AIM-J Flashcards
When transferring ATC stations in a CLB what should be said?
Leaving (passing altitude) climbing (assigned altitude).AIM-J 4-7
When are TAF’s issued & how long are they valid for?
Issued 00, 06, 12, 18 UTCValid for 30 hours after its release date
When is a METAR AUTO issued?
Every ten minutes
What is wind direction referenced to in each report? Where is it measured?
METAR- True North, wind measured at 10 +/- 1 metres ABV GND in the vicinity of the touchdown zone
Wind strength over 100kts
Velocity is 0.4kts or less
Average wind velocity less then 3 kts and direction is variable by 60 degrees or more.Velocity is 3 kts or more, direction is variable by 180degrees or more and direction is not specified
When maximum instantaneous wind velocity is greater by 10kts or more in past 10 minutes
What are ATIS or WINDS reported by TWR reference to?
Magnetic northIf it’s read to you it’s Magnetic!
R34/1400U R34/0200D?When are UP & Down given?
RWY 34 1400m VIS UPRWY34 200m VIS DWN-When average in first 5 minutes varies by 100 metres or more then the average in the second 5 minutes U, D or N (Not distinctive) is reported.
R34 ////
Observed value not obtained or the RWY edge lights or centreline lights are out of service
When is RVR reported?
Prevailing visibility or Directional visibility is 1500m or less OR RVR value is 1800m or less
R34/P1800U R34/M200D
P & M are given when RVR value is outside of the measuring limits. The greatest or least measurable RVR is reported8-4
Vicinity- Any phenomenon approx between 8km-16km of the aerodrome reference point. Not at the airport8-4
Reported within about 20km of aerodrome ref point
MI/ BC/ PR when used with FG mean?
MI- ShallowBC- PatchesPR- Partial8-4
DR what does it mean and when is it used?
DR- Low DriftingUsed with DU, SA, SN when blown up less then 2 metres.8-5
BL what does it mean and when is it used?
BL- BlowingUsed with DU, SA, SN when blown up 2 metres or higher.8-5
DZ- DrizzleRA- RainSN- Snow RASN, SNRA- SleetSG- Snow GrainsPL- Ice pelletsGR- HailGS- Snow pellets and/ or small hail
SH what does it mean and when is it used?
SH- ShowersUsed with RA, SN, GS, GR
TS what does it mean and when is it used?
TS- ThunderstormUsed with RA, SN, GS, GR
BR- Mist (Used when vis is 1000m or greater and 5000m or less)FG- Fog (lowest vis is less than 1000m except for MI,BC,PR,VC)FU- Smoke (Vis 5000m or less)
VA- Volcanic AshDU- Dust (Widespread)BLDU- Blown Up Dust (VIS 5000m or less)DRDR- Drifting Dust
SA- SandBLSA- Blown Up Dust Storm (VIS less then 5000m)DRSA- Drifting Dust Storm
HZ- Haze (VIS 5000m or less)PO- Dust/ Sand WhirlsSQ- SquallFC- Funnel Cloud, tornado or water spout (FC is used for a funnel cloud that does not reach the surface, +FC is used for a tornado)
SS- SandstormDS- Dust Storm
What 2 cloud types are indicated in METAR?
TCU- Towering CumulousCB- Cumulonimbus
VV- Vertical Visibility in 100ft increments
NSC- Nil significant cloud ( No clouds observed below 5000ft or the max height of the MSA whichever is higher and no CB and TCU are observed but CAVOK is not appropriate)
CAVOK=Visibility: 10km or greaterCloud: No cloud is observed BLW 5000ft or the highest MSA, whichever is higher.Neither CB nor TCU is observed at all altitudesPresent Weather: No weather phenomenon represented by the prescribed abbreviations is reported.
TEMP & DEWPOINT both minus
PRR- Pressure rising rapidlyPFR- Pressure falling rapidlyDisplayed when the pressure has risen or fallen by more then 1hpa within 30 minutes of observation.
WS- Wind shear (Any wind shear is observed at 1600ft or BLW over the RWY surface in the designation of the takeoff or LDG area within 30 minutes before observation time)
6SC060 in remarks section?
6 OCTAS STRATO CU AT 6000ftPut in the remarks section when- When the cloud amount of any middle or low clouds in a METAR/SPECI OR- Any middle or low clouds when NSC is reported OR- Cloud amount is 5/8 or more during CAVOK below 10,000ft
FBL- LightMOD- mediumHVY- HeavyPrefixed with TS when lightning is observed
How is the wind reported from the tower?
2 minute average in Magnetic direction.
SIGMET when are they issued and how long for?
Released whenever the below phenomenon is observed within the Fukuoka FIR:-Thunderstorm (4 hours)-Typhoon (Tropical depression) (6 hours)-Severe Turbulence (4 hours)-Severe Icing (4 hours)- Volcanic Ash (6 hours)-Radio Active Material (4 hours)Effective within 4 hours for all except Typhoon & Volcanic ASH which are effective within 6 hours
TREND attached to a METAR?
TREND is attached to METAR and is valid for 2 hours after its release.8-10
When is TEMPO used?
When temporary changes are frequent in any met conditions, while each change lasts less then 1 hour.
When is BECMG used?
Used when any phenomenon is changing uniformly throughout the reffered period (1-4 hours)
When is RVR reported?
VIS-1500m or less ORRVR-1800m or less