicable Conditions and Required Actions of LCO 3.3.12, “BDAS” for BDAS made inoperable by SRMs
The installed SRMs are ___ operating in the proportional region of the gas filled detector characteristic curve.
BF3 detectors
Two OPERABLE SRMs and the associated BDAS are required to provide a signal to alert the operator to ___
…Unexpected changes in core reactivity from a boron dilution accident.
Each SRM must provide continuous ___
…Visual indication in the CR and each SRM must have capability to provide audible indication in both CR and CTMT via use of CR switch.
A. One required SRM inoperable.
A.1 Suspend CORE ALTERATIONS (Immediately)
A.2 Suspend positive reactivity additions (Immediately)
If the SRM is inoperable strictly due to a loss of its audible indication function, and the SRM is able to provide neutron flux indication signal to the associated BDAS, the BDAS channel can be considered ___
With 1 required SRM channel INOPERABLE due to loss of its neutron flux indication function, the associated BDAS is ___
B. Two required SRMs inoperable.
B.1 Initiate action to restore one SRM to OPERABLE status (Immediately)
With no SRM OPERABLE, ___
…there is NO direct means of detecting changes in core reactivity
Since CORE ALTS and positive reactivity additions are not made with loss of SRMs, the stable condition is verified by ___
..performing Action B.1 of LCO 3.3.12 which required RCS boron concentration to be determined by redundant methods immediately and at the monitoring frequency specified in the COLR Section 3.3.12 (MODE, Keff and # of charging pumps running)
Changes in ___ and ___ can result in significant differences between source range channels, but each channel should be consistent with local conditions.
- Fuel Loading
2. Core Geometry