perf docs Flashcards
vortex generator
high bypass ratio engine has a chine (vortex generator) to help airflow to flow smoothly over the wing
Ch 1 AOM limitations from 3 areas
1) Airplane Flight Manual (comply with airworthiness cert)
2) established by company for safety of operation
3) established by company in accordance with manufacturer recommendations
working limit envelope
allows for CoG movement in flight
fuel burn
flap movement and configuration changes
loading in shaded area
requires control of cargo lateral imbalance (may cause excessive load to main gear)
constant tail load
the strength of the tail and aft body structure can impose a limitation on the forward CoG limits
what limits Mmo
high speed limit by shock wave
what limits Vmo
high speed limit by air load
required takeoff field length
the longest of:
a) 115% takeoff dist AEO
b) takeoff dist OEI
c) ASD with OEI
B767 AFM takeoff perf only 1 type rwy
std for wet runway
v1 reduction
screen ht 15’
wt reduction for a few cases
std for slippery runway
more v1 reduction
v1 is limited by vmcg
wt reduction maybe required
perf of engine reduces greater than what temp
32 degs
obstacle limit
net flt path to have 35’ over obst
net flt path is lower than actual flt path by 0.8%
on FPDM * indicates obst limit wt, not field limit wt
engine failure reference proc
provided for those airports where obstacles in the climbing course affect the safe clearance especially in IMC.
PIC takes all conditions into account, and takes the best way to clear the obstacles.
It may also be a good choice to enter the traffic pattern or avoid those obstacles visually in VMC condition
enroute limit
need to determine single engine ceiling and drift down
must clear obstacle by 2000’ for D/D
landing limit
max allowable landing limit wt PLUS burn off fuel
zero fuel limit
max zero fuel weight PLUS on board fuel
tire speed limit and brake energy limit
only check brake energy limit as more restrictive
landing dist
for dry rwy
for slippery rwy
AFM (WET) = AFM (DRY) X 115%
threshold spd Vref + 15 Vref
touchdown pt 2000’ 950’
transition time 3 sec 0.3sec
braking force idle (max v slip) dry max force
reverse thrust as above not used
coefficient of length margin 1.0 complex
landing wt climb limit
no need to check unless under MEL or CDL
Cat I RVR <1200m, Cat II/III runway length
115% of DRY runway for weight. If landing wt less than WET (G) FPDM then this reqmt is met
does MAX THR always allow max wt?
shortens takeoff dist
improves climb gradient
lengthens the ASD at the wt that v1 is limited by vmcg
sel of THR for line ops
the lower the thrust the longer the engine life can be
reduced takeoff thrust is avail
abnormal landing conditions
threshold speed BUG + 5 touchdown speed ABOVE -4KTS touchdown pt 1250' transition time 3 SECS deceleration during transition 2KTS/SEC thrust BOTH REV 85% UNTIL 70KTS, OEI IDLE REV brake MANUAL FULL BRAKE braking coefficient DRY AFM, OTHERS AVG SLIPPERINES temp DRY/WET 30 SNOW ETC 0 press alt SEA LEVEL
optimum alt
best fuel mileage for a given cruising airspeed and wt
buffet margin for cruise
- 3G for smooth or light turb
1. 5G for moderate turb
optimum alt at 280000
FL 373
Balance arm (ARM) = datum pt
28.5 inches aft of airplane nose
237.5 inches
Leading edge of MAC = 913.2 inch in ARM
to convert balance ARM to % MAC
%MAC = ARM -913.2
- ---------------- 2. 375
what is OEW
ABEW plus standard operational items
ie crew, crew baggage, food and beverages
observer with baggage
+170lbs, and -1 Index U
3 to less than 12 (2 less than 12 international)
less than 3 (less than 2 yrs international)
seated with adult is included part of adult wt
seated in own seat use std child wt
how many W + B forms?
B767 300 300ER DOMESTIC B767 300 300ER INT SKED INT CHTR B767 300F B767 300F FERRY FLT AND CARGO <4000LBS B767 300F WINGLETS
Aim of flt planning
with safety as a premise, the aim of flt planning is to maintain maximum ACL and economic operation with due consideration given to flight regularity
takeoff applied performance
1) deepest snow/slush of the 3 sections of rwy
2) the worst braking action of the last 2 section of the rwy used for takeoff
landing applied performance
1) choose worst braking action of the 3 rwy sections
2) if all 3 sections slush use slush perf
fuel flow for EAI and WAI
EAI 4lb/min
WAI 5lb/min