components of periodisation: micro cycle meso cycle macro cycle pre-season (preparation) in-season (competition) off-season (transition)
What is Periodisation
The planning, well in advance, of training variables to achieve optimal performance at the most crucial times OR the design of a training program that involves specific training phases based upon increasing and decreasing (varying) volume or frequency or intensity
If Periodisation is done well what happens list at least 4 advantages
-Help to avoid staleness, overtraining and burnout
-Promote higher levels of enthusiasm in the player group.
-Ensures proper application of the principle of progressive overload in the players’ physical conditioning.
-Minimises likelihood of injuries
-Improves the psychological, physiological, technical and tactical levels of the players.
-Plans for the athlete to ‘peak’ at the right time
-Plans for rest/recovery periods
The purpose of a training plan/annual plan is to ensure optimal performance occurs at the right time how does this occur
-Applying training principles over the year
-Applying a taper prior to competition
-Monitoring of fatigue and recovery to prevent overtraining
The training and annual plan is how long
- Across the whole year
Name all the 3 annual training programme
- Macrocycle
- Mesocycle
- Microcycle
A Macrocycle represents how long
- A whole year
A Mesocycle is what
- several mesocycles make a macrocycle
A Microcycle is what
- Several microcycle make up an mesocycle
How long is a Macrocycles
Typically 3 months
or like a whole season or competition length
How long is a Mesocycle
- Between 4-12 weeks
How long is a Microcycle
- Between 3-10 days
in terms of Preparation phase
(pre-season) it is divided into what subsets
Divided into
1.General preparation
2. Specific preparation
What is the objective of the General preparation phase
Training is designed to build a suitable aerobic base and skill level leading into the competition.
What type of training and what type of intensity should be used in general preparation phase
-Continuous, interval & fartlek training
-Flexibility training
-Basic skill work
What is the objective of the Specific preparation phase
Develop game-specific fitness, skills and strategies
Training may need to be personalised depending on players / positional needs
In Specific preparation phase
there must be a what type of training intensity and volume
- Reduced training volume and increased intensity occurs during macrocycle
What type of training should occur in Specific preparation phase
-High-intensity interval training
-Weight training
-Plyometrics training (up to 2 x per week)
-Flexibility/agility training.
List the 2 phases of Competition phase (in-season)
- Pre-Comp
- Comp phase
What is the objective for Pre competition phase
- To reach peak match preparation and condition
List at least 4 ways pre comp works
-Focus on training moves to match specific intensities, durations & tactics.
-Application of the principle of specificity is crucial
-Continue to develop appropriate mental skills
-Intensity of training increases
-The volume of training decreases
-Recovery between sessions is essential
Play trial games
What is the Competition phase objective
Fitness is maintained - dependent on individual situations (injury and illness, position, number of games played, game time played).
In the transition phase (off-season) list at least 4 Training principles & methods
-Monitor nutrition to ensure a return to active participation close to playing weight
-Opportunity for corrective surgery and rehabilitation
-Specialised programs to correct structural or skill deficiencies
Aerobic fitness should be maintained to avoid detraining through involvement in enjoyable activities
-Different sports
Training volume and intensity are significantly reduced to allow for full physical and psychological recovery.
- Older players find this time crucial in allowing the body to recover