ROM For Conditions Flashcards
ROM and Assessment for TMJ Dysfunction
- Elevation
- Depression
- Lateral Deviation
- Protrusion
- Restrusion
AF - One condyle may move more than the other, C-curve
PR - Painful, Muscle-spasm end feel is present with muscular involvement, clicking and springy block end feel are present with hypo-mobility
AR - Depression, Lateral Deviation on affected side:Weak, Protrusion: Weak
ROM and Assessment for Bicep’s Tendinitis
AF - Rom is usually painless
PR - May reveal pain on actions that fully stretch the affected tendon
AR - Painful on contraction of the muscle of the affected tendon, especially if muscle is contracted in a stretched position
Actions: Supination, Elbow Flexion, G/H Flexion
ROM and Assessment for Supraspinatus Tendonitis
AF - Rom is usually painless
PR - May reveal pain on actions that fully stretch the affected tendon
AR - Painful on contraction of the muscle of the affected tendon, especially if muscle is contracted in a stretched position
Action: Abduction
ROM and Assessment for TOS: Pec Minor, Costoclavicular
AF and PR ROM of Neck may reveal some decreased movement
ROM and Assessment for Lateral Epicondylitis
Elbow ROM: Flexion and Extension
AF: Flexion causes a stretch to Extensors - May be limited
PR: Flexion causes a stretch to Extensors - May be limited
AR: Extension weak
ROM and Assessment for SI Joint Dysfunction
Hip: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Medial Rotation, Lateral Rotation
- While no muscles control movement of the SI joints directly, contraction of some muscles can affect a dysfunctional SI joint
- Example: AR contraction of the ipsilateral Gluteus Medius, i.e., AR hip abduction, the muscle pulls the ilium away from the sacrum causing pain in irritated SI joint
ROM and Assessment for Piriformis Syndrome
Hip ROM, Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Medial Rotation, Lateral Rotation
- Lateral Rotation causes a stretch and pain on muscle
ITB Friction Syndrome
AF: Adduction, Flexion & Extension of the Hip limited
PR: No pain
AR: May indicate stronger TFL, Hip Flexors & Gluteus Maximus, and a weaker Gluteus Medius
ROM and Assessment for Meniscal, ACL, PCL Injury
Knee ROM
AF: ACL - Limited in Extension, PCL - Limited in Flexion
PR: Limited with Meniscal injury where joint locking is present, springy block end feel on passive extension
AR: Quad strength may be reduced due to disuse atrophy
ROM and Assessment for Patellofemoral Syndrome
ROM of Knee:
Possible ITB contracture
ROM and Assessment for Ankle Sprain
Ankle ROM: Plantarflexion, Dorsiflexion, Inversion, Eversion
AF: May be limited by any remaining pain at the end ranges of motion
PR: Range of injury tested last. A painful, possibly hypermobile end feel is present on fully stressing the affected ligament
AR: Checking for decreased mm strength with disuse atrophy
ROM and Assessment for Adhesive Capsulitis/Frozen Shoulder
G/H ROM, Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal Rotation, External Rotation, Horizontal Adduction
AF: Restricted in External Rotation, Abduction, Internal Rotation, also limited in Flexion
PR: Restrictions are in a capsular pattern of External Rotation, Abduction and Internal Rotation, with painful leathery end-feel
AR: Strength may be reduced
ROM and Assessment for Hyperlordosis
HIP, Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction, Internal Rotation, External Rotation
AF: Lengthened Hamstrings
PR: Reduced in Extension
AR: Iliopsoas is Strong
ROM and Assessment for Scoliosis
L/S, Flexion, Extension, Lateral Flexion, Rotation
AF: Flexion and Lateral Flexion reveals decreased range towards convex side
PR: Restricted towards convex side
AR: Weakness towards concave side
ROM and Assessment for Median Nerve Lesion
Wrist ROM, Flexion, Extension, Ulnar Deviation, Radial Deviation
AF and AR ROM: Flexion limited
ROM and Assessment for Ulnar Nerve Lesion
Elbow ROM, Flexion, Extension
AF and AR ROM: Flexion is Limited
ROM and Assessment for AC Dislocation
- Flexion is limited
GH Dislocation
- External Rotation is Limited