Transient tachycardia of the newborn Flashcards
What is transient tachypnoea of newborn?
Retained foetal fluid/wet lung disease
First few hours of life, retaining fluid on lungs causing tachypanoea, reolves in 48 hours
Risk factors for TTN
C section delivery
Maternal diabetes
Maternal asthma
Clinical presentation TTN
Respiratory distress
Classically with grunting and nasal flaring in first 6 hours of life
Mild cyanosis sometimes
How is amnitoic fluid normally expelled from lungs after birth
Amniotic fluid normally expressed during vaginal delivery and absorbed after birth and prostaglandins dilate pulmonary lymphatics to absorb excess fluid
What causes reduced fluid absorpiton off of lungs in TTN
Reduced mechanical squeeze
Reduced capillary and lymphatic removal of amniotic flujd
When is prostaglandin imbalance more likely at brith?
Maternal diabtetes or asthma
Male newborns
Features of TTN on plain radiograph
Interstitial oedema - perihilar streakiness
Pleural effusions usually small
Mild to moderate cardiomegaly (rare)
Severe cases perihilar alveolar opacities
US for TTN
Double lung point sign
Rule out consolidated lung (air bronchogrma)
Differential diagnosis TTN
Neonatal penumonia
Aspiration - meconium
Persistent foetal ciculation
Respiratory distress syndrome
Rep distree syndrome vs TTN how differentiate
Lung volumes slightly decreased in RDS - normal to slightly hyperinflated in TTN