Traning Manual Flashcards
Minimum width for 180degree turn?
Max N1 for taxiingMax SPD for straight, Turning Dry & Wet
40%20-30ktDry-10ktWet-7ktSlippery- 3kt
Take off thrust to be set by?
What speed should the tiller not be used?
When does the rudder become effective?
What instrument do you call positive climb off?
When is a rolling takeoff recommended?
When crosswind exceeds 20kts
Normal Economy climb?
S.L to 10,000ft- 250ktsABV 10,000ft- 290/ M.78
Max rate of Climb?
Manoeuvre speed + 50kts/M.78
Maximum Angle climb?
VREF (30)+80/M.77
GA thrust limit?
Target pitch attitude on rotation & Go around?
Target pitch attitude rotation engine failure?
12degrees1.5- 2 degrees per second
What attitude must be less then to engage autopilot?
Less then 10degrees
Maximum bank with one engine inop?
ABV V2+15 = 30degreesBelow V2+15= 15degrees
Speed to maintain during an engine failure after take off?
Max Angle- VREF30+80kts
When to disconnect A/T in an RTO?
BLW 80 kts or before THR HLD is annunciated.
Where does the ADI receive its information from?
IRS so there is no precision error.
Steep turn method?
-Cabin sign ON-VOR mode (PF)-A/S=250ktsDES & APP CheckPWR- 66%ATT- 2- 2.5’ROLLING INTO TURN (Use fast slow pointer if 250kts bugged)ADD PWR- 3%ATT- 2.5- 3’ROLLING OUT OF TURN15’ to go start rolloutPWR- 66%ATT- 2- 2.5’
What part of the 767 wing stalls first?
The inboard wing, as a result nose pitches down at initial stage of stall.
What altitude is VMO/MMO line matched?
Deceleration time from VMO Level Flight?
VMO to 290kts= 1 minute with thrust idle290kts to 210kts= 1 1/2 minutes without speedbrakes
How long to slow down at max LDG weight?
12nm from 350kts-210kts LVL flight, no speedbrakes
What altitude can you instruct the cabin crew to remove there masks? And flight crew?
When will Unscheduled Stabalizer trim light illuminate?
Stabilizer starts to work without trim signal ORStabilizer works opposite to elevator input while autopilot is engaged.
ALTN Flap extension times?
Flaps up- Flaps 1= 45sec. 3nm@ 210kts GS1-5= 150sec. 7nm@210kts GS5-20= 35sec. 3nm@ 180kts GS
Max SPD in a CTZ?
At or BLW 3000ft= 200kt
When is the extended centreline shown and how long is it?
Shown when MAP range is set 40nm or BLW.Extended centreline is- 14.2nm long.
Can Glideslope be captured before Localizer?When will Glideslope capture not occur?
Yes.Will not occur if the intercept angle to the LLZ is greater then 80’.
What bank angle can be commanded during LOC CAP?
Up to 30 degrees.
How much slip will the aircraft out in at 500ft?
Maximum 2’ bank angle when crab angle is more then 5’.
When does FLARE, RETARD & ROLLOUT occur?
How much altitude is lost in a G/A?
Up to 30ft.
Speed that AFDS commands in a G/A?
SPD at which G/A was pushed ORSPD in MCPWHICHEVER IS FASTER, MAX +25kts
When should you start the a 90’ turn when taxiing?
When centreline comes AFT edge of number 2 window.
What is the nose, wingtip and tail radius?
Nose- 30.3mWing tip- 37.6mTail- 34.5m
What is the reason to check ‘stabalized’ around N1 70%?
Allowing the engines to stabilize provides uniform engine acceleration to take off thrust and minimises directional problems.- Particularly important if crosswinds exist or if the runway surface is slippery.(FCTM 3.5)
What is the reason to set N1 by 80kts?
At 80kts the A/T goes into THR HLD mode, this will not happen however if there is a thrust lever stabilizing malfunction.(Training Manual 5F-6)
What is the way to reset N1 if there is a difference between right and left before Takeoff?
If in THR HLD can move thrust manually, minor changes to thrust can be made immediately after 80kts to reach the target N1. A small deviation between N1 should not warrant a decision to reject unless accompanied by a more serious event.FCTM (3.5)
What are the differences between Approach and Normal idle and what is the purpose of Approach idle?
