Dermatomes/Myotomes/Reflexes/CranialNN Flashcards
C1-C2 Myotome
Neck Flexion
C3 Myotome
Neck- Lateral Flexion
C4 Myotome
Shoulder Elevation (shrugging)
C5 Myotome
Shoulder Abduction
C6 Myotome
Elbow Flexion, Wrist Extension
C7 Myotome
Elbow Extension, Wrist Flexion
C8 Myotome
Ulnar Deviation, Thumb Extension
T1 Myotome
Fingers- Abduction and Adduction
L2 Myotome
Hip Flexion
L3 Myotome
Knee Extension
L4 Myotome
Ankle Dorsiflexion
L5 Myotome
Big Toe Extension
S1 Myotome
Hip Extension, Ankle Plantarflexion & Eversion
S2 Myotome
Knee Flexion
CN V Reflex
Jaw-Mandible - Mouth closes
If it’s Hyporeflexive it could indicate Trigeminal Neuralgia
C5 Reflex
Biceps Tendon - Bicep’s Contract
C6 Reflex
Brachioradialis Tendon - Elbow Flexion or Forearm Pronation
C7 Reflex
Distal Triceps Tendon above Olecranon - Elbow Extension
L4 Reflex
Patellar Ligament - Leg Extension
L5 Reflex
Medial Hamstring - Semimembranosus or Semitendinosus Tendon - Knee Flexion
S1 Reflex
Achilles Tendon - Plantar Flexion
S2 Reflex
Lateral Hamstrings, Biceps Femoris Tendon - Knee Flexion
What does testing reflexes look for
Looking for normal or pathological, Hyper or Hypo reflexes
- Hyper - UMNL
- Hypo - LMNL
What does Myotome testing look for
Tests the strength of the Muscle
If the result is positive as weakness, it would indicate a nerve root compression
What does testing Dermatomes look for
Tests for sensory loss in the NN pattern of the skin
Positive sign would be less sensation on one side, which means there’s a lesion in the same cutaneous NN root
C2 Dermatome
Scalp, Temples, Face
C3 Dermatome
Throat and Larynx
C4 Dermatome
Above the Clavicles
C5 Dermatome
The Clavicles down to the top of the shoulder blades, outside front of the arms
C6 Dermatome
Outside portion of the Arms and Thumb
C7 Dermatome
Central portion of the back of arms, middle portion of hands, index and middle fingers
C8 Dermatomes
Inner portion of the back of arms, inner portion of the hand and the ring and pinky fingers
T1 Dermatome
The chest across to the armpits and down the center portion of the front of the arms
T2-T3 Dermatome
The chest down to the line of the nipples
T4-T8 Dermatome
The chest, Diaphragm and Abdomen down to above the navel
T9-T12 Dermatome
The stomach below the navel
L1 Dermatome
The Hip and Groin area
L2 Dermatome
Inside of the thigh
L3 Dermatome
L4 Dermatome
The inside part of the ankle (medial malleolus)
L5 Dermatome
Bottom of the foot and toes 1-3
S1 Dermatome
Toes 4-5, and the outside part of the Ankle (lateral malleolus)
S2 Dermatome
The outer side of the heel bone (lateral side)
CN V - Trigeminal
Client closes eyes; therapist strokes forehead, cheeks, ears and jaw with fingertips
CN VII - Facial
Close eyes tightly, smile and show teeth, pucker lips, whistle and puff out cheeks
Have client follow your finger with their eyes
Papillary Light Reflex
CN XI - Accessory
Client resists shoulder elevation