Trauma Disorders Flashcards
What is an adjustment disorder?
A maladaptive reaction to an identified stressor or stressors that occur shortly following exposure to the stressors and result in impaired functioning or signs of emotional distress that exceed what would normally be expected in the situation
How can we resolve an adjustment disorder?
Reaction may be resolved if the stressor is removed or the individual learns to adapt to it successfully
What is acute stress disorder?
A traumatic reaction occurring in the days and weeks following exposure to a traumatic event
How long does acute stress disorder last?
4 weeks or less
What is PTSD?
Disorder involved in impairing functioning following exposure to a traumatic experience
How long do PTSD symptoms last?
At least one month, and my persist for months, years, or decades
What are the diagnostic criteria for PTSD?
Exposure to actual or threatened death, serious injury, or sexual violence
Intrusive symptoms
Negative alterations in cognitions and moods
Alterations in arousal and reactivity
More than 1 month
Cause clinical distress
Not attributed to physiological effects of a substance or another medical condition
What is dissociation?
Feelings of detachment form oneself or one’s environment
What increases the risk of developing PTSD?
Higher for people living in war-torn countries and for those engaging in hazardous activities or occupations
What part of the brain can constant stress cause damage to?
The hippocampus
What are some other specified trauma and stressor related disorders?
Adjustment-like disorders with the delayed onset of symptoms that occur more than 3 months after the stressor
Adjustment-like disorders with prolonged duration of more than 6 months without prolonged duration of stressor
Ataque de nervios
Other cultural symptoms
Persistent complex bereavement disorder
What is trauma?
An imprint of a life-threatening event that continues to replay in the present and affects the brain and body
Perceived control is critical
-no control = more likely to develop trauma reactions
Why are no two traumas alike?
Trauma occurs from within the person and the event
Some develop a traumatic reaction whiles others do not, even from a similar event
What is the prefrontal cortex like with PTSD?
Dysfunctional thought processes and decision making
Inappropriate responses to situations
What is the amygdala like with PTSD?
Sets off fight or flight in response to memories or thoughts about danger