head and neck Flashcards
Freys syndrome
gustatory sweating; after parotidectomy (injury to auriculotemporl N that cross innervates sympathetics)
causes aberrant regeneration of parasympathetics
ant to post thoracic outlet
SCV > phrenic > ant scalene > SCA > brachial plexus > middle scalene
what does parotid vs sublingual vs submandibular secrete?
parotid: serous
sublingual: mucin
submandibular: 50/50
false vs true vocal cords
false superior to true
how does phrenic N run over anterior scalene?
lateral to medial
thyrocervical trunk STAT
suprascapular aa, transverse cervical aa, ascending cervical aa, inferior thyroid aa
congenital bony mass on upper and lingual mouth
upper palate: torus palatini (mgmt: nothing)
lingual mandible: torus mandibular (mgmt nothing)
modified radical neck dissection vs radical neck dissection
modified: omohyoid, submandibular gland, sensory nerves C2-C5, cervical branch of CN VII facial, and ipsilateral throid lobe
radical that plus CN XI accessory, SCM, and iJ
general w/u of primary HNSCC without known organ?
- exam with fiberoptic exam
- FNA or excisional node bx
- DL + EGD + Ipsilateral tonsillectomy
- if can’t find primary, do ipsilateral MRND and bilateral XRT
SCC chemotherapeutic
5FU and cisplatin
5th MC; M>F; EtOH and tobacco is SYNERGISTIC
HNSCC mgmt
wide resection 1 cm (.5-1 for all other)
modified radical neck if >4 cm, clinical nodes, bone invasion
adjuvant radiation for >4cm, positive mrgins, node positive
syndrome ass’d HNSCC ORAL
plummer vinson syndrome; glossitis, cervical dysphagia, esophageal web, spoon fingers, Fe def anemia
lip flaps required if?
> 1/3 lip resected, btk’24 says 1/2
nasopharyngeal SCC
EBV, Chinese,
goes to POSTERIOR cervical neck nodes
mgmt: chemoRADIATION**
oropharyngeal SCC
mgmt: <4cm: radiate
>4cm: reect, RMND and radiation
hypopharyngeal SCC
to ANERIOR cervical ndoes; same mgmt as oropharyngeal
nasopharyngeal angiofibroma
M<20 YO, very vasculr
mgmt: embolize (internal maxillary aa) then resect
laryngeal ca
sx: hoarse, dysphagia, aspiration
mgmt: XRT if vocal cord only, add chemo if beyond vocal cordsali
salivary gland tumor
smaller = more malignant
MC salivary gland tumor location
tx mucoepidermoid cancer
resect with MRND +/- postop XRT
preserve CN VII if parotidectomy
tx adenoid cystic cancer
(watch out: invades NERVES)
resect + MRND +/- postop XRT…. VERY SENSITIVE TO XRT
preauricular tumor
must rule out parotid tumor but don’t want to enucleate…
MC malignant tumor of salivary glands
MC tumor overall of salivaries
pleomorphic adenoma
mgmt; superficial partoidectomy (total parotidectomy if malignant degeneration)
MC injury during parotid surgery
greater auricular nerve = numbness over lower portion of the ear)
MC injury during submandibular gland surgery
marignal mandivular nerve branch of the CN VII (drooop in corner)
epidermal inclusion cyst of ear… erode and present with conductive hearing loss and clear drainage from ear
mgmt cholesteatoma
resect possibly also mastoidectomy
vascular tumor of mdidel ear