TS 3.1.6 Shutdown CEA Insertion Limits Flashcards
LCO 3.1.6 All shutdown CEAs shall be withdrawn to ___
…withdrawn to greater than or equal to 147.75”
MODE 2 with any Regulating CEA not fully inserted
LCO 3.1.6 Applicability NOTE states This LCO is not applicable while performing ___
SR - CEA Exercising (5”) to verify FSCEA freedom of movement (trippability)
Accident analysis assumes that the shutdown CEAs are fully withdrawn any time the reactor is critical. This ensures that:
a. The minimum SDM is maintained; and
b. The potential effects of a CEA ejection accident are limited to acceptable limits
The acceptance criteria for addressing shutdown CEA as well as Regulating CEA insertion limits and inoperability or misalignment are that:
a. ___
b. ___
a. There be no violation of:
- RCS Pressure boundary integrity
b. The core remains subcritical after accident transients
The most limiting SDM requirements for MODES 1 and 2 at EOC come from ___
Steam Line Break (SLB)
Although the most limiting SDM requirements at EOC are much larger that those at BOC, the available SDM obtained via scramming of the CEA’s are ___
…also substantially larger due to must lower boron concentration at EOC.
APPLICABILITY: The shutdown CEAs must be within their insertion limits with the reactor in MODES 1 and 2. The applicability in MODE 2 begins anytime any regulating CEA ___
…is NOT fully inserted.
LCO 3.1.6 Condition
A. One shutdown CEA not within limit.
A.1 Restore shutdown CEA to within limit (2 Hours)
LCO 3.1.6 Condition
B. Required Action and associated Completion Time not met.
B.1 Be in MODE 3 (6 Hours)