Homecare-REMEX and Hydro Flashcards
Erb’s Palsy
Stress Ball for Hand Strength
Heat on Wrist Flexors
Klumpke’s Paralysis
Stress ball for Hand Strength
Warm on Wrist Extensors
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Stretch Forearm Flexors
- With elbow straight, extend wrist and use opposite hand to spread open palm
Heat on Wrist Extensors
Pronator Teres Syndrome
Stretch Forearm Extensors
- Elbow straight, wrist flexed and hand in a fist, use opposite hand to apply Flexion pressure. Pronate and Supinate the forearm to further stretch more specific fibers
Heat on Extensors
Ulnar Nerve Lesion
Stretch Lateral Wrist Extensors
- Tuck thumb under fingers and pul down (finklestein stretch)
Cool on Medial Forearm
Stretches for:
- Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
AC: Pec Major
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
GH: Pec Major
Lunate: Wrist Flexors
- With elbow straight, extend wrist and use opposite hand to spread open palm
Heat on appropriate muscle that applies
Bell’s Palsy
Movement of Flaccid Muscles: Close eyes, Smile, Show Teeth, Whistle
Cool compress on affected muscles
Trigeminal Neuralgia
Stretch SCM
- Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
Heat on unaffected Neck and Shoulder
TOS: Anterior Scalene
Stretch Scalenes
- Laterally Flex to unaffected side, then rotate towards affected side, then apply mild pressure with opposite hand
Warm compress on neck
TOS: Pec Minor
Strengthen Rhomboids, Stretch Pec’s
- Superman pose, this exercise will strengthen and stretch at the same time
Warm compress on neck
TOS: Costoclavicular
Stretch Rhomboids
- Cross arms, grab scapulas and pull laterally
Heat on Rhomboids
TMJ Dysfunction
Stretch SCM
- Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
Warm to Hypo-mobile side
Cruciate and Meniscal Injuries
Meniscus and ACL: Squat to Strengthen Rectus Femoris (Quads)
PCL: Knee Flexion to Strengthen Hamstrings
Heat on appropriate muscles
Intervertebral Disc Herniation
Back Extension Exercises
Heat on Lower Back
Facet Joint Dysfunction
C/S: Stretch Scalenes- Laterally Flex to unaffected side, then rotate towards affected side, then apply mild pressure with opposite hand
L/S: Stretch Lats- Child’s Pose, Get on knees and reach arms forward on the ground, then walk hands to the hyper-mobile side to stretch Hypo-mobile side
Warm towel on C/S, Heat on L/S
SI Joint Dysfunction
Stretch Glutes:
- Lay on back, cross ankle of other leg over thigh and pull knee to chest
Heat on Glutes
ITB Friction Syndrome
Stretch Glutes:
- Lay on back, cross ankle of other leg over thigh and pull knee to chest
Heat on Quads
Piriformis Syndrome
Stretch Piriformis
- Pigeon Pose: Place one leg with knee bent in front of body, extend other leg behind you, lean body forward to provide more pressure
Heat on Piriformis
Frozen Shoulder
Strengthen Deltoids
- Abduct Arm’s
Heat on Pec Major
Stretch Flexors and Extensors
Medial Epi’: - With elbow straight, extend wrist and use opposite hand to spread open palm
Lateral Epi’: - Elbow straight, wrist flexed and hand in a fist, use opposite hand to apply Flexion pressure. Pronate and Supinate the forearm to further stretch more specific fibers
Heat on affected muscles
Patellofemoral Syndrome
Stretch Quads:
- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Heat on ITB, Vastus Lateralis
Biceps: Stretch Biceps- Stand at wall with shoulders extended, elbow is straight, forearm Pronated, slowly flex knee’s and extend shoulder
Supraspinatus: Stretch Supraspinatus-Adduct shoulder and pull arm inferiorly in front of body
Heat on affected muscles
Dupuytren’s Contracture
Stretch Wrist Flexors:
- With elbow straight, extend wrist and use opposite hand to spread open palm
Heat on Wrist Flexors
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Stretch Forearm Extensors:
- Elbow straight, wrist flexed and hand in a fist, use opposite hand to apply Flexion pressure. Pronate and Supinate the forearm to further stretch more specific fibers
Cool on affected joints and muscles
Early: Stretch and Heat
Late: MM Setting and Cold
DeQuervain’s Tenosynovitis
