What is a Glycaemic Index
Ranks of CHO and their immediate effect on blood glucose levels
List 4 examples of Low GI foods
-Kidney beans
List 4 examples of Medium GI foods
-White pasta
-Sweet potatoes
List 4 examples of High GI foods
-White bread
-White rice
-Gel shot
What occurs when we consume High GI Foods
They break down quickly during digestion - so it has a immediate impact on affecting the blood sugar levels
When to consume High GI foods
- Immediately before exercise (less than 30min prior)
- During exercise
- Immediately after exercise (within 30min)
Why should we consume High GI food after exercise
- topping up fuel supplies which provides immediate glucose which assists with the recovery process
When to consume Low GI foods
- Pre-event meal (1 – 4hrs prior)
- After exercise (1 – 24hrs post exercise)
What occurs when we consume Low GI Foods
- Slow and gradual release of during digestion, resulting in a slow release of glucose into the bloodstream
Why should we consume Low GI as a pre-event meal
- Breaks down into the bloodstream slower, so it helps keep the glucose levels topped up before the comp
Why should we consume Low GI as a post event meal
- Assists with repletion of muscle and liver glycogen stores
What causes Rebound hypoglycaemia
Consuming High GI meal 30-120 mins prior comp
What is Rebound hypoglycaemia
When an athlete eat High GI before theres a rapid rise in blood sugar levels causing an overshot in insulin release, significantly reducing blood sugar levels impairing CNS functioning, leading negative effect on performance