trauma & cric care Flashcards
Crash 3 trial
TXA is safe in patients with traumatic brain injury and that treatment within 3 hours of injury reduces head injury–related death.
TXA dosing?
1g within 3 hours then
1g given over 8 hours
early administration of balanced blood products leads to a decreased 6-hour mortality rate
1:1:1 red blood cells:platelets:plasma is recommended
LD50 fall from height
4 stories
indication for hemostatic resucitation?
4+ U RBC in 1 hour
or 10+U in 24 hours
timing of acute traumatic coagulopathy?
immediate, happens before ED arrival.
FAST locations?
perihepatic (MC to see blood), perisplenic, pelvis, pericardium (START WITH PERICARDIUM)
when to use low v high frequency FAST US?
low: good for tissue penetration
high: good for resolution
FAST cannot detect fluid < ?
<80 cc.
FAST scan misses what?
hollow viscus injury, rp bleeding
when is local wound exploration OK in penetrating abdominal trauma?
if no fascial violation (after ruled out peritonitis/evisceration)
bladder pressure in abdominal compartment syndrome?
25-30 mm Hg.
ED thoracotomy
4th or 5th IC space
open pericardium ant to phrenic
cross clamp aorta; watch anterior esophagus
ED thoracotomy indication (Fiser)
- penetrating 15 min chest
- penetrating 5 min non-chest
- penetrating with signs of life on way to hospital
- blunt 5 min
epidural (lenticular) or subdural (crescent) hematoma OR indication?
midline shift > 5 mm
epidural > 15mm
sundural >10mm
MC bleed in head trauma?
Intraparenchymal hemorrhage.
normal cerebral perfusion pressure
60+ mm Hg
Cerebral perfusion pressure calculation?
Main regulator of CPP?
PaCO2 (this autoregulation is lost in TBI)
normal ICP?
10 mm Hg (keep <20 mm Hg)
Co2 and Na goals in increased ICP?
CO2 (relative hyperventilation) 30-35 pCO2
Na goal 140-150
mannitol in increased ICP? Side effect?
1 g/kg; give 0.25 mg/kg q4h after that
Side effect: HYPOTENSION
ICP monitor indication and types?
GCS < 8 with abnormal CT.
Ventriculostomy into ventricle.
BOLT into parenchyma. (cannot drain CSF)
Golden rule of Head Trauma?
Avoid HYPOtension and HYPOxia (to avoid secondary brain injury and HYPER&HYPOglycemia
Cushing’s in increased ICP
bradycardia (intermittent = impending herniation)
low respiratory rate = Cheyne Stokes breathing
How to quickly treat increased ICP?
HOB 30 elevation, ventilate to CO2 35, mannitol, HTS, sedate, paralyze.
when is peak ICP due to swelling?
48-72 hours
raccoon eyes
peri orbital ecchymosis (anterior fossa fracture = basal skull fx)
battle sign
mastoid ecchymosis (middle fossa fx = basal skull fx)
look for facial nerve injury
Adjuncts to give in head trauma?
- Keppra x 1 wk BID for EARLY Sz ppx
- EARLY feeding 24-48hr
Avoid steroid unless worsening deficit
CM site of facial injury in temporal skull fx?
geniculate ganglion
nerves affected in temporal skull fx?
coagulopathy with TBI?
release of tissue thromboplastin
Jefferson fracture = C1 BURST FX
caused by axial loading
tx: rigid collar
tx burst fx = spinal fusions (bc usually anterior and middle columns (1+ column = fixation indicated)
Hangmans fx = C2 fx
caused by distraction/extension
tx: traction and halo
odontoid process
C2 odontoid fracture
type I: above base, stable
type II: at base, unstable (need fusion or halo)
type III: extends into vertebral body (nee fusion or halo)
thoracolumbar spine columns
anterior: ALL to ante 1/2 vert body
middle: post 1/2 to PLL
posterior: facets, lamina, spinous processes, interspinous ligaments
compression = wedge fx (spine)
typically anterior column
tx: TLSO
upright fall injuries
calcaneus, lumbar, wrist/forearm injuries
lefort I
max fracture straight across
tx: reduction, stabilization, possible wires
lefort II
lateral to nasal bone, diagnoal toward maxilla
tx: reduction, stabilization, possible wires
lefort III
lateral orbital walls
tx: suspension wiring to frontal bone +/- ex fix
nasoethmoidal orbital fx
70% have CSF leak (tau protein)… try to wait it out 2 wks then may need epidural catheter or surgical dura closure
orbital blowout fx
impaired upward gaze or diplopia with UPWARD vision need repair
(use bone frag or bone graft to restore floor)
mgmt posterior nose bleed (INTERNAL MAXILLARY ARTERY>ethmoidal)
angioembolization or foley catheter
neck zone I
clavicle to cricoid
neck zone II
cricoid to angle of mandible
neck zone III
angle of mandible to base of skull
mandibular injury dx
fine cut face CT
mandibular fx tx
IMF x 6-8 wks or ORIF
which zone MUST YOU ALWAYS OR?
zone 2.
traumatic esophageal or hypopharyngeal repair leak rate?
