Treatment And Remex Flashcards
Ulnar Nerve Lesion
Cubital: Light Tapping over Cubital area, GTO Extensors, MM strip Extensors
Guyon: Light Tapping over Pisiform, Hook of Hamate, GTO Extensors, MM Strip Extensors
Hydro: Cool on medial forearm
Stretch: Lateral Wrist Extensors
Strengthen: Medial Wrist
PJM: Elbow
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Light Tapping over Thenar Eminence, Facial to Flexors, MM Strip Extensors
Hydro: Cool on wrist
Stretch: Flexors
Strengthen: Thenar mm - Abductor Pollicis Brevis
PJM: Wrist Distraction
Pronator Teres Syndrome
Light Tapping over heads of Pronator Teres, Facial over cubital tunnel, MM Strip Extensors Hydro: Cool on wrist Stretch: Extensors Strengthen: Flexors and Thenar mm PJM: Elbow Distraction
Dislocation SC AC GH Lunate
Facial, GTO, MM strip
Hydro: Hydrocollator
Stretch: SC-SCM, AC-Pec Major, GH-Pec Major, Lunate-Flexors
Strengthen: SC-Upper Traps, AC-Mid Deltoid, GH-Triceps, Lunate-Extensors
PJM: Not in direction of dislocation
Bells’ Palsy
Affected side: Light stroking or Tapotement - Chin-Ear-Forehead, GTO-Suboccipitals, MM strip-SCM
Hydro: Cool on affected, warm on unaffected
Stretch: SCM
Strengthen: Active assisted of Facial mm
PJM: Occiput traction
Trigeminal Neuralgia
GTO, MM Strip SCM, Occipital Release
Hydro: Heat on compensatory C/S and shoulders
Stretch: Suboccipitals
PJM: C/S Traction
TOS Anterior Scalene
Facial, MM strip, GTO Scalenes Hydro: Warm compress on one side of neck only Stretch: Anterior Scalene Strengthen: Suboccipitals PJM: C/S Distraction
TOS Pec Minor
Facial, MM strip, GTO-Pec’s, MLD-Hand,Arm
Hydro: Warm compress on 1 side of neck only, cool wash along arm if edema
Stretch: Pec Minor
Strengthen: Rhomboids
PJM: GH Posterior Glide
TOS Costoclavicular
Facial, MM strip, O and I - Rhomboids Hydro: DMH on Rhomboids Stretch: Rhomboids Strengthen: Upper Traps PJM: GH Posterior Glide
TMJ Dysfunction
Tapotement on Hypermobile side, GTO, MM Strip - Hypomobile side Hydro: Warm to Hypomobile side Stretch: SCM Strengthen: Resist Jaw movement PJM: Gr. 3 C/S Traction
Cruciate and Meniscal Injury
Menicus/ACL: Facial, GTO, MM strip-Quads
PCL: Facial, GTO, MM strip-Hamstrings
Hydro: Hydrocollator
Stretch: If strength is stable
Strengthen: Meniscus/ACL- Quad’s, PCL - Hamstrings
PJM: Meniscus/ACL - Anterior Glide, PCL - Posterior Glide
Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Facial, MM Approx, GTO, MM Strip Hydro: Hydrocollator Stretch: L/S-QL’s, C/S-SCM Strengthen: L/S-Glut Max, C/S-Suboccipitals PJM: Gr. 3 TVP, PACVP
Facet Joint Dysfunction
Facial, GTO-Suboccipitals, MM strip
Hydro: Warm on C/S, Hydrocollator on Back
Stretch: C/S-SCM, L/S-QL (Banana Stretch)
Strengthen: C/S-Posterior C/S mm, L/S-Multifidi
PJM: Positional Tractioning: Palpate segment to be distracted, Place neck in flexion, side bend away from injury and rotate toward injury and apply slight traction for 7-10 seconds
SI Joint Dysfunction
Sacral Release, Hypomobile Glutes, Piriformis Release, MM strip-Treat mm with direct attachments to SI
Hydro: Hydrocollator to Glut Max, Piriformis, Lats
Stretch: Hypomobile Glutes, Piriformis