Stretch Abductor Pollicis Longus
- Tuck thumb under fingers and pull down, (finklestein stretch)
Heat on Extensors
Radial Nerve Lesion
Stretch Biceps:
- Stand at wall with shoulders extended, elbow is straight, forearm Pronated, slowly flex knee’s and extend shoulder
Cool on Extensors
Stretch Quad’s:
- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Heat on Low Back
Rib Subluxation and Intercostal Neuralgia
Stretch QL’s:
- Banana Stretch, interlock hands and lean laterally towards unaffected side
Cool along Nerve Distribution
Ankylosing Spondylitis
Stretch Pec Major:
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
Heat on Pec Major
Stretch Pec Major:
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
Cool Foot Bath
Women’s Health Conditions
Dysmenorrhea, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Endometriosis
Stretch Quad’s:
- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Cool compress on stomach
Stretch Quads:
- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Heating compress on Abdomen
Sacral Plexus Injury
Cat Stretch for Back:
- Position yourself on the floor on your hands and knees. Pull your belly in and round your spine, lower back, shoulders, and neck, letting your head drop
Heat on Low Back
Degenerative Disc Disease
Early: Strengthen Glutes-Squats, Heat on Low Back
Late: MM Setting, Heat on Low Back
Stretch QL’s:
- Banana Stretch, interlock hands and lean laterally towards unaffected side
- Heat on Concave side
Common Fibular Nerve Lesion
Stretch Gastroc:
- With knee straight, Dorsiflex ankle against wall
Cool on Anterior Leg
Multiple Sclerosis
Stretch Gastroc:
- With knee straight, Dorsiflex ankle against wall
Warm to Cool Hydro
Plantar Fasciitis
Stretch Gastroc:
- With knee straight, Dorsiflex ankle against wall
Hot Hydro on Gastrocs
Compartment Syndrome
Anterior: Stretch Gastroc-With knee straight, Dorsiflex ankle against wall, Heat on Gastroc
Posterior: Strengthen Gastroc-Calf Raise, Heat to Tib. Anterior
Pes Planus
Strengthen Toe Extensors:
- Pick up pencil with feet
Heat on Gastrocs
Stretch Pec Major:
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
Heat over Pec Major
Fibromyalgia/ Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Start with 3-5 min and increase by 20% every 2-3 weeks
Stretch SCM:
- Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
During: Heat on referring muscles
Between: Contrast
Acquired: Cool Compress
Congenital: Stretch affected SCM-Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side, Heat on affected side of neck
Cerebral Palsy
Stretch SCM:
- Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
Heat around Neck
C.V.A or Hemiplegia
Stretch Pec Major:
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
Heat on Quad’s
Parkinson’s Disease
Stretch Pec’s:
- Towel roll along spine and lay on it
Heat over Pec Major
Extension- Chin tuck
Flexion- SCM-Extend, Laterally flex and Rotate to Left side to stretch the right side
Side Impact- Upper Traps- Laterally Flex head to one side and apply mild tension with opposite hand, to increase stretch grip side of chair and pull
Warm compress to affected muscles
Stretch Pec Major:
- Wall Stretch-Lower Fibres: Shoulder Abducted 150, Middle Fibres: 100, Upper Fibres: 60, Elbow Extended against wall
Heat on Pec Major
Subdeltoid- Biceps- Stand at wall with shoulders extended, elbow straight, forearm Pronated, slowly flex knee’s and extend shoulder
Olecranon- Biceps- “________”
Patellar-Quads- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Acute/Subacute-Cool towel donut
Quads- Lying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Biceps- Stand at wall with shoulders extended, elbow straight, forearm Pronated, slowly flex knee’s and extend shoulder
Heat on muscle to be stretched
Strengthen: Colle’s- Extensor’s- Push in hand Scaphoid-Extensor’s- Push in hand Femoral Neck-Glutes- Squats Pott’s-Fibularis Longus- Heel stand, and walk
Quad Strain- Hamstrings- Standing, place straight leg up on bench and lean forward
Hamstring Strain- Quads- Laying on stomach, place pad under flexed knee and extend hip
Heat on muscles needing to be stretched