20%; leave drains next to all
traumatic thyroid injury?
suture bleeders and DRAIN. don’t resect.h
where can you reimplant the RLN if injured traumatically?
into cricoarytenoid muscle
what % of common carotid ligation leads to stroke?
Thoracotomy indication after CTb?
1.5L initial, 200cc/hr x 4 hours
mgmt of sucking PTX
(>2/3 diameter of trachea); cover with gauze taped on 3 sides
Flail chest dx
3+ consec ribs broken at 2+ sites
can have 48 hours of good before resp decomp
Treatment flail chest?
Consider epidural
Consider PPV (contusions cause respiratory compromise)
Consider plating if not improving
traumatic diaphragmatic hernia repair appraoch?
acute < 1 wk: transabdominal
chronic >1wk: chest to bring down adhesions
strangulation can occur at any time.
consider PTFE mesh
what % of aortic tears will show on XR?
5%. need CTA.
distal R SCA injury approach?
midclavicular incision with resection of medial clavicle
cause of death after myocardial contusion?
Vtach and Vfib, esp in first 24 hours.
MC arrhythmia overall in myocardial contusion?
MC finding is ST or PVCs
consider aortic transection with which rib fx?
1st and 2nd.
pelvic fx type I
unstable (CRUSH)
20-30% mortality; 10+U EBL, high complication risk
pelvic fx type II
unstable (noncrush)
8-12% mortality, 2-10U EBL, med complication
pelvic fx type III
stable <5% mortality, 1-4U EBL, 10-20% complications
anterior pelvic fx manifestation?
venous bleeding mostly from pelvic venous plexus
tx: just tamponade
posterior pelvic fx manifestation?
more likely arterial….
MC associated injury with pelvic fx in trauma?
head injury
pelvic fx open book mgmt
stable: angiography
unstable: preperitoneal packing in OR
MC traumatic injury to duo?
D2 > LoT
intraop duodenal hematoma?
mostly at D3 (overlying spine); need to open if 2+cm any mechanism.
CT scan finding on old paraduodenal hematoma?
stacked coin or coiled spring; presents as SBO
tx: NGT TPN until hematoma resorbed.
traumatic duodenal injury?
try to primarily repair.
consider pyloric exclusion and GJ, consider J tube, place many drains.
if D2 and can’t primarily repair?
jejunal serosal patch until Whipple
need pyloric eclusion and GJ, J tube
trauma whipple
don’t do it.
MC organ injured in penetrating abdominal trauma?
small bowel > liver
what circumference and lumen diameter to consider bowel resection and anastomosis in traumatic injury?
50% circumference and 1/3 lumen diameter.
hematomas to explore in OR?
2cm+ (mesenteric, duodenal, etc.) and ALL COLONIC HEMATOMAS
R and T colon injuries?
primarily repair if <50% circumference injured and without devascularization. no diversion.
L colon injury and intraabdominal rectum mgmt?
primary without diversion < 50% and no devascularization.
if COLON colectomy/LAR required, DLI if gross contamination, 6 hrs to repair, 6+U RBC given.
if RECTAL injury, needs DLI regardless.
extraperitoneal rectal injury
high rectum: primary repair (if LAR needed, always DLI)
midde rectum: end colostomy only without APR (rly hard to reach)
low rectum: primarily with transanal approach & end colostomy only without APR if cannot access it or too hard to primarily repairx
MC organ injured in blunt abdominal trauma?
liver > spleen.
portal triad hematoma?
explore all.
retrohepatic IVC Injury? how to perfuse while repairing?
can place an atriocaval shunt.
traumatic CBD injuyr?
<50%: repair over stent.
>50%: choledochojejunostomy
consider IOC
portal vein injury
repair with lateral venorrhaphy
may need to perform distal panc to get to portal vein
mortality with ligation of portal vein
PV injury can’t get to?
transect pancreatic duct (will then need distal pancreatectomy)
pringle maneuver clamp time?
15-20 min.
indication to OR or IR for stable blunt liver injury?
4+U RBC or becomes unstable.
bed rest in liver or splenic injury, blunt?
5 days.
postsplenectomy sepsis highest risk after splenectomy?
2 yrs
timing of vax postsplenectomy?
H. flu
within 30 days after splenectomy (best if before discharge)
indication to OR or IR for stable splenic injury?
2+U RBC or becomes unstable
pancreatic injury mgmt?
only operative if duct is involved.
any hematoma needs to be explored.
pancreatic duct injury managment?
if close to SMV, need to placed drains and Whipple later
if far from SMV, distal panc
major signs of vascular injury?
- active hemorrhage
- pulse deficit
- expanding/pulsatile hematoma
- distal ischemia
- bruit or thrill
minor signs of vascular injury?
- hx hemorhage
- large stable/nonpulsatile hematoma
- ABI < 0.9
- unequal pulses …
they all need CTA.
when GSV graft needed for arterial injury?
2+cm defect in vessel.
use contralateral if leg injury
single calf artery transection tx?
just ligate.
indication for fasciotomy?
ishcemia > 4-6 hrs
compartment syndrome dx?
