Professional Standards & Credentials Flashcards
administer CSEP path to healthy populations and develop and implement tailored PA, fitness and lifestyle plan.
CPT application requirement
complete min 2 yrs full time post secondary related to exercise science or graduation from 2yr college program or coursework towards graduation of university degress or combo of CGEP DEC in pre university stream and bachelors begree (1yr-30 credits)
perform assessments, prescribe conditioning and supervise counsel and education of healthy lifestyle in healthy populations or those with medical conditions, functional limitations, disabilities and ageing conditions.
CEP application requirements
graduation from appropriate exercise science university >=120 credits
provide documentation confirming coop, work or volunteer in health related fitness, in curriculum lab and peer testing does not count but experiential learning w/ those w/ chronic conditions does– >=100hrs required
CPT scope
conduct preparticipation screening assemnts on all clients using evidence informed tools- gather info about lifesyle, adminster fitness and anthropometric testing, gather and apply infor about PA to design and implement tialored sub-max programs
CPT not sanctioned to
deisgn or implement max programs, asses 1RM, or design resitance programs with effort >90% 1rm, use ECG, design and implement prescriptions for populations with unstable medical conditons or more than 1 medical condtion.
CEP scope
pre-particpation screenings- health and fitness assements, prescripe and supervise progress, sounsel lifestyle for healthy and those with chronic conditons, accpet refferals from other professionals, use outcomes from assesmnts to degin and implement safe and effecive prescriptons of healthy and unhealhty, can identify (not diagnose) irregularities in HR, BP and electrical activity (ECG) at rest and during exercise, and much more
CSEP specializaions
high performance, pre & post natal specializations
code of conduct
provides standard on making ethical decsions- also keep in mind provincial and federal guidelines. Act w/ integrety, accountability and use best jugdment at all times in and out of workplace- expected to always conduct in prefessional and high standard way/
4 potential causes of injury: inherent risk
PA safe for most, injuries w/out it being 1 persons fault
4 potential causes of injury: ordinary negligence
fault can be attributed to facility or QEP or participant
4 potential causes of injury: gross negligence
deliberate or reckless conduct
4 potential causes of injury: product deficits/liability
manufacturer of product at fault due to deficit in product design, manufacutre or due to inadequate warnings about use
liability exposure
QEP works in enviroment with some inherent risk, liability exposure occurs when injury atributes to actions of QEP- generally falls into one of catergories: employment issues, pre-exericse health screening, exercise prescription, facility and equipment issue, emergency action plan.
failure to do something that reasonable/prudent QEp would do- careless conduct.