Strengthen: Hypermobile Glutes, Piriformis
PJM: Gr. 3 Long Axis Hip Traction
ITB Friction Syndrome
Fascial, MM Strip, Vibes over ITB attachment Hydro: Hydrocollator to thigh Stretch: ITB/TFL Strengthen: Vastus Medialis, Adductors PJM: Gr. 3 Long Axis Hip Traction
Piriformis Syndrome
Facial, MM strip, Vibes-Glutes Hydro: Heat on Piriformis, Cool on referral pattern Stretch: Piriformis Strengthen: TFL, Adductors PJM: Hip
Frozen Shoulder
Thawing Stage
Facial, GTO, MM Strip- Rotator Cuff MM & Biceps Hydro: Hydrocollator Stretch: Pec’s Strengthen: Deltoids PJM: Gr. 3 GH Distraction
Facial, GTO, MM Strip
Hydro: Hydrocullator on affected tendon
Stretch: Medial-Flexors, Lateral-Extensors
Strengthen: Medial-Extensors, Lateral-Flexors
PJM: Gr. 3 Distractions to Humeroulnar Joint (Increase general mobility)
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Facial, GTO, MM Strip-Quads Hydro: Hydrocollator to ITB, Vastus Lateralis Stretch: ITB/TFL Strengthen: Adductors PJM: Gr. 3 Anterior Drawer of Knee
Bicep’s or Supraspinatus
Facial, GTO, MM Strip
Hydro: Hydrocollator
Stretch: Biceps-Biceps, Supraspinatus-Supraspinatus
Strengthen: Biceps-Triceps, Supraspinatus-Teres Major
PJM: Gr. 3 Distraction to GH (increase general mobility)
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Facial- Palmar Aponeurosis, GTO-CFT, MM Strip-Flexors and Lumbricals
Hydro: Hydrocollator to Hand
Stretch: Flexors
Strengthen: Extensors
PJM: Gr. 3 Wrist Traction to Radiocarpal Joint
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Between Flare-Ups
Light Fascial and MM Approx-Forearm Extensors, Tapotement or Vibes - Intrinsic Hand mm Hydro: Cool on affected Stretch: Extensors Strengthen: Intrinsic Hand mm PJM: Gr. 1-2 Radiocarpal Distraction
Early Stage
Facial, GTO, MM Strip - Surrounding involved joint
Hydro: Hydrocullator
Stretch: P.A.S - MM crossing affected joint
Strengthen: AR- MM that opens joint
PJM: Gr. 3
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
Fascial-Extensors, GTO-CET, MM Strip-Extensors
Hydro: Hydrocollator on Extensors
Stretch: Abductor Pollicis Longus and Extensor Pollicis Brevis (Finkelstein Stretch)
Strengthen: Hand mm
PJM: Gr. 3 Thumb Traction
Radial Nerve Lesion
Light Tapping-Posterior Brachium, Fascial, GTO, MM Strip-Anterior Brachium Hydro: Cool on Extensors Stretch: Pec’s Strengthen: Triceps PJM: GH Anterior Glide
Erb’s Palsy
Fascial and GTO-Pec’s, Tapotement- Biceps, Forearm Extensors
Hydro: Heat on Flexors, Pec’s, Tricep’s, Cool on Forearm Extensors
Stretch: Pec’s
Strengthen: Extensors
PJM: GH Anterior Glide to help with External Rotation
Klumpke’s Paralysis
Fascial and MM Strip-Extensors, Tapoetment-Flexors
Hydro: Warm on Contractures, cool on atrophied
Stretch: Extensors
Strengthen: Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
PJM: Long Axis Traction Thumb
Fascial, MM Strip-QL’s, Vibes Hydro: Hydrocullator Stretch: Rectus Femoris Strengthen: Glutes PJM: Gr. 3 Hip
Rib Subluxation and Intercostal Neuralgia
Fascial, O and I - QL’s, MM Strip-Back Hydro: Cool along Nerve distribution Stretch: Banana Stretch, Rhomboids Strengthen: Neck, Shoulder Girdle PJM: PACVP, TVP
