What signs/symptoms of stress should you consider professional help?
Lasting more than a few weeks: Lack of energy, difficulty sleeping or oversleeping, rapid weight change, reduced performance at home or work, irritability, loss of appetite, anxiety
What is psychotherapy?
Interpersonal, discussion-based type of behavioral health care
What is the coverage for outpatient psychotherapy?
2 sessions per week, any combination
What is the coverage for Inpatient psychotherapy?
5 sessions per week, any combination
What condition is individual psychothreapy not covered?
Diagnosis of substance abuse without mental disorder diagnosis.
What is the coverage for psychological testing?
only in conjunction with psychotherapy; up to 6 hrs per fiscal year.
Is Telemental Health Care available?
Yes, but normal referral and authorization requirements and limitations apply
What are the Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Care limitations?
Referral is required; =19 yo, 30days per FY or any single admission
What are the limits of Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP)?
up to 60 days per FY (full or half day)
Does PHP time count towards the Acute Inpatient Psychiatric Care limits?
What is the coverage for the Residential Treatment Centers (RTCs)?
up to 150 days in TRICARE auth RTC, more if medically or psychologically necssary. Substance abuse is separate
What is the coverage for Substance Use Disorders?
Up to 3 rehab treatments in a lifetime and 1 per benefit period
What is the detoxification coverage?
Up to 7 days per episode; counts towards Acute Inpatient Care but not rehab
What is the rehabilitation coverage?
21 days per benefit period, count towards PHP or Acute Inpatient care
Can an active duty family member self refer to behavioral health?
Yes for up to 8 visits per beneficiary per FY