TROPHS Flashcards
souces of carbon Autotrophs & Heterotrophs
Autotrophs = CO2 Heterotrophs = organic compounds
sources of energy for Phototrophs & Chemotrophs
Phototrophs= light chemotrophs= organic & inorganic compounds
sources of electrons Lithotrophs & Organotrophs
Lithotrophs - inorganic compounds
Organotrophs- organic compounds
or photolithoautotrophs
light energy source CO2 carbon source
Oxygenic: Cyanobacteria, plants
Anoxygenic: Green, purple bacteria
(or photo organo heterotrophs)
Light energy source organic compounds carbon source
Green, purple nonsulfur bacteria
Chemolithoautotroph or chemolithotroph
energy source inorganic compounds
carbon source CO2
Iron-oxidizing bacteria
energy & carbon source inorganic compounds
Some sulfur-oxidizing bacteria
Chemoheterotroph (Chemoorganoheterotroph)
organic compounds light & carbon source
Animals, protozoa, fungi, bacteria
requiring an organic source of carbon and metabolic energy