Transplantation Flashcards
What are the different sources of donor organs? What are:
- autografts
- isografts
- allografts
- xenografts
Lecture 3, slide 3
What is the MHC locus? How polymorphic is it?
Lecture 3, slide 5-6
What is the direct pathway of alloantigen presentation? What is the indirect pathway?
Lecture 3, slide 7-8
What are minor histocompatibility antigens? Give some examples.
Lecture 3, slide 9
How is an appropriate donor identified? What is the law of diminishing returns in the context of donors for transplantation?
Lecture 3, slide 10
What are the effector mechanisms in allograft rejection?
Lecture 3, slide 11
How is rejection diagnosed?
Lecture 3, slide 12
What are the different types of rejection?
- hyperacute rejection
- acute rejection
- chronic rejection
- graft vs host disease
What is hyperacute rejection? What is acute rejection?
Lecture 3, slide 13
What is chronic rejection? What is Graft vs Host Disease? (GvHD)
Lecture 3, slide 14
What is the underlying pathology of GvHD? When may it be useful? What is systemic sclerosis?
Lecture 3, slide 15
Give some examples of immunosuppressants? What are the general side effects of immunosuppressants?
Lecture 3, slide 16
Describe potential permanent solutions to allograft rejection.
Lecture 3, slide 17
Discuss the induction of transplantation tolerance to allogeneic skin grafts through a course of mAbs.
Lecture 3, slide 18
What is normothermic organ perfusion?
Lecture 3, slide 19
What advances have been made in xenotransplantation?
Lecture 3, slide 21
What is blastocyst complementation?
Lecture 3, slide 22-23
What can interspecies organogenesis be used for?
Lecture 3, slide 24-27