20+mm Hg in compartment
6 P’s
how to repair IVC injury
if <50% residual stenosis, primary
if >50%, GSV or synthetic patch
proximal/distal control with pRESSURE NOT CLAMPS
how to access posterior wall injury to IVC?
cut into anterior wall and repair through anterior approach.
all knee dislocations need what vascular study?
formal angiogram unless pulse absent.. then just go to OR
anterior shoulder dislocation associated injury?
ax nerve
prox humerus fx injury?
ax nerve
posterior shoulder dislocation injury?
ax artery
midshaft humerus fx or spiral humerus fx injury?
radial nerve.
distal supracondylar humerus fx
brachial artery
elbow dislocation injury?
brachial artery
distal radius fx
median nerve
anterior hip dislocation injury?
femoral artery & fem fx
posterior hip dislocation injury?
sciatic nerve, peroneal nerve/injury
distal supracondylar femur fx
pop artery
posterior knee dislocation injury?
pop artery
fibula neck fx
peroneal nerve
hematuria in trauma
all need CT scan.
L renal vein ligation?
near IVC is fine.. has adrenal and gonadal collaterals unlike R RV.
Ant to post renal hilum?
vein, artery, pelvis. VAP.
meatal or scrotal hematoma/bleeding?
need CT cystogram
extraperitoneal: starbursts. (just need FOLEY x 7-14 days)
intraperitoneal: leak seen (need OR and FOLEY)b
bladder injury… mostly blunt or pen?
mostly blunt. (pelvic fx lacerates)
ureteral trauma… mostly blunt or pen?
mostly penetrating.
how to dx ureteral trauma?
IVP (multishot) or retrograde pyelogram.
traumatic upper or middle third ureteral injury > 2cm?
perc nephrostomy, tie off both ends of defect
later: ileal conduit or tran UUostomy
traumatic lower third ureteral injury > 2cm?
reimplant +/- hitch.
<2cm upper and middle ureteral injury?
primary over stent
<2cm lower third ureteral injury?
reimplant into bladder
blood supply location to ureter?
upper 2/3: medial
lower 1/3: lateral
drainage after ureteral injury repair?
all need DRAINS.
<2cm ureteral injury
upper/middle third: mobilize, spatulate primary repair over double J STNET with fine absorbable suture
lower: reimplant
how to check for leaks in ureteral trauma/repair
IV indigo carmine or IV methylene blue
blood supply location to ureter
upper/middle: medial
lower: lateral
urethral injury suspected over bladder? (free floatig prostate, scrotal hematoma, pelvic fx, meatal blood)
need RUG.
which portion of urethra most susceptible for transection
mgmt urethral trauma: anterior vs posterior, small vs large
Anterior, small: explore, debride, primary closure over foley catheter
Posterior: perc suprapubic catheter drainage and repair in 2-3 mos
genital trauma
erectaile body fx… may need to repair tunica albuginea or Buck’s fascia
testicular rupture dx
US: tunica albuginea violation
pediatric trauma vital sign considerations?
increased risk of hypothermia, increased risk head injury, BP is not good indicator of shock (last thing to go)
respiratory changes in pregnant mom
increased Tv, decreased FRC, increased O2 consumption
blood loss permitted in pregnant lady before sx seen?
1/3 total loss without signs!
Rhogam in pregnant trauma?
RhoGAM if mother Rh- (in case baby +)
look for fetal blood cells in mom blood. “Kleihauer Betke test” = preterm labor associated with placenta abruption
fetal maturity dx?
lecithin:sphingomyelin LS ratio > 2:1
positive phosphatyidylcholine in amniotic fluid
Fetal monitoring at what week gestation?
24 weeks+
MC cause placental abruption in trauma setting? 50% will die.
shock > mechanical forces
location of uterine rupture
tx uterine rupture AFTER Delivery
just aggressively resuscitate until uterus begins to clamp down
zone 2 hematoma penetrating vs blunt?
explore all PEN, explore if BLUNT expanding
zone 1 hematoma
explore all (PEN AND BLUNT)
zone 3 hematoma
blunt just angioembolize (pelvic)
penetrating: OPEN > 2cm
black widow bite
n/v, cramps
treat: IV calcium gluconate, muscle relaxants, morphine if no cramp
brown recluse spider bite
skin ulcer with necrotic center and surrounding erythema
treat: dapsone, wait a few weeks to demarcate before skin graft NO ANTIVENIN LIKE BLACK WIDOW OR CORAL SNAKE
human bite ppx?
yes. Augmentin
viperidae snake bite presentation
hematologic effects
thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, and DIC
Rhabdomyolysis and compartment syndrome
elapidae snake bite
toxic neurologic effects
irreversible binding at the acetylcholine receptors
generalized weakness and fasciculations
respiratory paralysis and death
every bite needs?
cat bite
needs 3-5 days of ppx abx and irrigation
EF ejection fraction equation?
atrial kick percentage of LVEDV?
anrep effect
automatic increase in contractility secondary to increased afterload
bowditch effect
automatic increase in contractility secondary to increased HR