Trunk myology Flashcards
Rectus Abdominus
o: pubic crest, pubic tubercle and pubic symphesis, i costal cartilage of 5th to 7th ribs, xiphoid process
external oblique o i
o: muscular slips from the outer surfaces of the lower eight ribs 5th to 12, i lateral lip of the iliac crest aponeurosis ending in linea alba
internal oblique
thoracolumbar fascia; anterior 2/3 of the iliac crest; lateral 2/3 of the injinal ligament, i inferior border of the lower three or four ribs aponeurosis ending in linea alba; pubic crest
transversus abdominis
thoracolumbar fascia medial lip of iliac crest; lateral 1/3 of inguinal ligament; costal carilage lower 6 ribs, i: abdominal apooneurosis/linea alba
ileolumbar ligament and posterior iliac crest of the interior side, i transverse process of 1-4 lumbar vertebrae and inferior border of 12th rib
external intercostal
inferior margin of rib above, i superior margin of rib below
internal intercostal
o: lateral edge of costal groove of rib above i: superior margin of rib below deep to teh attachment of the related external intercostal
transversus thoracis
inferior margins and internal surfaces of costal cartilages of 2nd to 6th ribs i: inferior aspect of deep surface of body of sternum, xiphoid process and costal carilage of 4th to 12th ribs
levatores costarum
transverse processes of c7 and t1-t11 i: subajecent ribs betweeen tubercle and angle
o: costal attachement: inner surfaces of the lower six ribs; lumbar attachement: upper two or three lumbar vertebrae: sternal attachem: inner part of xiphoid process-i central tendon of diphragm
sternothyroid o:i
o: posterior surface of manubrium of sternum i: obique line of lamina of thyroid cartilage
sternothyroid a
depresses the larynx (thyroid cartilage) and hyoid
omohyoid o:i
superior border of scapula medial to suprascapular notch i: lower border of body of hyoid bone
omohyoid a
depression and fixation of hyoid bone
thyrohyoid o:i
oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage, i greater horn and adjacent aspect of body hyoid bone
thyrohyoid a
depresses hyoid bone, buyt when hyoid bone is fixed elevates larynx
digasrtic o i
anterior belly: digastric fossa on lower inside of mandible; posterior belly- mastoid notch on medial side of mastoid process of temportal bone– deep to scm and sc i: attachement of tendon between two bellies to body of hyoid bone
mylohyoid o i
line of undersid of mandible, i body of hyoid bone and fibers from muscle on opposite side
a mylohyoid
elevation of hyoid bone, support and elevation of floor of the mouth, depress the mandible
masseter o a
zygomatic arch and the maxillary process of the zygomatic bone, i ramus of mandible and coronoid process
o: bone of temporal fossa and temporal fascia, i coronoid process of mandible and anterior margin of ramus of mandible- deep temporal nerves CN V
lateral pterygoid
o superior head: infratemporal surface and crest of greater sphenoid wing, inferior head: lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid bone, i capsule of temporomandibular joint, articular disk
medial pterygoid o i
deep head-medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate and pyramidal process of palatine bone, superficial head-tuberosity and pyramidal process of maxilla, I medial surface of ramus of mandible, inferior to mandibular foramen