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Treat Forward Head Carriage Fascial, GTO, MM Strip Hydro: Hydrocullator Stretch: Pec’s Strengthen: Rhomboids PJM: SC Distraction
1st Trimester
Fascial- Pec’s, Head, Neck and Shoulder’s Hydro: Cool Stretch: SCM Strengthen: Suboccipitals PJM: Gr. 1-2 C/S traction
Women’s Health Condition’s
Dysmenorrhea, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis
MLD, Fascial, Vibe’s - Abdomen Hydro: Cool compress Stretch: Psoas Strengthen: Kegal’s? PJM: Gr. 1-2 Long Axis Hip Traction
Fascial-Opening 4 corner’s, full sun, half moon, Vibes-Abdomen, P.A.S- Psoas
Hydro: Heating compress on abdomen
Strengthen: Transverse Abdominis- Client supine with knee’s and hips flexed to 90 degrees, arms crossed in front of body, therapist applies mild pulling force over patients knees into rotation
PJM: Gr. 3 Long Axis Hip Traction
Sacral Plexus Injury
Fascial, MM Strip, Vibe’s - L/S Hydro: Heat on L/S Stretch: Hamstrings Strengthen: Glutes PJM: L/S PACVP
Degenerative Disc Disease
Late: Affected Joint Hypomobile
Light Facial, Vibes, GTO Hydro: Warm No Stretch Strengthen: MM setting PJM: Gr. 1-2 TVP
Concave - Fascial, MM Strip, Convex - Tapotement Hydro: Heat on Concave, Cool on Convex Stretch: Banana Stretch Strengthen: Convex Glutes PJM: TVP on Concave side
Common Fibular Nerve Lesion
Light Tapping, Fascial - Tibialis Anterior and Fibularis Longus, MM Strip-Gastroc’s
Hydro: Heat on Posterior, Cool on Anterior and Lateral
Stretch: Gastrocnemius
Strengthen: Tibialis Anterior - Dorsiflex and Invert
PJM: Gentle 1-2 Anterior Glide on Ankle
Multiple Sclerosis
Vibes over injection site, GTO, O and I, MM Approx Hydro: Warm to cool Stretch: Gastroc’s Strengthen: Tibialis Anterior PJM: Hip Distraction
Plantar Fascitis
Fascial, GTO, MM Strip - Gastrocs, Frictions - Calacaneous attachments
Hydro: Hydrocullator
Stretch: Gastrocnemius
Strengthen: Tibialis Anterior
PJM: Gr. 3 Anterior Glide to increase Plantarflexion
Compartment Syndrome
Anterior or Posterior
Anterior-Fascial, Tapotement on Tib Ant, MM Strip on Gastrocnemius, Posterior - Fascial and Tapotement on Gastrocnemius, MM Strip - Anterior Leg
Just lighter techniques for Subacute
Hydro: Anterior-Heat to Gastroc’s, Posterior-Heat to Tib. Ant
Stretch: Anterior-Gastroc, Posterior-Tib Ant
Strengthen: Ant-Tib Ant, Post.-Gastroc
PJM: Ant-Post. Glide to increase Dorsiflexion, Post.-Ant. Glide to increase Plantarflexion
Pes Planus
Fascial, MM Strip-Gastroc’s, Tapoetment- Tibialis Anterior and Instrinsic foot mm
Hydro: Hydrocollator to Gastroc’s
Stretch: Gastrocnemius
Strengthen: Tibialis Anterior - Dorsiflex and Invert
PJM: Gr. 3 Posterior Glide to increase Dorsiflexion
Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma, Cystic Fibrosis
Acute- MLD, Light Fascial, Vibes
Chronic-GTO, MM Strip-Head, Neck and Shoulder’s, Diaphragm Release
Hydro: Heat over Pec’s if no Hypertension
Stretch: Scalenes or Pec’s
Strengthen: Abdomen
PJM: SC Joint
Fibromyalgia Syndrome/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Gentle Fascial, GTO, Vibes-Neck, Upper Traps Hydro: Warm compress No Stretch Strengthen: Mild PJM: Gentle and Mild
