Treatment of Substance Abuse Flashcards
Mild symptoms include: insomnia, tremulousness, mild anxiety, GI upset/anorexia, HA, diaphoresis, palpitation
alcohol withdrawal
When do mild withdrawal symptoms of alcohol begin and resolve?
within 6 hrs of cessation of drinking. Mild symptoms resolve within 24-48 hours
When do withdrawal seizures of alcohol begin and what is their treatment?
within 48 hours after last drink. Treat with benzos
Develops within 12-24 hours of last drink. Resolves within 24-48 hours. NOT delirium tremens. Usually visual, but can be auditory or tactile
alcoholic hallucinosis
Sx include: hallucinations, disorientation, tachycardia, HTN, low grade fever, agitation, diaphoresis. Begins 48-96 hrs after last drink and lasts 1-5 days
delirium tremens
Treatment of ETOH withdrawal
Replace fluids and potassium. Thiamine 100mg IV/IM before glucose. Benzos
What happens if you give glucose before thiamine when treating ETOH withdrawal?
can precipitate wernicke’s or korsakoff’s
If a patient suffering from ETOH withdrawal has refractory DTs, what can you use for treatment?
DTs—add phenobarbitol or propofol
What should you not use for treatment of ETOH withdrawal?
antipsychotics because they lower seizure threshold
What should you use in a patient who has status epilepticus due to ETOH withdrawal?
phenobarbital. do not use carbamazepine do to liver metabolism
Pure mu-opioid receptor antagonist. Blunts pleasurable effects of alcohol. Reducing craving, use 2-6 months. Causes hepatocellular injury if drink ETOH with it
Synthetic derivative of homotaurine—analog of GABA. Used for relapse prevention of alcoholism.
Inhibits the activity of acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) which results in 5-10 fold increase in acetaldehyde levels after alcohol ingestion
disulfiram (Antabuse)
Leads to facial flushing, dyspnea, N & V, HA, blurred vision, vertigo and anxiety if ETOH is consumed
disulfiram (Antabuse)
Drug with the greatest addictive potential
When do these symptoms of cessation of opioids occur: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, yawning. Rhinorrhea, lacrimation, diaphoresis. Stomach cramps, mydriasis
8-14 hrs after last dose
Administered after patient completely detoxed. Antagonist prevents the user from experiencing any beneficial effects w/ subsequent opioid use
Method of long term treatment. Administration of single daily dose in a controlled setting w/ counseling and social services
Partial opioid agonist. Sublingual preparation—Subutex. Combined w/ naloxone—Suboxone
Drug of choice to treat opioid addication in pregnancy
alpha-2-adrenergic receptor agonist. May decrease withdrawal symptoms in patients using low doses of opioids. Can be abused with methadone
Sx of withdrawal include: increased body temperature, HTN, increased RR and HR, aroused level of consciousness, increased reflexes/seizures, psychotic behaviors
benzo withdrawals
What do you need to watch for in a serious withdrawal from benzos?
respiratory depression
Treatment for serious withdrawal of benzos
carbamazepine or valproate. ICU w/abnormal vital signs