How is all RMW to be handled/ disposed of?
In accordance with federal/ state/ guidance.
How should pathological waste be stored?
In dedicated refrigerators/freezers.
How long can non pathological RWM be stored in the facility?
7 Days
What is the length of time that frozen pathological waste be stored in the facility?
30 days
How long is the medical department required to keep a record of all RMW?
2 years
When must employees recieve training about RMW?
Before employment/ annually
What is Group 1 of RMW?
Cultures, Stocks, and Vaccines
What is Group 2 of RMW?
Pathological Waste
What is Group 3 of RMW?
Blood and Blood Products
What is Group 4/7 of RMW?
What is Group 5 of RMW?
Animal Waste
What is Group 6 of RMW?
Isolation Wastes
What is Group 8 of RMW?
Other designated by the local infection control authority.
What is Group 9 of RMW?
Chemotherapy Trace Wastes
MNGT of Regualted Med Waste
solid material intended for disposal
capable of causing disease or would pose other adverse health risks to individuals/community if improperly handled.
Is medical waste originating from med iso rooms handles as RMW or NON-RMW?
Are sanitary napkins originating from post-partum suites/GYN surgical ward handled as RMW or NON-RMW?
How many groups of RMW are there?
When do you separate RMW from other waste?
at the point of origin
Can you transport RMW in chutes or dumbwaiters?
What is the storage time for Path RMW?
30 days. but if waste is not immediatly processed, 24 hr
How is RMW treatment acheived?
through inceneration, or inactivation by heat, chemicals, or radiation
How can liquid waste be disposed of?
steam sterilization & disposed of in a sanitary sewer
kept in original glass container and placed in sharps
When disposing of chemotherapy trace waste, should you mix non-chemo & chemo RMW?
No! , Chemo traced waste shoule be placed in the yellow chemo bins
How long does federal regulations req facilites to maintain shipping paperwork?
2 yrs after RMW was accepted by waste carrier
What should RMW be labled with?
date, type of waste, amout and disposition
Dilution of bleach?
1:10 w/ clear water
Place what type of of waste into double-wall corrugated boxes or equivalent rigid containers that are double-lined with plastic bags for transport and incineration in an infectious waste incinerator?
Anatomical pathology
What considerations may dictate using alternate means of disposal of Anatomical pathology waste such as cremation or burial by a licensed mortician?
Blood, suctioned fluids, or other potentially infectious liquid waste may be decanted into what type of sinks, unless this practice is prohibited by State or local regs?
Forms semi-rigid gel when added to liquids?
Waste that cannot be safety decanted?
Initial and annual
Infectious wast shall be sterilized and rendered noninfectious before doing what?
Compacting and grinding
Whose approval is required before the purchase of an infectious waste treatment system?
Bureau of Medicine & Surgery
New treatment techniques must have successful use elsewhere for how many years?
Effective steam sterilization temp/time/psi for microbiological infectious waste?
250 F
90 Min
15 psi
Limit storage without refrigeration to how many days?
Ash after incineration may go where?
Straight to the sanitary landfill after testing