Tension or Migraine
During or In-Between
During: Diaphragm release, O and I-SCM. Between: GTO-Suboccipitals, B/W-More vigorous techniques, MM strip and Fascial
Hydro: During: Cool on neck/head. Between: Contrast
Stretch: SCM
Strengthen: Posterior C/S
PJM: Gr. 1-2 C/S Traction
Aquired- MLD, Vibes, GTO-SCM, Congential- Fascial, GTO-SCM, MM Strip
Hydro: Aquired-cool, Congential-warm
Stretch: Aquired- No Stretch, Congential-SCM
Strengthen: Aquired-Unaffected SCM, Congential-Unaffected SCM
PJM: Aquired-Gr. 1-2 C/S Traction, Congential-Gr. 2 C/S Distraction
Cerebral Palsy
Vibes, O and I, MM Strip-SCM, Scalenes Hydro: Depends Stretch: Slow gentle P.A.S-SCM, Scalenes Strengthen: Forearm Extensors PJM: C/S Traction
C.V.A and Hemiplegia
Hyperkyphotic Posture GTO, O and I, Vibes, MLD Hydro: Heat for spasticity, Contractures, Stretch: Pec’s Strengthen: Triceps PJM: Avoid placing GH Inferior
Anterior Head Carriage Fascial, GTO, MM Strip Hydro: Hydrocullator Stretch: Pecs Strengthen: Suboccipitals PJM: Gr. 1-2 C/S Traction
Subacute: Light Fascial, Vibes, GTO. Chronic: Fascial, GTO, MM strip
Hydro: Warm compress
Stretch: Extension-Chin tuck, Flexion-SCM, Side Impact-Contralateral side mm
Strengthen: Extension-SCM, Flexion-Upper Traps, Side Impact-Ipsilateral side mm
PJM: Subacute: Gr. 1-2 C/S Traction. Chronic: Gr. 3 C/S Traction
Fascial, GTO-Pec’s, Tapotement-Rhomboids Hydro: Hydrocullator Stretch: Pecs Strengthen: Rhomboids PJM: Rib springing
Quad or Hamstring Fascial, GTO, MM Strip Hydro: Hydrocullator Stretch: Quad-Stretch Hamstring, Hamstring-Stretch Quad Strengthen: Affected Muscle PJM: Gr. 3 Long Axis Hip Traction
Colle’s, Scaphoid, Femoral Neck, Pott’s
Fascial, MM Approx, GTO
Hydro: Warm
Stretch: After 80% of strength is back
Strengthen: Colle’s/Scaphoid-Extensors, Femoral Neck-Glutes, Pott’s-Fib Long
PJM: After consolidation, Gr. 1 distraction
Quad or Bicep’s
Fascial, GTO, MM Strip
Hydro: Hydrocullator
Stretch: Quad Contusion- Hamstrings, Hamstring Contusion- Quad’s
Strengthen: Quad Contusion- Quad’s, Hamstring Contusion- Hamstring’s
PJM: Gr. 3 Distractions
Subdeltoid, Olecranon, Patellar
Fascial, GTO, MM Strip
Hydro: Hydrocullator
Stretch: Subdeltoid-Biceps, Olecranon-Bicep’s, Patellar-Quad’s
Strengthen: Subdeltoid-Mid Deltoid, Olecranon-Triceps, Patellar-Hamstrings
PJM: Gr.3 Distractions
Late Stage
Light Fascial, Vibes, GTO
Hydro: Cold with inflammation, or DHM/Contrast
Stretch: Avoid stretch, just maintain ROM
Strengthen: MM Setting
PJM: Gr. 1-2
Frozen Shoulder
Freezing Stage
Light Fascial, MLD, Vibes Hydro: Cold No Stretch Strengthen: MM setting PJM: Gr. 2 GH Distraction
Frozen Shoulder
Frozen Stage
Light Fascial, Vibes, GTO Hydro: Contrast Stretch: Pec’s Strengthen: Deltoids-Abduction PJM: Gr. 2 GH Distraction
ITB Friction Syndrome
TFL and Proximal thigh - Light fascial, Vibes, GTO
Hydro: Contrast
Stretch: If not inflamed-ITB/TFL or Quads
Strengthen: If not inflamed - Vastus Medialis
PJM: Gr. 1-2 Long Axis Hip Traction
Fascial, GTO, MM Strip - L/S Hydro: Hydrocullator No Stretch Strengthen: Glutes PJM: Gr. 3