Two different idle modes are available and automatically selected by the EEC.”Minimum idle” and “approach idle.”Minimum idle has a lower thrust setting for ground operation and most phases of flight.Approach idle has a higher thrust setting, and therefore, decreases acceleration time for a go-around.Approach idle is automatically selected in flight when:- The flaps are commanded to the landing position (passed 23’)or when:- Engine ant-ice is on.(Continuous selected)At touchdown, detected by the tilt switches, a timer starts and after 5 seconds the engines switch to minimum idle. The 5 second delay is to account for the possibility of a go around after touchdown, and also to help acceleration into full reverse thrust
What is manoeuvring speed?
Recommended operating speed during takeoff and landing.- These speeds guarantee full maneuver capability or at least 40’ of bank (25’ of bank & 15’ overshoot)(FCTM 1.4)
Threshold crossing heights 3’ path?
Eye position - 66ft (RA) Main LDG gear- 36ft (RA)TO AIMING POINT5F-91
Landing technique?
-Back pressure starts at 30ft RA to induce a positive pitch movement by passing 20ft RA.-Once path starts to change slowly retard power.-Continually increase back pressure, shift eyesight to the end of the RWY.-At touchdown pitch angle will be 5’ nose up.
What is the forward visibility during touchdown and blind area?
At 6’ pitch angle there is 20’ vision to the RWY.Blind Area- 120ft forward from pilots vision (194’ FM main gear to front of blindspot)74ft FM main gear to pilots eyes.
LDG methods recommended for crosswinds?
Dry, Damp & Wet with around 10kt crosswind- Crab LDG or De Crab during FlareSlippery- Crab LDGStrong crosswind- Combination
What are the 4 LDG techniques for the Boeing 767?
LVL- 8 unitAPP- 3.5 unitFINAL APP- 4 unit
How should the Aircraft be controlled in regards to Bank & Slip OEI?
Bank- Slightly to the live engine (0.5’)Slip- Ball sliding slightly to live engine
Way to use thrust reverses?
What kind of problems will you have if you set ‘Forward Thrust’ from ‘Full Reverse’?
Once reverse is applied do not attempt to G/A.- It takes 5 sec for REV thrust to be FWD thrust.- Reverser may not be in FWD position.
What happens if thrust levers are advanced after touchdown?
Auto spoiler is retracted and auto brake disarmed.
What is the difference between the Rejected LDG & G/A procedure?
Rejected LDG- (No FD) do everything the same but as soon as LDG gear is retracted turn FD on and push GA SW.
What is a caution with Leading Edge Flap asymmetry?
15’ AOB overshoot is not permissible so stick shaker will function at about 30’ AOB.-Alternate flap extension may also be req’d which takes around 4 min so plan appropriately.(5F-116)
ENG failure on final Approach?
-Advance operating ENG to GA position-Retract to Flaps 20-Maintain VREF 30+10kts (Equivalent to VREF Flap 20)DECIDE GA or CONTINUEGA- Maintain VREF 30+10kts & execute GA proc(Flap5, “positive” gear up)CONTINUE- Maintain SPD conduct OEI LDG.
What is Maximum Altitude?
Maximum Altitude is the highest altitude at which the airplane can fly it is determined by three basic characteristics.-Maximum certified Altitude-Thrust limited Altitude-Buffet or Maneuver limited Altitude.FCTM 4.6
What is Optimum Altitude?
The cruise altitude in STILL AIR for minimum cost when operating in the ECON mode, and for minimum fuel burn when operating in the LRC or pilot-selected speed modes.Optimum altitude gives minimum trip cost for a given trip length, cost index, and gross weight, without consideration of cruise winds. It provides approximately 1.5g load factor (approx 48’bank to buffet onset) or better buffet margin.FCTM 4.7
What is Recommended Altitude?
The cruise altitude that accounts for forecast winds and temperatures aloft along the route.When significant variation in winds aloft (magnitude or direction), or significant temperature deviations exist, flight at recommended altitude may yield additional costs or fuel savings related to optimum altitude.FCTM 4.8
Does the FMC apply wind corrections to LRC?
No it doesn’t.FCTM 4.9