Training for Pregnant Individuals Flashcards
physiological impacts of pregnancy
increase demand on body
1st: fatigue, nausea, vomiting
2nd: feel better and more active
3rd: more physical discomfort
As fetus grows- additional O2 and energy required
increased CO, blood volume, tidal volume, flow to certain organs
calorie recommendation by trimester
2nd: addtional 350kcal
3rd: additional 500kcal
hormone produce during pregnancy to help prepare pubic area and cervix for birth- cuases ligamnets to stretch and increases injury risk. Also increased body mass stresses joints
body temp regulation pregnancy
pay attention to hydration, avoid hot, humid conditions and encourage proper clothing.
is exercise safe during pregnancy
no evidence of fetal distress, loss or premature birth from exercising
Absolute contraindications
conditions where exercise is associated with strong potential for harm for mother or fetus and should be avoided. Activities of daily living may be continued as directed by health provider
Relative contraindications
conditions where regular prenatal exercise is likely safe but should discuss pros/cons with care provider. Modifications such as decreased intensity, duration or volume may be recommended.
physical activity goals during pregnancy
depends on previous exercise level
eletie pre-pregnancy- may continue >150min/week
if not previously active- progress frequency and duration- see 25% decrease risk of complications for 150mins/week–> spread over >=3days; w/ some benefits with less.
pregnancy prescription parameter
(frequency, intensity, time)
frequency: aerobic 3x/week total 150mins- higher frequency better; 2-3x/week resistance
intensity: moderate intensity aerobic effort- resting HR may increase 10-15bpm during pregnancy- talk test to determine intensity may be more appropriate.
Time: start with 10mins if inactice with gradual progression to 150mins/w. INclude warmup and cooldown in each session.
Prescription parameters- type
aerobic: most important form of exercise for pregnany individuals- choose activities w/ low risk of falling-fetal trauma.
resisitance: minimal research. CSEP- safe for most- dont push limits- avoid overloading joints.
Talk test
monitor intensity level during exercise. Ability to talk in bullet pointa w/out strain indicates appropriate HR zone- ask questions throghout sesion to age intensity
Diastis Rectus Abdominus (DRA)
when 2 sides of rectus abdominus seperate and tissue conectinf them stretches. Common during pregnancy- usually during 2nd trimester. DRA increases risk of low back pain and injury. Exercises stressing or straining abdominal waal should be modified.
pelvic floor training
may be done daily to decrease risk of urinary incontence. instruct of proper technique recomended
Supine exerices
those that exerience light headed, nausea, when on back- modify to avoid supine exercises