lecture 20 foot Flashcards
with which bones does the talus articulate?
talus, calcaneous (three articular surfaces)
true or false, talus is wider anterior and laterally
the posterior projection of calcaneous allows for an increase inthe lever arm of the _____
what are the medial articulations of cuboid?
navicular and lateral cuneiform
what forms the groove for the peroneous longus tendon on the plantar surfuace of foot?
tuberosity of cuboid
in what tendon are the sesamoid bones of the foot located?
which direction does the tibia rotate during dorsiflexion?
external rotation
what is the role of the deltoid ligament?
resist excess eversion
what noncontractile structure provieds passive stability at the lateral talocrural joing?
what is the most commonly injured tcj ligament and how do you test?
atfl, passive drawer
how would you test for a calcaneoufibular injury? is this common
talar tilt test, no uncommon
what is active stability on the medial side of tcj?
tib post, fhl, fdl
what kind of joint is the talocalaneal joint?
synovial joint (gliding and rotation, inversion, eversion)
what is the major ligament at the talo-calcaneal joint that limits movement in all directions, esp ev
interosseous tcl
what two structures does the “spring ligament” connect?
connects calcaneous and navicular
what structure does the long plantar ligament protect?
peroneous longus
what does the flexibilty of the forefoot depend on?
the position of the rear foot: eversion =greater motion in fore
do you have more dorsi or plantar flexion?
dorsi, to allow walking
what is the function of each type of ligament at the forefoot?
collateral: resist abd/add of the ip joint and mtp; plantar: resist hyperextension; deep transverse: resist splaying
from what source is the dorsal pedis artery
anterior tibialis
posterior tibial artery becomes what?
medial and lateral plantar artery
what muscles are deep peroneal l5, s1?
pt, edl, edb
what muscles are s1, s2?
piriformis, plantaris, soleus gastroc (n to p and tibial)
what muscles are l4, l5?
tp, ta (tibial, peroneal)
what muscles are s2, s3?
all foot intrinsics, medial plantar and lateral plantar
what muscles are l4, l5, s1?
all glutes, tfl, popliteus, edb
what musles are l5,s1,s2?
all hamstrings, peroneus